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Hi there everyone.
I hope there is someone out there that has a solution to this as i have literally tried everything.
I started a new job with a new Windows PC and needed to open some PDF documents, now after downloading the Acrobat reader from the adobe website i installed it and after that it would just refuse to open at all. I would click on the icon and the pc would think for a couple of secs with the little blue ring next to the pointer and then would just do nothing.
After many attempts or restarting the pc, uninstalling and reinstalling the program i gave up on that and proceeded to download Adobe Creative Cloud and tried getting reader form there. Downloaded as expected, installed as usual but after running that still the same issue.
I have even resorted to look up the issue on YouTube and even tried running a .exe file called Eula buried in the system files with no success whatsoever.
I hope that was enough info to give you an idea.
please if anyone has any idea, share it because i have nothing here.
Thanks guys.
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Same issue here