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- Fresh installation of MacOS 13.4 in host and guest.
- Parallels Desktop 18.3.1
- Fresh Installation from Adobe Acrobat Reader (Downloaded from Adobe)
Problem: Adobe shows a error message after start then a big grey box and can neither used nor stopped.
Adobe starts and i can see the main window with last files. After some seconds an error message box occurs with the message: "Adobe has encountered a problem. Some features may not work as expected.". After pressing "OK" a big grey box occurs and nothing is clickable in the Adobe window. The menu entry "Quit Adobe Acrobat Reader" is not clickable.
I found in a forum ( ) that adding --disable-gpu as parameter to the command in the terminal might help. Using this trick: The main window is useable. After clicking on the "Welcome"-PDF to edit it the again the message from above. A greyish window is above the viewed PDF (this time with window decoration). After closing that same message again. OK -> greyish window without window decoration (not close able). Again the menu entry "Quit Adobe Acrobat Reader" is not clickable.
Tried reinstallation -> same results.
Any ideas?
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Thanks for the detailed description.
Not completely sure, but it could be because of the virtual environment. Since you have already tried the main steps, just give it a try by following these steps:
1- Acrobat Reader >preferences or keyboard shortcut (cmd+k / Ctrl+k)> general> uncheck "show online storage when saving files" and "show online storage when opening files"
2- Also,
Acrobat Reader >preferences or keyboard shortcut (cmd+k / Ctrl+k)> general and
disable "show me a message from Adobe" > OK