Can't read pdf document and show 'Please wait....'.
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I want to read PDF documents that I have receied by email.
The file showed 'Please wait...
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Windows is either a registered trademark or a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Mac is a trademarkof Apple Inc., registered in.......'
I updated Acrobat reader, but it is not improved.
Please tell me how to reslove it. The document is very imporotant for my buisieness.
Thank you so much for your kind support.
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Hey there,
If you are getting this message while viewing a pdf in a browser, you are most likely trying to open a Dynamic XFA (XML Form Architecture) PDF. To view such pdf documents, we recommend you to download the file locally and open it either in Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat.
For more information, please read this article: