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Embedded audio playback issue

New Here ,
Jun 24, 2022 Jun 24, 2022

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We have PDFs with embedded audio (I believe MP3) that play on most of our computers all of which are running Windows 10 21H2

We have four computers that they won't play on. 

The same version of Adobe Reader DC is installed (2022.001.20085)

Under preferences, 'enable protected view at startup' is unchecked.

When they attempt to play the embedded audio, the player pops up and says 'Ready' but nothing happens.

I am including a screen capture of what is seen by the user. 

I have logged onto these machines with the generic account, a domain account and a local administrator account and experience the same behaviour in all cases.

I have successfully played an MP3 file using Windows Media Player to confirm it is working.

Any suggestions for what else it could be? These four computers are used offline with a local account but that shouldn't matter.




General troubleshooting , Windows




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