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Since January 23rd I am unable to install or patch my AIP for Adobe Reader 32bit MUI on any PC. It seems like the updates are for different versions of Adobe Reader or Acrobat. At least that's what the error messages tell me. These are 32bit PCs so I can't switch toteh 64bit version.
The updates are found here;
These two updates are affected;
I was hoping Adobe might notice, but they have not.
I just installed AcroRdrDCUpd2400520392_MUI.msp without any issues.
Can you enable MSI verbose logging, try to apply patch to AIP and provide verbose MSI log from User Temp folder?
It is likely large file, please upload it somewhere and provide download link.
The last Screenshot you provided - is it from database? Please confirm that you checked actual phisical file inside AIP.
Thank you, Kevin.
Patchlog.txt shows success in patching AIP
MSI (s) (B4:10) [17:42:57:638]: Product: Adobe Acrobat Reader MUI -- Installation operation completed successfully.
MSI (s) (B4:10) [17:42:57:638]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Adobe Acrobat Reader MUI. Product Version: 24.005.20399. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Adobe Systems Incorporated. Installation success or error status: 0.
Have you seen any issues?
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Hi @kevin_3848
Thanks for reporting the issue. Could you please try with latest patch. It should work fine.
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Nothing has changed, there is no new update available at
and attempting the AcroRdrDCUpd2400520399_MUI.msp results in the same error message.
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Kevin, please note that you cannot apply cumulative patch to any AIP patched with previous patch version or to a product deployed from such AIP.
The target for cumulative patch is original (not patched) product.
This is how MSI technology works (and how Adobe Installers\Patches work for that matter)
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I'm well aware of how the AIP works, I have been maintaining my company's adobe reader deployments for over 20 years. The version mismatch is from a test PC with the base version installed and attempts to manually install the 2 previously mentioned patch versions.
I have attached a screenshot from my attempt of patching an AIP that contains the base install version.
This process has been in production for over a decade. If it looks wrong to you please let me know, but I have a feeling the issue in on Adobe's side.
@ECho off
pushd %~dp0
set workdir=%cd%
set version=2400520399
set patch=AcroRdrDCUpd%version%_MUI.msp
set full=AcroRead.msi
TITLE Adboe AIP Creator
Echo Creating AIP...
msiexec /a "%workdir%\Full\%full%" TARGETDIR="%temp%\AIP" /qb
Echo Applying Patch %patch%
msiexec /a "%temp%\AIP\%full%" /p "%workdir%\Patch\%patch%" /qb
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Any updates?
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Kevin, my note was in reference to your original post with error "The upgrade patch cannot be installed.."
Error 1328 is very different and I would trust MSI that binary file difference in the patch cannot be applied to a specific file in the error description.
Can you please check if your AIP has RdrServicesUpdater.exe file exactly as specified in the Reader MUI database
FileSize 3367584 bytes
Version 15.7.20033.2203
(image from the Reader MUI original database opend with Orca)
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Just FYI. AcroRdrDCUpd2400520320_MUI.msp patch works just fine. Any update beyond that generates errors when installing or patching an AIP.
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I just installed AcroRdrDCUpd2400520392_MUI.msp without any issues.
Can you enable MSI verbose logging, try to apply patch to AIP and provide verbose MSI log from User Temp folder?
It is likely large file, please upload it somewhere and provide download link.
The last Screenshot you provided - is it from database? Please confirm that you checked actual phisical file inside AIP.
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I haven't tested AcroRdrDCUpd2400520392_MUI.msp since originally reporting the issue. I am currently working with AcroRdrDCUpd2400520399_MUI.msp and will have the logs shortly.
The screenshot is from the files table in AcroRead.msi in the unpatched AIP using orca. I've attached another screenshot of the file system properties of the file.
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Thank you, I tried latest patch based on Ravi's suggestion.
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Here are the logs, for creation of the AIP, and separate log for patching
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Thank you, Kevin.
Patchlog.txt shows success in patching AIP
MSI (s) (B4:10) [17:42:57:638]: Product: Adobe Acrobat Reader MUI -- Installation operation completed successfully.
MSI (s) (B4:10) [17:42:57:638]: Windows Installer installed the product. Product Name: Adobe Acrobat Reader MUI. Product Version: 24.005.20399. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Adobe Systems Incorporated. Installation success or error status: 0.
Have you seen any issues?
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Oddly no... and the only change made was adding the green below. This makes zero sense.
rmdir /s /q "%workdir%\AIP"
mkdir "%workdir%\AIP"
Echo Please wait...
msiexec /a "%workdir%\Full\%full%" TARGETDIR="%workdir%\AIP" /qb /L*vx "C:\temp\aiplog.txt"
goto _end
Echo Installing Patch %patch%
msiexec /a "%workdir%\AIP\%full%" /p "%workdir%\Patch\%patch%" /qb /L*vx "C:\temp\patchlog.txt"
goto _end