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Javascript on 32 bit

New Here ,
Jul 07, 2022 Jul 07, 2022

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Hi, I have a problem with Adobe Reader on my remote desktop. My laptop is 64 bit, remote desktop is 32 bit. On my laptop, I can change the settings for JavaScript, but not on the remote desktop. Without the option to change these settings, I can't sign tax declaration via electronic signature on my remote desktop.
AR version for 64 bit system: 2022.001.20142,
AR version for 32 bit system: 2022.001.20142.

For some time I have had a message about Java Script - I could click “Enable JavaScript for this document one time only” and then I was able to sign document. Right now that option is inactive. Only the second option is active "Enable JavaScript for this document always” but it seems not to work (after click on it there is no action).


Edit and convert PDFs , Security digital signatures and esignatures , Windows






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