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Corrupted text after printing a document

New Here ,
Apr 07, 2021 Apr 07, 2021

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Hello, Our company have a problem on some computers with text showing after printing of some documents (invoices and delivery notes). It looks like the same issue in a few other posts. I have found out that it is caused by locking two temporary files of Acrobat Reader during document printing. Path of temp files is %temp%\acrord32_sbx\. These locks aren't released and after closing Acrobat Reader and running it again, these locked files cause that part of text is unreadable. User must log-off ourself or restart computer and then manually delete these files. I tried to solve it on chat with Adobe specialist, but he wrote that he can't postpone my request to higher support level and creating new post in forum is the one way only to it be solved.

I have created document with screenshots an detailed informations, but I don't want to public them because there are private information in it. I have log from Sysinternal Procmon and I can provide it too.

Example of corrupted text:



General troubleshooting , Print , View PDF






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