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Is there anyway to make Office 2016 64-bit compatible with Adobe Acrobat DC Pro PDFMaker?
I make PDFs of all my e-mails and this feature is sorely needed. Right now I have to use Nuances
PDF Converter Pro to do this. I prefer to use only one PDF program. Earlier versions of Acrobat
and Office did a better job than Nuance but I haven't been able to get the new versions of Office
and Acrobat to co-operate. Why can't Adobe keep this function on all versions of Acrobat?
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So after a month of foot-dragging by Adobe, Adobe DC is now compliant with Office 2016.
... while Acrobat XI Pro isn't.
Consider that the entire Office suite is only $100/yr while an Acrobat DC subscription is how much? Which is the greater value and which is the greatest disappointment?
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For DESKTOP Windows software (as opposed to server software), Adobe Acrobat is the MOST expensive piece of desktop software in the world on a dollars / pound basis and on a worth basis. That is why their foot dragging has been so disgusting.
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Do you guys also have ACROBAT in capitals as add-in in the Office 2016-applications?
In Excel, Word and Power Point, Yes. Acrobat shows as Capitals. I think it may have in Office 2013 as well but I cannot remember for certain.
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In Office 2013 all menu items were capitalized. In Office 2016 Microsoft changed that (for the better if you'd ask me)
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You can rename these items by using the 'Customize the Ribbon' option, if you wish.
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Do you guys also have ACROBAT in capitals as add-in in the Office 2016-applications?
(while the rest of the menu-items are, in Office 2016, regularly spelled)
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ADOBE update - writes regedit back! 16 of 15 original replacement!
Again, the exchange should be 15 to 16 -...
After OK OK OK !!!
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Confused? Angry? Shocked? Abandoned? Adobe decided not to support compatibility with Office 2016 because the company wants to create enough pain to force all of us to upgrade to the online subscription service. Personally, $700 or more a year for Adobe SaaS solutions seems a bit over the edge for me.
Fortunately, is a free market. MorganBB already stated that Foxit's PhantomPDF (business edition) works flawlessly. I installed it, and it does.
Save your energy and just exercise your free market will. There are alternatives folks.
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PDF Maker from Adobe DC works fine with my Office 2016
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Can you add some details about how you did the install? I have Adobe Acrobat DC and Office 2016. Cannot get the pdfmaker addin to install. My problem is specific to Outlook. I go to options/addins and the pdfmaker isnt there. So I add and find the pdfmaker...dll in the right folder, say ok. Then the addon doesn't appear so I can put a checkmark on it. I am mystified..
1. I followed the instructions under the topic PDFMaker unavailable / Office 2007,2010,103 etc. that basically says to repair the Acrobat installation. Repair went fine. Same problem adding the addon.
2. I followed the instructions for the Adobe Reader and Acrobat Cleaner tool, cleaned the system, rebooted, installed Acrobat Pro DC again, and the problem is still there.
3. One thing I have noticed is that PDFMOfficeAddin.dll is dated 3/17/2015 while all the other Offfice addins are dated 9/30/15. Don't know if that is a red herring but since there was supposed to be a recent fix for the problem it makes me think that dll is the bad one.
4. Again - it is specific to Outlook. Word works fine.
Help please!
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Can you add some details about how you did the install? I have Adobe Acrobat DC and Office 2016
I ran the Adobe DC update at the last patch Tuesday (nearly a month ago).
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That leaves me even more mystified. Thanks for your info.
Hope someone else picks up on this thread and has some ideas. Maybe I should reinstall Outlook?
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Hi Brian
Did you try updating Acrobat to latest version?
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Yes I downloaded current version from Adobe
Brian Bonner
Fruto, San Francisco, the world
click on my sites below
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Never assume that what you downloaded today is the latest available. What specific version do you have? Something like 2015.123.45678
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I have version 2015-009-20077.
To restate the problem. I am trying to add pdfmaker to Outlook. In Outlook I go to addons and the pdfmaker addon isnt in the list. So I go to the ADD screen and locate the dll and click ok. At this point the addon should appear in the addon list and I can check it. It doesn't. Nothing changes. Am thinking this might be an Outlook problem not an Adobe one.
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Problem solved. I repaired Office installation and all seems ok.
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This is it! Thank you, brianb39892884. After employing every suggested fix in this forum, I repaired my Office 365 installation, and now all is well again, stem to stern. Phew! My hope is that Adobe and Microsoft become better friends for the sake of their mutual users.
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One would hope that, given the fundamental importance of both camps, they
could bury the hatchet in the name of good will for the consumer.
Best of luck.
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It is not a matter of “hatchets being buried” but rather that of large, very complex products from different companies getting “out of sync” with each other and of changes being made in one or the other without realizing the incompatibilities that will ensue.
The fact is that individual groups within Adobe and Microsoft communicate on a regular basis to work out these issues as quickly as they are found. Yes, it would be to everyone's advantage if prior to making changes, each side would consult with each other, but if you knew the complexity of these software products, you would understand how difficult that is in reality.
FWIW, every time these products get out of sync, it causes major problems for Adobe employees who use the Microsoft products as well as our customers.
- Dov
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Hello Staff,
I'm new to this forum so please excuse me if I don't read all this very long thread.
I've just updated to Office 2016 for Windows 10 and of course I would like to install PDFMaker as I had in my previous version.
Is that possible? If so how can I do it?
Thanks in advance.
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What is the resolution for this? Is there an update for Acrobat X. Is Office 2016 really supported in Acrobat Pro X?
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More specifically, I'm having the problem in Excel 2016.
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Support for Adobe X ends in 4 days (Email from Adobe this morning), so no, never.
And further Adobe has said XI will not be patched either. That is a mistake.
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Notice the original question was about Acrobat DC, the current version.