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How do I remove the right hand pane (export pdf, create pdf, edit pdf, etc.) on Reader DC? It takes up a quarter of my screen and I never use that stuff!
Thanks for your help!
1 Correct answer
The July 2015 Acrobat & Reader DC update introduced a UI change for the right-hand pane. Now when you launch Acrobat/Reader DC, it will retain the last state (collapsed or open) of the tools in the Right-Hand Pane. You can find more details on this page
Acrobat Help | New features summary.
Edit: Just to clarify in Reader DC, it's a Preference located under Edit > Preferences > Documents "Open Tool pane for each document".
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open Regedit and change this key from 1 to 0 :
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\AVGeneral]
and this one from 0 to 1 :
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Reader\DC\AVGeneral]
Hope this help!
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Thank you!
This workaround will solve my problem.
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Actually, just uncheck that box in "Edit preferences" - then when you open up another PDF,
--- click on the little arrow of the tool pane (half way down on the "left side" of the tools pane) - to collapse the tools pane. You can open it up again at will after that...
Next time you open docs in Adobe Reader aka DC (2015.009.20069), the tools pane will be closed.
Worked for me at any rate...
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Very very bad design. It's one thing to close the stupid tools pane, but every time I try to scroll I land up opening the panel again because it's right by the scroll bar. It's obnoxious at best and affects me constantly. Please have people test the software before releasing it to the public. New version should improve the software, not push a person to want to jump out of a building head first.
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@Brad Smith - yep, makes us want to go and use things like other free PDF s/w or Cute PDF or .....
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i simply deleted Viewer.aapp since the right hand pane in Reader DC was useless anyway.
seems that adode recruited some children to design this hideous UI, even the huge icons on Tools are completely pathetic. the all thing looks like a bad conversion from an phone app.
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Like many others, there is still sour in our mouths of Adobe treatment of its product users. Why force things like this down our throats when the user could easily find it when they need it! Wake up Adobe, see what's happened to Microsoft!
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Good news. There is a global solution.
AS someone just stated earlier, in Reader DC, it's a Preference located under Edit > Preferences > Documents "Open Tool pane for each document".
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The "news" were first posted in this thread on July 15, 2015, so they are not so new...
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it is truly unbelievable what a piece of garbage Adobe Reader is now.. 😕
(and I don't even about those moronic tablet-finger-menus here..) 😕
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And how does your message relate with the removal of the right hand panel in Reader DC?
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Adobe, you should create a R&D division at your company. Obviously your research would have shown people want choices and they do not like this side bar. Yes, your product is free (and thank you for that!), and it is YOURS…but if you force changes like this, all I have to do is move to another product.
You have an overall good product, but I need my screen to NOT be filled with items that I do not use. If I want it, I will load the tool bar.
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Pity that you didn't read my message immediately above yours. No workaround is necessary if you are using the July 2015 version of the program, or any later one, because the problem was solved by Adobe.
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Locking this thread as it has a correctly marked solution and has gone off topic.