A network error occurred while attempting to sign in
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Searching the forum, i've seen this topic several times and no fixed provided.
I've seen the topic as far back as 2015.
When I click sign-in, a white dialogue box pops up, goes away in half a second then the error pops up (see images below):
I didn't have this problem until sometime in Sept-2019. I was logged in and using it without issue.
Then one day, started Adobe Reader, i was logged in, i saw the Adobe Application flash and log me out (meaning, in the top right, it no longer showed my image, just "sign in") and from then, I was not able to sign in. Needless to say - I have Internet and it's working quite fine.
I've uninstalled and re-installed Adobe reader (even used the clean uninstall tool).
I can login to https://cloud.acrobat.com and that's actually how I Fill & Sign documents now since on my specific machine, it doesn't work.
No firewall rules exist to block Adobe. I've disable Windows Firewall and Windows Defender and it still doesn't work.
No other firewall or antivirus is on the machine - it's a brand new laptop.
The version information is below - any help would be appreciated.
This is on Windows 10
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Could you please update to the latest Reader (2019.021.20048), and if you are still facing the issue, it would really help if you could share the following information for further investigation
(a) Are you using any proxy (b) IE version (b) Fiddler/ Procmon logs (c) Are you able to sign-in successfully after disabling enhanced protected mode checkbox (at Edit->Preferences->Security(Enhanced)), and re-starting Reader.
Note: Please check the "Enable Protected Mode at startup" after this verification and re-start Reader, after verification.
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Good day Sumita,
When i posted the message, I had just re-downloaded Adobe Reader from Adobe's website.
I also did "Help - Check for Updates" and it's stuck at connecting to server followed by a 130200 error
To asnwer your questions:
(a) No Proxy
(b) The IE Version is 11.678.17763.0. You didn't ask for Microsoft Edge but just in case: Microsoft Edge 44.17763.1.0 | Microsoft EdgeHTML 18.17763.
(c) No but something has changed. I've gotten the following error now:
Also, when I select check for updates now, it stays blank for at least 4 minutes before it actually says "connecting to server".
Subsequently however, we still come back to the same error - 130200.
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Any help on this issue @sumitash1...???...or anyone else?
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I felt like we were getting somewhere with this issue but haven't gotten any further help.
I guess I can't open a ticket since I'm using free Adobe Reader so no support for us.
Any help would be appreciated.
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Hi Richard,
Error 130200 means that a file downloaded by Updater was not valid. It could be a result of corrupted download or validation process encountered an error.
As a workaround, please manually download the update and then install the downloaded file.
Link to download the update manually:
Once downloaded, please double click the file "AcroRdrDCUpd1902120049.msp" to update the Reader to latest version.
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I am having the exact same error when signing in, I get the exact same message, ONLY ON THIS COMPUTER. I am able to log in via the internet and on my other laptop. I have down a new install and still get the same error, I totally need to be able to access my cloud. I contacted "chat" (what a joke) on here and got no fix, only directed to this forum. Please help me! It is 3/3/2020, and not able to access my cloud via the application on this new laptop. Oh and I have the very newest version, in fact, when I try to repair or re-download, it keeps telling me already installed
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The error is still out there, even in 2021. The last time I checked Adobe Reader it worked fine. But today when I tried to sign in, it was not working.
(I am connected to a mobile hotspot.)
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I am having the same issue. Why has a repair not yet been addressed by Adobe?
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I also faced the same issue. After some troubleshooting I could find out that the issue is related to use of RC4 ciphers which is no longer supported on Windows IE and Edge browsers. Due to this the sign in process fails. After some more discovery I was able to find an article from MS which helps enable support for RC4. Please go through the same. The registry edit process worked for me - https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/topic/rc4-cipher-is-no-longer-supported-in-internet-explorer-11-...
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At top left you can see a option called save to adobe document cloud click that and sign in using that it works
Sorry If I am late 🙂