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Images turning out white while printing

Jun 20, 2019 Jun 20, 2019

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Hi, I have been having this issue for quite some time and I've searched all over internet but nothing seems to work. I am working with packaging and use multiple images of the product on the box. I use png images (though I know png is for screen and shouldn't be used for printing) but it seems to work just fine. But sometimes it doesn't. When I export an Ai file to pdf it shows up everything but as soon as i hit print, it turns just one or two images white while others are OK. To solve this issue I tried using psd, tiff and svg, but everything gives the same result. I contacted our printing company and they think it is a bug in Adobe (easiest answer). Please let me know what I can to do resolve his issue. Eg; First image is from a pdf and second is the print preview.






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