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I have a lot of users in outlying offices with slow connections. Need offline installer so installation does not take forever to complete.
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Jeff, YOur link no longer works.
Adobe are creating a minefield.
might have to move to a more user friendly company, which actually supports their customers rather their own limited, utterly useless creative cloud nonsense.
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That link works just fine.
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No, actually it does not. The OP wanted an OFFLINE installer, which Adobe increasingly makes more difficult to find for some reason.
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The full offline installer is available through the "Download and install Acrobat DC (Enterprise term or VIP license)" link on that page...
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You are right. Try Foxit PDF it does the job alot faster.
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if you have an enterprise account, the message 1 link may not be the correct version for you.
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Is an 'Enterprise' account different than just a paid single Acrobat DC Pro license? I also need the offline installer download. This seems to be a VERY common issue with Adobe's terrible downloader hanging and simply not working. Why can't they supply the download?
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The link from Badderink worked for me as of July 29, 2020. I was able to download and install Acrobat DC Pro. Then when I started it, I entered the user credentials and it was working fine. I hate the web install process. I work in I.T. and it fails FREQUENTLY, so I'm glad to have an alternative way of downloading and installing just the application my clients need.
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Try this:
If you don't like Acrobat try Foxit, it runs much faster and smoother. PDF Editor Download, Edit PDFs Online for Free | Foxit Software
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Thanks for the suggestion, user adobe770. Already downloaded and successfully installed the Foxit PDF Reader!
Allow me a small consideration, dear ADOBE Inc.: it's really a shame to see how your once admirable company has bent to the purest business, not caring about the needs of the community.
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This the the download link.
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the link works buts its not the latest version. is there a public folder with versions or ftp (even better)?
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Unfortunately, not anymore. There is an FTP server where Adobe used to upload these installers, but they stopped doing so several months ago.
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The way Adobe has this setup is the worst! buy license, they send an email with link, click link, sign in, must download creative cloud which is junk, just to install the application you actually need. 9/10 times the creative cloud app doesnt install and takes forever. Ive installed PRO and Standard versions dozens of times and each time its at least an hour long process to get CC to install. To bad Adobe doesnt listen to their customers
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Full installers of Acrobat DC are available here:
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Full installer doesn't work for creative cloud
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Hello, I need an offline installation package. Is it possible?
Thanks in advance,
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yes, you can download to a portable hd (eg, usb stick) and transfer to an offline computer. but you won't be able to activate offline.
Downloadable installation files available:
Download and installation help for Adobe links
Download and installation help for Prodesigntools links are listed on most linked pages. They are critical; especially steps 1, 2 and 3. If you click a link that does not have those steps listed, open a second window using the Lightroom 3 link to see those 'Important Instructions'.
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Thank you very much !!!
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you're welcome.
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How can I download the application for offline installation? I need to download the application then copy it across to the branch office to run. The user's link to web is too slow to complete this through the normal installer.
I have a user who purchased the Acrobat Pro DC. She can download the installer but it will error out after a few minutes of trying to download the application. The first attempt went to 1% before failing. The second time went to 6%. The third time went to 7%.
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kglad links in reply #1 here may help
-except, latest has no direct link