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macOS - Adobe Reader DC continuous track version 2021.011.20039 ignores configuration plist

New Here ,
Jan 14, 2022 Jan 14, 2022

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Hey all, 

I try to lock down Adobe Acrobat Reader DC Continuos track. I had a working plist but the current version 2021.011.20039 seems to ignore most of the plist settings. For example I get the EULA shown, Auto Update is enabled, so is webmail, etc.


To create the attached plist for the 2021.011.20039 version I used the old plist as a reference, the references from here https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/PrefRef/Macintosh/index.html and tried to add or use new keys like InAppUpsellEnabled that I found in a freshly created plist when launche the above version for the first time. The result was slightly better but auto update is still enabled as is webmail etc. 

Using only the references mentioned above and this guide https://www.adobe.com/devnet-docs/acrobatetk/tools/AdminGuide_Mac/predeployment_configuration_advanc... I created another new plist with the solemn purpose to disable auto update.  Again auto update is still active. 

I did restarts, I did log out the curren user before the first launch of Reader. I placed the plist in /Library/Preferences.  Nothing changed. 

To get at least a somewhat working configuration I launched Reader, opened Preferences, configured, enabled and disbaled what I could do there, safed the resulting com.adobe.Reader.plist from ~/Library/Preferences and now copy this plist via a script to each users Preferences folder. 


I also cannot use the Acrobat Customization Wizard DC any longer as I can't find a Reader Package that version 20.009.20063 accepts. Is there a newer version? 


To cut a long story short:

  • is there an example plist for the above Reader version? Do I need to rename the plist or what will work to lockdown the reader, disable/enable feature and disable auto update
  • is there a new customization wizard for the above version? 


Thanks in advance. 

I know the attached plist wont't work and isn't prober XML but upload only worked using txt. 






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