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Just started happening last day or two, what changed?
Spelled out links work i.e.
Links with descriptive titles, which have a hyperlink added via WORD do not.
This is a big issue, sent out documents that no longer work please advise.
Acrobat DC 32 bit, Microsoft Home and Business 2019.
Attaching two PDFs, one that works, one that is broken.
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Current Acrobat, Word, and Windows which produces working documents no missing links:
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Hello again. FWIW been doing the same conversions since Office 2003 and Acrobat 7, first time I've seen this issue which started on or shortly after August 12, 2021. Is there a way to drop back to a prior level of Acobat DC 32bit? Thanks:
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Windows Directory: C:\WINDOWS
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Good morning, progress! Tried converting just a portion of the subject document, all the links work. This is acrobat DC 32 bit, I've seen comments regarding acrobat DC 64 bit suggesting 64 bit is not any faster than 32 bit, but may be better at handling more complicated documents. Will attempt acrobat DC 64 bit on the entire document.
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Tried unsuccessfully to reproduce this issue on a variety of WORD/ACROBAT projects, unfortunately for me my resume (and attached cover letter) is the only document that ends up with missing links. Was able to narrow down the scope, seems to be a page break issue I will attach files to reproduce the issue.
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...twopage.5 working documents
...twopage.4 missing link documents
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I create the the PDF from the Word home menu by selecting Acrobat , then Create PDF as shown following:
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Check your export Preferences in the Acrobat Ribbon and ensure that the option to add hyperlinks is checked.
Then select Create PDF.
Select option to Add Links (Preferences).
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Hello Bevi thanks for the advice. I already have the Add Links box checked as suggested. I've narrowed down the scope to what appears to be a page break issue. I've attached files to repoduce the issue on my desktop, do you think you could check them out and see if they produce the proper results on your machine:
...twopage.5 working documents
...twopage.4 missing link documents
The missing link document has all the hyperlinks displayed with underlined and blue fonts: Only the "real links", work properly, those beginning with http://
Thanks again for responding!
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I am having the same problem! Randomly, last week, the hyperlinks are not converting from Word to PDF. I am running Acrobat XI Pro and Word 365 on Windows 10.
I almost exclusively use the Create PDF button on the Acrobat tab in Word to convert to PDF. The hyperlinks are not just working - they're not even being created [the link boxes do not appear in the PDF].
Did you find a solution? I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, which is a pain because I am also running some PDF toolboxes.
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Replying in the hopes that this page gets moved up in search engines. It took me a while to find this and I believe this is a real issue with either Word or Acrobat. We've reinstalled Acrobat and ran the "repair" in Office 365, with same results.
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I have just run into this issue as well, but from an InDesign document to Interactive PDF. I've created dozens of these, but have never run into this issue before.
What's interesting is that the links work fine in Acrobat initially - but once the document is uploaded to the web, it's like the links get partially stripped out because the links don't work online, and upon redownloading the file from the web, I get the following error message.
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FWIW Should have checked back sooner thanks for contributing. As of today I am unable to recreate documents with missing links, word to pdf. Old Acrobat:
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Current Acrobat, Word, and Windows which produces working documents no missing links:
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Hopefully this will help people like me still looking for answers, and seems a compatibility issue. This is not just a Word/PDF issue. I have serious problems with Word 2016 and Arbortext 2020 using Acrobat DC 32 Bit. Even deleting all links in the PDF and recreating them does not completely work. In Word I get different dysfuntctional results with both the Adobe > Create PDF button and the File > Save As > Save As Type > PDF (*.pdf). There's only one preset route in Arbortext.
My larger documents won't even convert if using the Adobe "Create PDF" button. It stalls/crashes when processing tags. One conversion method changes all my link properties from "Open a File" to "Open a web link". Then those are blocked because Adobe does not allow them. UGH! IT security settings.
I ran test after test, documenting each result. Ultimately, the only way I could get an almost entirely functional PDF was:
- Unchecking the "Create Bookmarks" box before conversion. Reader does not use this navigation function, and is likely with what my customers view the PDF. This fixed/finally allowed the second/third occurrence of a link to the same document to work. Seemingly randomly only the first, and maybe second would work.
- Press the Control button while clicking the link. That fixed the issue of links to other PDFs from opening in the same window as the parent PDF, even though the links are created and properties show to open in an new window. Found this on another community thread.
- Viewing the PDF in Reader, not Acrobat DC.
- For the Arbortext PDFs, I had to delete and reinsert all links in the PDF.
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Another tidbit: Macro-enabled files are a problem when converting from both Word and Arbortext. Arbortext won't even publish to PDF if one exists in the document.