Latest update of Adobe Acrobat Pro is an absolute disaster
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I am trying to write a complaint email but of course, no contact details in this regard, so here I am:
what on earth is going on with this new update of Adobe Acrobat Pro that normally it's supposed to be more user friendly - news flash, it's not - and appart from this, there is this new awful feature that blocks the app whenever I try to handle documents, the app blocks, I can't close, I can't do anything, it just freezes. The only thing that gets me out of there is task manager, and then starting over again.
I did this 3 times, making me losing around 10 minutes for an edit that normally, before this horrible update, it was taking me few seconds... Come on guys WAKE UP!
2 Pinned Replies
Hi All!
We appreciate your valuable feedback! We're always looking for ways to make Acrobat better, and we appreciate the time and effort you have taken to share your feedback with us.
We acknowledge that the new Acrobat represents a notable change, however we hope that as you get familiar with the new interface, you are able to be more productive & get more out of Acrobat. With the new interface, we aim to:
- Provide a simplified viewing experience that helps reduce clutter & optimise it for
Hi there,
Hope you are doing well.
We acknowledge that the new Acrobat represents a notable change; however, we hope that as you get familiar with the new interface, you can be more productive and get more out of Acrobat.
We are actively working on all the suggestions, and we will address them with the highest priority.
As you get more comfortable with the new interface, please contact us with specific questions on tools, features, or functionalities. We’re happy to provide helpful resou
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Just so you know, you can (for the time being) turn off the new UI and make it look like it used to. There's something on the hamburger menu (yes, ludicrous name) at top left to do this.
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what hamburger menu, again where, in adobe, in windows settings on Mars?
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In the new UI experience there is no menu bar, by design. But there is a hamburger button. This is an icon with three lines in it, we're all supposed to insinctively know what this means.
If you have the traditional menu (File, Edit, View etc.) across the top of the window, you don't have the new UI experience, you don't have a hamburger button, and there is nothing to turn off
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Hi, I'm stuck as well, losing time on this situation. The hamburger menu is three lines one above the other within Adobe. But I'm guessing you don't even get to see that view ...
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We are aligned to your concerns.
Just for quick workaround, in case you are stuck on onboarding again, we have implemeted Escape onboarding functionality which you can get away by pressing 'Esc' key. Additionally you can quit the app and relaunch acrobat.
We have logged a ticket for the same and working on it since this is quite intermittent. We can schedule a call as well to debug this issue.
Let us know if issue still persists.
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Hi, Bhawna-
To add to the conversation, I am using Windows 10 and Adobe Acrobat Pro DC. I could not find the version for a VERY long time, because in the middle of the workday, Acrobat suddenly changed appearance, removed all my toolbars and preferences, and I could not even find the Help > About Acrobat menu to find the version. I finally did, and it's ... well, impossible to copy/paste, memorize, or even keep open while I'm typing. I'll put a screenshot. Hopefully it will persist.
The new display is flipped right to left (tools on left, pages on right), offers ONLY vertical toolbars as far as I can tell, and has removed ALL of my carefully prepared settings. I now would have had to completely relearn the software before I can complete a project...that's due in an hour. NOT GOOD. There was no warning, I did not initiate an update, reboot or turn off my computer. This is a BIG change. I am very, very grateful for the "disable new Acrobat" button, and I hope that I can keep it forever. I have to assume that it will eventually not be available, but I will use it as long as I can. In the meantime, all of my toolbars have been deleted and I still have to completely remake my interface. That is an expensive loss of professional time. Boo.
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I was in the middle of presenting a tgree dau training session and this pulled the rug out from under me. No warning, no advanced training. Just in the middle of the day it changed to this mess while necand my students tried to figure out how to move forward. It was very inconciderate of adobe.
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Thank you! It works and I couldn't be happier 🙂
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Just do the world a favor and trash the revision we never asked for! Why did you move the bookmarks to the right? It's difficult to find and use any tools. Did you send s communication out to all users that pay your heafty annual subscription on how to relearn your néw software ? Please send it to me!
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I just managed to do that , managed to dissable the new one!!!! I'm kind of happy again
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I don't see the disable option in my View. How do I go back to the previous version?
Thank you.
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went into the help menu from within the new version, and it still only
showed screenshots from the old version.
Good luck
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It's not on mine. I can't switch it off and it is COMPLETELY unusable in its present state.
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I just managed to do that , managed to dissable the new one!!!! I'm kind of happy again this answer was for you Test Screen Name, thank you for your help!
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Oh thank god.
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THANK YOU!!! I had no idea I could turn this mess off.
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"disabled" teh new UI - what a relief!! My favorite change is that if I picked a tool (like to add a text box) there is no easy way to turn the tool off so I get 20 text boxes trying to escape or click out. Also, for the text boxes, the font selection window pops up right over where you want to type and there is no one to escape or click out of it.
I do appreciate the hard work people do for new features but I will wait a bit until the bugs are swatted.
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oh my gosh thank you so much for posting this. I hate the new layout and that floating toolbar that's just in the way and it took me longer than I'd care to admit to find the pages button - which is now on the OTHER side of the screen. I've now successfully reverted back to the old Acrobat and can actually get on with my work!
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since the last month or so it wont let you do this anymore. beyond irritating.
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Hi, is this still possible and if so, can you please tell me how to do it?? My Adobe just recently updated to the new interface and it is absolutely awful!!! The original post has 24k views which tells me it's a significant issue.
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File -> Revert (and then choose the previous version -- I did this and it works well ... the suggestion came from someone else on this site).
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It works, that is much better, thanks
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The same here. As soon as I try to handle the file, I get the message : "an internal error accured " and evberything freezes. IMpossible to close except with ctrl alt del 😞
And no possibility to contact anyone from Adobe
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I get the same thing! Adobe is now useless!
I hated the new UI, found how to disable through the hamburger menu, but now every single click I make in Adobe DC gives me an "internal error" message.