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This is on: Adobe Acrobat Continuous Release Version 2023.001.20093 64 bit, Windows 11
In this new just released acrobat, we lost the ability to put and have the marquee zoom handy in a toolbar (or side panel, as it is now). We can access the tool from the menu (View -> Zoom -> Marquee Zoom) but this is cumbersome and inefficient.
Is there any way in which we could customize the side panel and add this tool (or some other handy tool like 'Take Snapshot' or the marquee snapshot tool as I call it).
It seems like the "Show/Hide -> Toolbar items" functionality is now gone, and this is bad. Can we request that this be back for this new side panels?
Attached are some screenshots of acrobat version and the new side panel.
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Thanks for the communication. I just taught this to our IT folks here. This will avoid heart attacks. --> right side, 3rd icon from bottom, click, flyout, pick scroll and pin. Whew.
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Hi @acroferbat
Hope you are doing well and thanks for reaching out.
Please review the help page and see if that works for you.
You may also share your feedback to the engineering team here
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This answer does not provide how to add marquee tool to list of tools, I use it very frequently and now everytime I have to put "marquee" into search bar in order to use it. Is there not a way to add it permanently as one of the tools?
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Here is how to switch back to good old interface:
- To disable the new experience,
- Windows: Click the hamburger menu at the upper left corner and choose Disable new Acrobat.
- macOS: Go to View > Disable new Acrobat.
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This disable comment has been the most helpful answer to all my struggles for months. THANK YOU!
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Woo Hoo - trying to learn the new experience interface has been a total nightmare -- supposed to be more "intuitive" - hah! This is the answer to all my woes!
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Thank you, @Bender24079415wimx, for including Mac instructions. What was Adobe thinking? This upgrade is horrible not just because things have changed but because the changes make no sense to actual users.
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Brilliant. Thanks for posting this tip.
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Thanks man. I honestly don't have time to learn a whole new interface and deal with arbitrary decisions.
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we work in print production and we need marquee zoom in the quick tool bar as before, because we change tool so often. We cant use the menu bar view - zoom - marquee zoom each time. I try to use the new interface but making this quick tool unawalable is a big fail and I'll need Disable the new acrobat interface .. please fix asap!! and btw with next update apple will now have a FREE app to edit PDF and support in many other macOS app.
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Not impressed with the new Acrobat upgrade either. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Happy to disable it and revert back to user-friendly top menu!
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Hi there,
Thank you for reaching out and sharing your feedback about the new Acrobat experience. I understand that you're not finding it as intuitive as the previous version, and I want to assure you that we're taking your feedback seriously.
We're always working to improve our products, and your feedback is an important part of that process. I will be forwarding your comments to the design team, and they'll be taking them into account as they continue to develop the new Acrobat experience.
In the meantime, I'd like to offer you some help getting the most out of the new interface. Here are a few things to keep in mind:
- The new interface is designed to be clutter-free, so you can quickly focus on your document.
- The menu bar, toolbar, and panels have been streamlined, and the tools are organized more logically.
- You can customize the interface to your preferences.
For more info, please check the help page
I hope this helps! If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to contact me.
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While I understand the clutter free approach for people who just want read a PDF, as a pro user, I need quick and easy access to the tools and features. I spend more time trying to find tools to do the tasks that I need than I do any other piece of software I have ever used. A good comprimise would be to have workspaces like Illustrator so Form makers, QC, print production, document approvers, etc. could quickly get working instead of hobbling them and letting them try to figure out how to get back to work as quickly as possible.
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Agree 200%. Stop messing with things so much. I too am in the print industry and we need access to the marquee zoom. It slows down our productivity without haveing it as quick tool selection.
If it aint broke, don't try to fix it.
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I agree as well. I'm constantly reading blue prints all day and the Zoom Marquee tool is critical for me to zoom in and around with a click drag so see the prints. Thsi new way is garbage. Absolutely hate not having the quick access on the tool bar.
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Hi there
Please go through the help page and see if that works.
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I've been using the new Acrobat with PitStop for a couple of months now, but I can't see anywhere to get the filename of an open file in the bar across the top. Am I missing soemthing?
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"The new interface is designed to be clutter-free."
Clutter-free isn't always user-friendly.
If you have to make more than one mouse click to perform a needed action, it is not user-friendly. It's anoying to make those extra clicks again and again.
If a software doesn't allow you to customize keyboard shortcuts or menus, it is not user-friendly.
So, new acrobat interface is a downgrade actually. The old one at least allowes you to customise toolbars.
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Yep the new Acrobat is awful. Not having the filename in the top bar and having to search for the Marquee Zoom, what were you thinking? Sorry but I don't see it as progress, it's just changing stuff for the sake of it! For example; since day one in Photoshop, Shift has constrained proportions and now it doesn't. Why?
I think Adobe is becoming as complacent as Quark were with regard to their users.
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yes, really annoying, it sound like in the software world there is a big distance between professional users and software designer. Such shame.
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I work for a company that has their own development team that works on our proprietary system. I have the same issue there as well. They may decisions without asking those that it will directly effect.
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Hi All,
Hope you are doing well.
We acknowledge that the new Acrobat represents a notable change; however, we hope that as you get familiar with the new interface, you can be more productive and get more out of Acrobat.
We are actively working on all the currently unavailable features, such as customizing the all-page display, navigation & zoom tools such as 2-page view, 2-page with scrolling, marquee & dynamic zoom, etc., from the bottom right menu. And we will address them with the highest priority.
As you get more comfortable with the new interface, please contact us with specific questions on tools, features, or functionalities. We’re happy to provide helpful resources and answers to your questions.
If your critical workflows are impacted, you can switch to the old UI from the “Menu” on the top left corner of Windows and View Menu on MacOS. We will follow up with a detailed community-featured post, guiding you to familiarise yourself with the new interface and regular updates on upcoming changes.
Anand Sri.
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Every time Adobe comes out with an update we have to "get familiar with the new interface." It is very annoying. Might I suggest that you all start thinking more of your existing client base that have been using your products for decades and stop changing the interface so much. Adding new things and functions are great, but it should be an option from the initial launch of any upgrade to be able to use your exisiting customized work space. Give us a tour of the new options is acceptable, but again, it should be an option, not a requirement.
The main complaint in this thread is you took away a function that we have had for years as if not giving it a single thought. (Marquee zoom) It is avaialble in the view menu but we should be able to add it as a zoom tool option. How about creating a new tool box called zoom options and allow these to be added as quick select buttons.
Ultimatly in my opinion, stop doing what you want and start doing what your clientel wants.
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Anand: Thank you for your measured response to a bunch of people who are really irritated that there is no obvious way to use a mouse to quickly "zoom", meaning scroll with the mouse, down to a page in a long document. It was not helpful; but the polite sentiment was welcome.
My fix is to right click and choose "marquee zoom". The feature stays on for that particular document, as long as the document is open. It does not work for other docs. You must right click each of those. to marquee zoom.
For your bosses and your team: I am a lawyer. For decades I have reviewed long, long documents. I have to scroll through them. The old Adobe, the standard sliding rectangle on the right -- they were a godsend. The new Adobe -- this is bad. Very bad. It wastes valuable time, that I could never bill to clients when I was in private practice. The lack of this decades-old very useful feature is irritating.
Once I learned the term "marquee" and Adobe's atypical use of the term "zoom", I recovered from a lot of the frustration.
But, you know, while I am typing today on my Office's Windows machine, my Mac's Preview app does the old job fine, and without my having to remember the right click trick to something inappropriately called "marquee zoom".

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