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Why? Why do you "creators" feel a need to completely change the layout of toolbars, etc. in a program?! Do you have nothing to do so you just search out what you can do to aggravate us? Adobe Acrobat DC is now TOTALLY different in the toolbar layouts! WHY???
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@reginal79098089 wrote on 22 June:
Adobe Acrobat DC is now TOTALLY different in the toolbar layouts!
Hi Reginal,
I have yet to hear from someone who likes the "new experience" in Acrobat, but it is easy to turn off!
Steps to enable [and disable] the new experience
Details about the New Experience here:
Does this help?
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Was this even tested before it was released to the public?
By @DCProud 202
Adobe has pre-release testers for all the Creative Suite programs and Acrobat. Occassionally I see Adobe announce for people to join the testing program.
Many of us community experts here in the forums are testers for Adobe, and many of us have been doing this since the 1980s and 1990s.
I can't recall much positive feedback from the testers before the "modern" Acrobat was released to the public. I know my comments back to the engineers were fairly extensive. Some things were improved (darkening the icons from a light gray to a dark gray, for example). But for the most part, the comments have fallen on deaf ears.
Over the past 18 months, I personally have continued to use and test the newest beta releases, but I often have to abandon them and switch to another computer that runs the "classic" interface. I have only so much time to donate to Adobe to dignose problems (and provide detailed bug reports and comments to the engineers). I, like most folks here, have a job to do. Working for free for Adobe is not on my to-do list.
3 suggestions:
But note that none of these competing programs have all the features of Acrobat, so if you're in certain industries, you're really stuck with Adobe Acrobat. These industry-specific features include:
So see if any other alternative brand gets the job done for you. Be careful of the company's country of origin: you might not be able to install software from certain countries, which is the case here in the US for government computers. Example: FoxIt is a Chinese company and usually is not allowed on our government clients' computers.
As always, don't forget to voice your comments on UserVoice and click the button to VOTE. That is the only place where Adobe takes notice of customers.
Let Adobe know:
You can voice your opinion about the new interface at UserVoice:
Be sure to leave a comment about your experience with the new interface. They need to hear from users. And don't forget to click the VOTE button.
FYI, UserVoice is Adobe's official website where it reads and takes into account suggestions and complaints from users of its various products. On the other hand, this community forum is a user-to-user help forum.
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Have you disabled the New Experience yet? The instructions are repeated throughout this thread, but here they are again:
Steps to enable [and disable] the new experience
Details about the New Experience here:
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Thanks Jane, That was the first thing I did. UX statements are still valid.
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The new changes are the absolute worst. I am not sure who though it would be a good idea to completely change the way you you have been able to edit documents for the past several years. It is requiring us to completely re-learn the system and causing significant delays in processing documents. it is very frustrating.
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So true. What I don't understand is why Adobe isn't doing anything to resolve the problems. This community forum seems to be only a place for us to vent. Adobe should be listening to its customers and scraping the new version. Adobe seems to be deaf to our complaints in addition to being blind to what customers need and want with updates. Adobe, are you listening? When will you scrap this horrendous verion with all the problems it has created for users?
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What I don't understand is why Adobe isn't doing anything to resolve the problems. This community forum seems to be only a place for us to vent. Adobe should be listening to its customers and scraping the new version.
By @jilll47525288
The Adobe product developers use a different website for bug reports and feature requests. You can post here:
This forum is mostly a community forum, with some amazing staff also participating. Bugs and ideas still need to go to UserVoice.
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I've already documented my complaints in this and other posts. Adobe has full access to the information that I and others have posted here. I don't need to repeat myself. Besides, I've already reverted to the older version so I don't have to be aggravated by the horrid new release.
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posts here are user-to-user, not to adobe.
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It's an Adobe-owned resource that Adobe does monitor. But that's immaterial. Adobe's latest version of Acrobat is miserable and causing enormous problems for a lot of customers. Adobe needs to listen to its customers and ditch this version.
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users can disable the "new" acrobat and use the acrobat ide to which they are accustomed.
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Yes. If you take the time to look at this posts and others like it, you'll see that it's exactly what many of us have done until such time as Adobe comes to its senses.
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The new "modern" interface is Adobe's new Spectrum 2 interface design. We expect that it will be migrated to the rest of the Adobe lineup of programs in the coming months.
However, that doesn't make it better. It's horrible because:
I hope Adobe will bring back individual panels of related tasks/tools and allow us to dock them wherever we want, even onto a second side monitor. Create a personalized workspace like what users of InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator have.
Oh god, I sure hope we don't lose that capability in those programs when this awful Spectrum 2 interface migrates to them!
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(not that i'm complaining, but i had 2 or 3 acrobat updates and still see the familiar interface.)
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This is an awful change to the layout, if anything, they should make it so you can change where things are, not force a new layout that may not be useful for all.
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It sounds like you may not have disabled the New Interface yet, @Trudi348367091xmg . See the steps in the post marked "correct" and repeated throughout this thread.
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I agree. I don't like the new layout with the page thumbnail panel on the wrong side, and my toolbar completely disappeared. I immediately disabled the "new" acrobat and now everything is back to normal.
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Complete surprise too. No news. No warning. No 'would you like to change?'. Just a change, that sends my reader crashing every couple of minutes and is really annoying to use/
Thank goodness for the disable new acrobat tag.
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I have (for some reason) been using Acrobat reader a long time. Having gotten wiser through the years, I have configured my firewall to decline any access to internet by any Adobe software. This should prevent any unwanted changes to my user interface, I thought... ...until now. Out of the blue, the reader had enabled "New Experience".
Checked my firewall settings - still no access to internet by Adobe, in nor out. How does the reader change the UI then? Is it malware? Is there "root kit"? Should all Adobe tools be driven in a "sandbox"?
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win: upper left hamburger menu > disable new acrobat
mac: view > disable new acrobat
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Thanks for the info to disable. I hated the new look as well.
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To: reginal
I hear your frustration. I feel exactally the same way. I was feeling that I was just old and grumpy and was an old dog that didn't want to learn any new tricks. I am extremelly bussy and I you Acrobate a lot then when they change it on the fly it really disrups my work flow. I don't have the time to fiddly around with things. I am happy though a solution was posted.
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I'm not sure why I am just now getting the update but I use Acrobat almost every day for work and this is HORRIBLE. Thankfully, this can be turned off. This comes from people who are programmers, not users. They don't consider the fact that people have spent years customizing a workflow that works for them and these programmers and managers have to justify their existence to upper management somehow. Just make a program that works, that's customizeable and don't push updates that change it. The change should be the option, NOT changing it BACK to how it was. Why doesn't Acrobat work on something like not making the program such a memory hog? Quit trying to make it do everything. Pick something and be great at it, not good at some, mediocre at other, and terrible for the rest.
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Thank god for this thread!! The hamburger and disable worked!
The new interface threw me off yesterday.
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The "Modern" Acrobat interface inflicted itself on me today. Very thankful for the comprehensive GUI interface reset instructions.
The new page navigation panel is so tiny that I couldn't locate it at first. Placing the navigation controls off to the side is inefficient—forcing the user to look away from the document body!
Once again, I've sent my feedback to Adobe. Trying to maintain hope that someday the Acrobat interface will improve...