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Make a multipage PDF that has different merged information on the first page

New Here ,
Feb 18, 2020 Feb 18, 2020

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I work for a company that processes bulk mail for businesses. Lately, I've had many companies who have been printing 4 page newsletters on 11x17 pages that are folded into quarters and have the address and sorting information on the outside. The way I have been doing this is printing the newsletter itself, fold it, tab it, and then send it through my large printer to get the address and barcode and sorting information on it.


What I WOULD like to do is merge the addresses from a multipage PDF with the newsletter that is also in PDF form so I can print everything at once instead of printing it twice.

I have been able to merge the addresses with the address page by changing the background. But, how would I reintegrate the last 3 pages of the document in with the 200+ pages of addresses so that it paginates correctly?


I am open to other suggestions that would allow me to do this. However, to cut out one of the printing processes I need to keep the barcode in the address field.

Thank you!

GoalGoalbooklet example.jpg


Edit and convert PDFs , General troubleshooting , How to , Print , Share or review PDFs , View PDF , Windows






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