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prints come out as blank using Adobe X 10.1.2 win 7 on network printer ( HP 2035N )
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There is apparently an update out, that solves the blank pages problem.
See this: Re: PDF prints come out as blank
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Printing what to what. If you are talking about printing a PDF from Acrobat to the printer, did you select document as the part to be printed in the print menu, or just markup? Details and versions of software and OS are useful in helping.
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Printing from reader to hard copy it doesnt matter where the PDF came from it wont print all I get is a blank page out of the printer
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Kindly update your application to the latest Adobe Reader 10.1.3.
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We're having a similar problem with Mac OS (Lion 10.7) and Adobe Reader 10.1.3 update. Haven't been able to print any web pdfs since the 10.1.3 upgrade. A real pain with sites like!! Still no response to our forum post:
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i have same problem , I fill up my document , but the page print out blank with out the info!
mac OS sierra
V- 10.12.3
Adobe DC
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i tried everything up above, except holding a live chicken and dancing in the rain during full moon.
this issue was driving me crazy, and i was become desperate.
besides trying to download drivers, update my software for my Canon PIXMA 522, or for Adobe Acrobat Reader (don't have a paid version - and wouldn't buy one at this rate) - i also tried to convert them into other files (.txt, .jpg, .xlsx, .doc, ... ) NONE of that worked.
then, i deleted my printer from my computer (MacBook Air 2013, OSX Yosemite 10.10.5) - then added it back. FINALLY, everything worked again (as far as printing). good grief!! why would Adobe make such a user unfriendly program that brings us all to this page in panic, desperation, and different levels of frustration??
for the record, my printer seemed to work normally in every which way with all other programs and for other uses while i was in this battle to print ONE PDF file (which wouldn't convert to .txt or anything else because the OCR scrambled too many words).
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Updated to Reader 10.1.3 I still can not print any PDF Files
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Kindly uncheck the option "Print on both sides" available on Print dialog. Let me know if that helps.
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I'm having this problem too and I'm printing by using the print icon at the bottom of the screen. You don't get the same kind of options as from the file->print connections. I'm going back to an older form of this software.
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checked that the print both sides radio button is not selected still nothing
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Can you please check your preview box present at the right bottom corner of print dialog. Is the preview coming right?
If no, then please try changing 'Comment and Forms' option present just above it. Try selecting 'Document and markups'.
Hope this will solve your problem.
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I am having the same problem. I have mac 10.6.8, reader 10.1.3, firefox 11 and safari 5.1.2. Changed firefox to 32 bit, can view pdf's in firefox and safari, and can print in firefox and safari using the print icon on the pdf doc. However, I can not view or print blank pdf docs using the file print command from the firefox and safari toolbars. Printer works fine. Suggestions?
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Hi Jeff,
This is a known issue at our end and is being tracked via bug# 3167558 (providing this number for future reference).
I would not be able toc omment on when the fix could be released. however, I will keep you posted for any updates.
Atul Agarwal
Adobe System
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Hi Atul
I have tried all the mentioned fixes with no luck. When I print the PDF, it prints blank. I have the latest adobe reader installed. I have unchecked 'choose paper source' and 'print as an image '. It still prints blank.
Anything else i should do?
Please advise
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I started to have the same issue last night on my Samsung printer. Here are some things I did. One, I noticed it defaulted to printing to One Note and not my printer. I also had to change the Quality advanced setting from 600 to dpi1200 . I was also printing blank pages from gmail so anyway hope this helps. I'm printing today.
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I started to have the same issue last night on my Samsung printer. Here are some things I did. One, I noticed it defaulted to printing to One Note and not my printer. I also had to change the Quality advanced setting from 600 to dpi1200 . I was also printing blank pages from gmail so anyway hope this helps. I'm printing today. Also my drivers for my printer were recently updated via software update so I don't know if that had any impact or not. I went to my Samsung Easy Printer Manager app and made sure the settings looked okay and I had the right default printer selected. The good news is that it technically is "printing" now it's just finding out the setting or why it's not getting the text info. You may want to also mark print in gray scale to see if that has some impact. Good luck
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In the advanced setting for your printer, you can select print as image....this solved the problem for me.
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I am also having this issue with 10.1.9.
I have created a PDF form in Acrobat from another PDF and the latest version of Adobe reader prints a blank page when the form is filled out. I can print the page if I print it in black and white, or if I save the document, and reopen it, or if I print as an image. However none of these are convenient solutions for the people having to use this form.
The form will not print if it is downloaded and opened and then filled out and printed. It will however work in older versions of reader (10 and down). I believe this is due to an update with Acrobat's form builder, or Adobe reader not flattening the PDF properly when the form is filled out. Very confusing and frustrating.
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Having same problem randomly. This morning with documents printing blank when scanned from ScanSnap using Mac OS Yosemite 10.10.3 printing to Brother 6080 but not from those printed to PDF in MSWord. Can only print when checking "print as image" in advanced but this makes them not searchable.
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this link fixed blank pages being printed for me! go to print-advanced options- click on print as image
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Me too - seems to be since the update of Adobe software! Very fustrating. Adobe please fix asap
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I was able to resolve it by taking the URL and pasting it into FireFox, which in turn allowed me to save it to my hard drive. I then opened the saved file in Adobe Acrobat, and it printed out correctly!
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My situation was even more weird. I created a pdf from several pdf files. When I printed it, the last 10 pages came out blank!!! I tried multiple changes as suggested above. nada. I went back to the original and did a save as smaller pdf, then inserted that into the master file in place of the previous pages, finally safved it all as small size pdf. Now it's printing. Very mysterious.
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save the file as JPG and then print.
That worked for me.