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I do not mean to change from A4 to A3 or like.
I mean to adjust the exact size of inches for a custom paper size.
The reason for asking is that I have a file that needs to be printed and it has a lot of margins, so after removing all margins using the crop pages toolboxes, I am still not satisfied but the result for the printed document, because it still has some margins, while the soft copy has no margins at all.
So I thought about having a custom page size, then printing it.
I will print it on A4 paper.
This is the page after the crop:
This is the page in print preview:
So is there any way or workaround to remove all margins and print without margins? I mean to let the printed paper page be precisely like the cropped one without margins.
The real printed paper page is exactly as shown in the preview, which is not what I am looking for.
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Sorry if my answer is a bit late...
If you want resize your text area manually with distorsion, you can do that importing your file in an empty A4 format file, then place it at the right position and resize it as required.
You can then print this file with the "fit" option to hold the max space of the sheet.
If your text is editable and you want to automatically resize the pages cropping the closer to the text, you can use this script from the console window or in an action wizard. It will generate a new file.
var found=0;
for (var p=0; p<this.numPages; p++) {
if (this.getPageNumWords(p)) {
var thisPage=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
var leftMargin=thisPage[2];
var topMargin=0;
var rightMargin=0;
var bottomMargin=thisPage[1];
for (var i=0; i<this.getPageNumWords(p); i++) {
var q=this.getPageNthWordQuads(p,i);
var m=(new Matrix2D).fromRotated(this,p);
var mInv=m.invert();
var r=mInv.transform(q);
var r=r.toString();
var r=r.split(",");
if (Number(r[0])<leftMargin) leftMargin=r[0];
if (Number(r[1])>topMargin) topMargin=r[1];
if (Number(r[6])>rightMargin) rightMargin=r[6];
if (Number(r[7])<bottomMargin) bottomMargin=r[7];
cBox: "Crop",
nStart: p,
rBox: [leftMargin,topMargin,rightMargin,bottomMargin]
if (found) this.saveAs(this.path.replace(/.pdf$/i," \(Cropped\).pdf"));
You can then print this new file on the full width of your A4 format on one or several pages following the ratio of the cropped page, with this other script:
var A4Format=[595,842];
var nbPages=this.numPages;
for (var p=0; p<nbPages; p++) {
var thisFormat=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
var thisScale=A4Format[0]/thisFormat[2];
if (thisFormat[2]>=thisFormat[1]) var nmberPages=1; // Landscape format
else {
var nmberP=thisScale*thisFormat[1]/A4Format[1];
var nbP=nmberP.toString().indexOf(".");
// if the height for the last page is <10pts -> No page
if (Number(nbP[1])*thisFormat[1]<10) var nmberPages=Math.floor(thisScale*thisFormat[1]/A4Format[1]);
else var nmberPages=Math.floor(thisScale*thisFormat[1]/A4Format[1])+1;
for (var i=0; i<nmberPages; i++) {
cDIPath: this.path,
nSourcePage: p,
nStart: this.numPages-1,
nVertValue: A4Format[1]*i,
nScale: thisScale,
bUI: false,
nStart: nbPages,
nEnd: this.numPages-1,
bShrinkToFit: true
nStart: nbPages,
nEnd: this.numPages-1,
I hope that will help you...
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use the "Scale pages to specified size" profile. I think I duplicated and edited this profile to make the new profile "Scale pages to specified size with distortion". Duplicate and re-name the profile from the little fly-out menu "Options", when you have your new profile, click on "Edit" to change the settings.
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Here is what I did for you.
1) Open your file "1.Pages from crop.pdf" then type ctrl J to open the console window.
If the console window is not empty, click on the trash at the bottom right of the window.
2) Copy and paste the following script in the console window.
d0=new Date();
starting=util.printd("mm/dd/yy ā HH:MM:ss",d0);
var found=0;
var leftAlign=100;
var topAlign=800;
var bottomAlign=25;
for (var p=0; p<this.numPages; p++) {
console.println("Process starting: "+starting);
console.println("Processing the page #"+(p+1)+"/"+this.numPages);
if (this.getPageNumWords(p)) {
var topLine=0;
var header="";
var bottomLine=0;
var footer="";
var topChapter=0;
var chapter="";
var thisPage=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
var leftMargin=thisPage[2];
var topMargin=0;
var rightMargin=0;
var bottomMargin=thisPage[1];
for (var i=0; i<this.getPageNumWords(p); i++) {
var q=this.getPageNthWordQuads(p,i);
var m=(new Matrix2D).fromRotated(this,p);
var mInv=m.invert();
var r=mInv.transform(q);
var r=r.toString();
var r=r.split(",");
if (Number(r[0])<leftAlign) {
if (Number(r[1])>topMargin) topMargin=r[1];
if (Number(r[7])<bottomMargin) bottomMargin=r[7];
if (Number(r[7])>topAlign) topLine++;
else if (Number(r[7])<bottomAlign) bottomLine++;
else if (!topChapter) {
var theBottom=Number(r[7]);
if (topLine && Number(r[7])>topAlign) header+=this.getPageNthWord(p,i,false);
else if (bottomLine && Number(r[7])<bottomAlign) footer+=this.getPageNthWord(p,i,true);
else if (topChapter && Number(r[7])==theBottom) chapter+=this.getPageNthWord(p,i,false);
else {
if (Number(r[0])<leftMargin) leftMargin=r[0];
if (Number(r[1])>topMargin) topMargin=r[1];
if (Number(r[6])>rightMargin) rightMargin=r[6];
if (Number(r[7])<bottomMargin) bottomMargin=r[7];
cBox: "Crop",
nStart: p,
rBox: [leftMargin,topMargin,rightMargin,bottomMargin]
var thisPage=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
if (topLine) {
var f=this.addField("header"+p,"text",p,[0,thisPage[1],thisPage[2],thisPage[1]-22]);
if (topChapter) {
var f=this.addField("header"+p,"text",p,[0,thisPage[1],thisPage[2],thisPage[1]-22]);
if (bottomLine) {
var f=this.addField("footer"+p,"text",p,[0,22,thisPage[2],0]);
if (found) {
this.saveAs(this.path.replace(/.pdf$/i," \(Cropped\).pdf"));
df=new Date();
ending=util.printd("mm/dd/yy ā HH:MM:ss",df);
var theMinutes=parseInt(temps);
var theSeconds=(temps-theMinutes)*60;
var theSeconds=parseInt(theSeconds*10)/10;
var theTime="";
if (theMinutes>0) {
if (theMinutes==1) var theTime="1 minute";
else var theTime=theMinutes+" minutes";
if (theSeconds>0) {
if (theSeconds<2) var theTime=theTime+" "+theSeconds+" second";
else var theTime=theTime+" "+theSeconds+" seconds";
var theTime=theTime.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,"");
var plurial=found>1?"s":"";
var txt="Process starting: "+starting+"\rProcess ending: "+ending+"\rProcess duration: "+theTime+"\r\r"+found+"/"+this.numPages+" page"+plurial+" cropped.";
3) Select all this script typing ctrl A.
4) Press the "ENTER" key of the numerical panel or the corresponding combinaison of the keypad (certainly ctrl Return).
5) The script run.
Attached is the result file from your file.
Here is the positions of the margins in your original file if you try to modify them for an other book...
I hope you will understand and will be able to use and modify this script...
@+ the last screenshot, read "pts".
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Here is the last script I used for the book I sent you back in PM:
d0=new Date();
starting=util.printd("mm/dd/yy ā HH:MM:ss",d0);
var found=0;
for (var p=0; p<this.numPages; p++) {
console.println("Process starting: "+starting);
console.println("Processing the page #"+(p+1)+"/"+this.numPages);
if (this.getPageNumWords(p)) {
var thisPage=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
var topAlign=780;
var bottomAlign=90;
var topLine=0;
var header="";
var bottomLine=0;
var footer="";
var topChapter=0;
var chapter="";
var leftMargin=Number(thisPage[2]);
var topMargin=0;
var rightMargin=0;
var bottomMargin=Number(thisPage[1]);
for (var i=0; i<this.getPageNumWords(p); i++) {
var pagination=0;
var q=this.getPageNthWordQuads(p,i);
var m=(new Matrix2D).fromRotated(this,p);
var mInv=m.invert();
var r=mInv.transform(q);
var r=r.toString();
var r=r.split(",");
if (Number(r[1])>35 && Number(r[1])<820) {
if (Number(r[1])>topAlign) {
if (!topLine && Number(r[0])<77) {
var header=header+this.getPageNthWord(p,i,true)+" - ";
var theAlignment="left";
} else if (Number(r[6])>590) {
header+="- "+this.getPageNthWord(p,i,true);
var theAlignment="right";
} else header+=this.getPageNthWord(p,i,false);
if (Number(r[1])<bottomAlign) {
//var footer=this.getPageNthWord(p,i,true);
if (Number(r[0])<leftMargin) leftMargin=Number(r[0]);
if (Number(r[1])>topMargin) topMargin=Number(r[1]);
if (Number(r[6])>rightMargin) rightMargin=Number(r[6]);
if (Number(r[7])<bottomMargin) bottomMargin=Number(r[7]);
cBox: "Crop",
nStart: p,
rBox: [leftMargin-2,topMargin,rightMargin-2,bottomMargin-2]
var thisPage=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
if (topLine && (theAlignment=="right" || (theAlignment=="left" && header.length<60))) {
var f=this.addField("header"+p,"text",p,[0,thisPage[1],thisPage[2],thisPage[1]-22]);
if (bottomLine) {
var f=this.addField("footer"+p,"text",p,[0,12,thisPage[2],0]);
if (found) {
this.saveAs(this.path.replace(/.pdf$/i," \(Cropped\).pdf"));
df=new Date();
ending=util.printd("mm/dd/yy ā HH:MM:ss",df);
var theMinutes=parseInt(temps);
var theSeconds=(temps-theMinutes)*60;
var theSeconds=parseInt(theSeconds*10)/10;
var theTime="";
if (theMinutes>0) {
if (theMinutes==1) var theTime="1 minute";
else var theTime=theMinutes+" minutes";
if (theSeconds>0) {
if (theSeconds<2) var theTime=theTime+" "+theSeconds+" second";
else var theTime=theTime+" "+theSeconds+" seconds";
var theTime=theTime.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/gm,"");
var plurial=found>1?"s":"";
var txt="Process starting: "+starting+"\rProcess ending: "+ending+"\rProcess duration: "+theTime+"\r\r"+found+"/"+this.numPages+" page"+plurial+" cropped.";
Attached is a pdf file with a header and a footer you can use if some pages are not correct.
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Hi @_MGadAllah_
Hope you are doing well and thanks foe reaching out.
Please go through the help page and see if that works.
Note: Acrobat XI is an EOL application and not supported on latest Mac and Win OS.
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Thanks for your reply.
I tried to adjust the page sizes to various sizes but I am afraid that it is still printing with margins.
Regarding the EOL, I can not afford the monthly fees for the software upgrade, so I have no option except to stick to my current version, the latest update I get after installing a clean install for the software is 11.0.23, does there are any updates available for XI Pro?
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It looks like your cropped page is narrower than your paper. In order for the left and right margins to be removed, you will first need to distort the page, you can do this with a preflight profile (scale pages to specified size) or place the pdf into an InDesign or Illustrator page, scale it to fit, export to a new pdf.
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It looks like your cropped page is narrower than your paper.By @Luke Jennings3
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, exactly!
In order for the left and right margins to be removed, you will first need to distort the page, you can do this with a preflight profile (scale pages to specified size).By @Luke Jennings3
Please, may you tell me how to do so for my XI Pro version, I've googled and searched and the only things I've found regarding the preflight is this thread here:
I am afraid that these steps are not suitable for my XI Pro version.
or place the pdf into an InDesign or Illustrator page, scale it to fit, export to a new pdf.By @Luke Jennings3
Do I need to do so for every page? or it is could be at once for the whole document?
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I don't know if there is a preflight profile in Acrobat XI that can scale a page, in the preflight panel, type the word "scale" in the preflight search area after clicking the blue wrench icon.
If you have InDesign, you can use the "Place Multipage pdf" script to place a multi-page pdf into an InDesign file with one step, once you determine the desired distortion factor (say 115w x100H) you can apply the transformation to each InDesign page (Object> Transform again).
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This is what I have in my version:
Single Checks
Single Fixup
Please right-click an image and open it in a new window for full view.
I searched for the scale:
Pleas advice which option is suitable for my issue.
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It looks like Acrobat XI does not have the preflight profile you need. You may be able to place the pdf into Word and distort it, or convert it to an image and distort it with an image editor.
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Do you mean that I need to upgrade to the latest version?
Does there is detailed help for preflight?
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"Do you mean that I need to upgrade to the latest version?"
If you want to use a preflight profile to distort your pdf, then yes.
"Is there is detailed help for preflight?"
This forum and YouTube are good resources to learn how to use and edit preflight profiles.
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Please, I've installed this version to try it, here:
But when I opened the preflight, I search for what you mentioned, but can not find any.
So which version you are using?
I hope I can solve this issue.
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Please what is your version that includes this profile?
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use the "Scale pages to specified size" profile. I think I duplicated and edited this profile to make the new profile "Scale pages to specified size with distortion". Duplicate and re-name the profile from the little fly-out menu "Options", when you have your new profile, click on "Edit" to change the settings.
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I don't believe your cropped page has the same ratio (proportion) as your printed paper size, so it would be impossible not to have some margin on either the left/right or the top/bottom depending on the ratio.
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Thanks for your reply.
Please, what would you suggest I do to fix such a thing to have printed paper with as narrow margins as possible?
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You will have to crop (or reflow the text if you have an editable file).
For example, to fit your image on an 8.5x11 inch page:
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Sorry if my answer is a bit late...
If you want resize your text area manually with distorsion, you can do that importing your file in an empty A4 format file, then place it at the right position and resize it as required.
You can then print this file with the "fit" option to hold the max space of the sheet.
If your text is editable and you want to automatically resize the pages cropping the closer to the text, you can use this script from the console window or in an action wizard. It will generate a new file.
var found=0;
for (var p=0; p<this.numPages; p++) {
if (this.getPageNumWords(p)) {
var thisPage=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
var leftMargin=thisPage[2];
var topMargin=0;
var rightMargin=0;
var bottomMargin=thisPage[1];
for (var i=0; i<this.getPageNumWords(p); i++) {
var q=this.getPageNthWordQuads(p,i);
var m=(new Matrix2D).fromRotated(this,p);
var mInv=m.invert();
var r=mInv.transform(q);
var r=r.toString();
var r=r.split(",");
if (Number(r[0])<leftMargin) leftMargin=r[0];
if (Number(r[1])>topMargin) topMargin=r[1];
if (Number(r[6])>rightMargin) rightMargin=r[6];
if (Number(r[7])<bottomMargin) bottomMargin=r[7];
cBox: "Crop",
nStart: p,
rBox: [leftMargin,topMargin,rightMargin,bottomMargin]
if (found) this.saveAs(this.path.replace(/.pdf$/i," \(Cropped\).pdf"));
You can then print this new file on the full width of your A4 format on one or several pages following the ratio of the cropped page, with this other script:
var A4Format=[595,842];
var nbPages=this.numPages;
for (var p=0; p<nbPages; p++) {
var thisFormat=this.getPageBox("Crop",p);
var thisScale=A4Format[0]/thisFormat[2];
if (thisFormat[2]>=thisFormat[1]) var nmberPages=1; // Landscape format
else {
var nmberP=thisScale*thisFormat[1]/A4Format[1];
var nbP=nmberP.toString().indexOf(".");
// if the height for the last page is <10pts -> No page
if (Number(nbP[1])*thisFormat[1]<10) var nmberPages=Math.floor(thisScale*thisFormat[1]/A4Format[1]);
else var nmberPages=Math.floor(thisScale*thisFormat[1]/A4Format[1])+1;
for (var i=0; i<nmberPages; i++) {
cDIPath: this.path,
nSourcePage: p,
nStart: this.numPages-1,
nVertValue: A4Format[1]*i,
nScale: thisScale,
bUI: false,
nStart: nbPages,
nEnd: this.numPages-1,
bShrinkToFit: true
nStart: nbPages,
nEnd: this.numPages-1,
I hope that will help you...
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Thanks a lot for your valuable time helping me.
Please, where to add this script as I never did anything like that before.
The PDF file is editable.
I am printing the whole book because my eyes are not good with reading or devices, even Kindle did not help, so I am printing to paper, and I want to scale the pages to the maximum size as possible.
I am doing a crop for all pages and setting margins to zero.
Then I print it, but really can not adjust it.
I'm really confused with the versions and titles of software, I've posted here to ask about it:
I originally used the XI Pro version and did not upgrade my version yet, and even with the version I downloaded and mentioned its version above, I did not find the profile requested, I mean the scale pages to specified size_with distortion
So, please advice on what can I do to solve this issue.
Thanks a lot
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If the profile doesn't exist on your version you will not be able to do it automatically for all your book, but only manually as explaind previously.
For using the scripts I gave you, you can use the console window or an action wizard (better if you have to use it several times).
In a first time I give you the process from the console window... Open it via ctl J on Windows or cmd J on Mac with your book file open.
If the window is not empty, please clear it.
You copy my first script then paste it in the console window.
You select all the script (ctrl A or cmd A) and you press the ENTER key of the numerical keypad. That should run the script....
At the end of this first script you will have a new file with the same name but with "(Cropped)" at the end of the name. It should look like the one I did from the screenshot you shared.
You clear the console window then do the same process win the second script and that will print this new file in the full width of the A4 format paper.
Do a test with a file including only a few pages and let me know if all is working fine for you.
How many pages do you have for your entire book? That should certainly take some times... If you have a lot of pages I will modify the script to know the progress of the process.
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Thanks a lot for your reply.
The books are big, at least 600 or 800 pages.
Do you mean I run the script for each page?
May you tell me which version includes this profile to run it directly on the whole book at once?
This is really very important for me.
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You can run both scripts with the file of the whole book at once...
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Thanks a lot, @bebarth for the fast reply.
Please, may I use this script with Acrobat Pro XI 11.0.23?
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Yes you can...
don't be afraid that should take some time for 600 or 800 pages!
I sent you a message inPM
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