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Font swap when printing

New Here ,
May 06, 2024 May 06, 2024

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I work at a small business that recently deployed a mobile device management solution for controlling device access and information. In doing so, we've recently encountered a problem where a specific document (Uber receipts specifically, though there may be more) prints incorrectly when printing directly from Adobe. For some reason, some letters within sentences are swapped with squares. It's not entire sentences, which leads me to believe that it's not a font issue.


I've tried the workarounds within the community, but they either don't work or simply aren't applicable to the latest version. Additionally, I jjust did remote support with someone and while helpful in finding a work around (print as an image), it is ultimately still just a work around.


Curiously, in the list of fonts available under document properties, there is one font that is not identifed or embedded. But that font is not the font used to display the words in the document. Additionally, any other documents that we print directly from Adobe as text that do NOT have these issues DO also have a complete font list in document properties. All of that makes me believe there's something there, but support was adamant that the "print as image" workaround was the solution.


Additionally, when printing the same document directly from Adobe on a computer *not* managed by Mosyle, it prints fine. Mosyle is adamant this is an Adobe issue.


Anyone else experience anything quite like this? Screenshots of a particularly problematic section of text attached.

General troubleshooting , Modern Acrobat , PDF , Print and prepress






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Adobe Employee ,
May 29, 2024 May 29, 2024

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Hi there


Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.


It seems to be the font issue as if the font is not properly embedded in the PDF file or the required font is not available on your system.


Please try to re-create te PDF file from the original source file and see if that works.


Also open the PDF file > go to hamburger menu > Save as other > optimized PDF > Under Fonts tab, check for any un-embedded font and try to retain them and see if that works.








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