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New Adobe Acrobat UI: Feature Requests/Ideas/Feedback

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Feb 05, 2024 Feb 05, 2024

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Like so many others, I went back to the old UI since Acrobat is a daily part of my career and there are a number of clunky parts of the new UI that make it... frustrating. About 2-3 weeks back I decided to just suffer through the new UI to see if it was a matter of being stuck in my ways, or if it was truly that bad. 


Results: a little of both. There are a number of changes that I simply don't like because I was used to the way they were, and now that i've gotten used to the new placement/positioning it's not nearly as cumbersome as I thought origninally. With that said though, there are three (3) things that I would recommend considering to change/update/allow to help the transition and overall usability of the program. 


First: Docketing the "Quick Tools" Bar


This is a simple request, I use a lot of the creative cloud apps semi regularly - Acrobat is the only one I need for my work, but I do a lot of graphic art and web design as a sort of hobby. In ever other Adobe CC App, you can dock any tool bar to the sides, top, or bottom of the application window. Having this free-floating tool bar is frustrating. 


At first, the toolbar was alway free floating over the document, it appears that in an update prior to my return, the default view is to simply offset the document so that it's not over the document (as seen in my first attached screenshot). Due to this offset, now the 100% default view is much too big the window. If I set the standard view to be "fit to width" then that same window will be offset still, but it's 88.4% zoom level. My current "work around" is to use CTRL+Scroll Wheel to zoom out and then back in, this fits the document to the window, it's almost exactly 100% zoom, but- that dang toolbar is still over my document.


As an attorney, I need to use PDFs beside my word documents regularly. Therefore, the ability to have my PDF open on the sider of my screen with 1 or 2 word documents snapped to the other side of the screen is necessary. See all that open space on the right side toolbar? Why can't I just have those options over there instead? Why can't I move all those options to dock on the top or bottom like I can in Illustrator or the like? 


Second: Windows Snap to Grid Windows


Why-oh-why is the new UI disabled from being eable to use the Snap to grid on Windows 11? If I snap other windows first, it'll let me select my acrobat window to fill another slot, so there's a semi-reasonable work around. This just seems like a silly and unnecessary change. Please re-enable that. 


Third and Last: Standard Scrolling Pages...


Yes, I found the button for the side bar that allows me to quickly enable scrolling... why isn't there an option for that to just be always on by default??? Please, please, give us that simple option. 




If you make those changes, the new UI will be perfect, especially if I can redock my side tool bar to the top or bottom with all the tool bar options there. I beg you, mightly adobe over-lords, heed my prayers. 

General troubleshooting , Modern Acrobat






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Community Beginner ,
Aug 15, 2024 Aug 15, 2024

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I let the top of the Adobe marketing department know.





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