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Adobe Reader not responding to the Go To Page command

New Here ,
May 04, 2020 May 04, 2020

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Good Morning Everyone,


My apologies if this has been posted, using the search bar up top, as well as Google and Bing to try search the page, I was unable to locate any posts about this.

Replaced the workstation for a user at one of my clients, and they use an application called Gregg Catelog which opens a PDF to specific pages using Acrobat Reader. Except, since upgrading their computer this does not happen. It will open to the first page, and then in the background a prompt comes up 'Adobe Acrobat Reader was unresponsive to the go to page "L106" command. Would you like to retry?" message.

Have tried adjusting all settings in Edit -> Preferenances but unable to find a specific setting which allows this setting to work.


Application was installed from get.adobe.com/ca/reader/, but also tried using chocolatey and nuget to install Adobe Reader and has made no difference.

Thanks in advanced for helping, and I hope its something blatantly obvious and not due to a COM object or something similar not registerring correctly on the users' workstation.

View PDF , Windows






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New Here ,
Oct 18, 2023 Oct 18, 2023

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3 years later and this is the first result on google. Today I find myself in this situation with this same Gregg's app, wondering if the client i'm supporting is the same one Clayton here supported 3 years ago. If I figure it out, I'll report back for the poor soul who finds his way here in another 3 years.





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