Adobe Acrobat Reader DCは動作を停止しました。がエクスプローラのプレビュー表示設定で発生する不具合とのことですが、本改修バージョンの予定がわかれば教えてください。
Hi 清登中口,
As per the description mentioned above, You are getting Acrobat Reader has stopped working message, is that correct?
Could you please elaborate on this?
清登中口 wrote
Glitches and occur in a preview display settings for Explorer,
Try checking update for Reader and see if that works- launch Reader>navigate to Help menu>select Check for updates.
If that doesn't work, try repairing Reader by clicking "Repair Installation" under Help.
What is the version of Acrobat Reader and the OS installed on the computer?
Identify the product and its version for Acrobat and Reader DC
Keep us posted with the results.