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"Read Out Loud" Not Working With Adobe Reader XI

New Here ,
Dec 06, 2013 Dec 06, 2013

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I'm having the same problem running the "Read Out Loud" function on Adobe Reader XI that many others have reported.  I have the latest version of Reader XI, I'm running it on Windows 7, all of the other text to voice functions work OK (e.g., the Windows "Text to Speech" voice test works fine).

I've tried all of the "simple" fixes that have been suggested on the Adobe Community forums.  I tried unchecking the "Enable Protected Mode at Startup" setting in Preferences.  As many others have reported, this does not solve the problem for me.  I had been using the "Read Out Loud" feature successfuly on another PC (running Adobe Reader X and Windows 7), so I am familiar with it and I was running it correctly.

On my PC, the "Read Out Loud" function appears to be running, but there is no sound.  All audio functions work normally for my other programs. I first click on "Activate Read Out Loud" and then "Read to End of Document".  I can then click on selected portions of the text and the text is surrounded by a box indicating the "Read Out Loud" is working, but it produces no sound.  I am working with PDF files that are not images, the "Read Out Loud" function works perfectly with these PDF files on other PCs.

So I've sunk a lot of time into this problem and have exhausted all of the "simple" fixes suggested on this board (which haven't worked for other users either, who say they have given up on Reader and have switched to other software).  This is a known issue that's been reported by many other users - it really needs to be addressed with either a software update or at least a clear set of instructions that will fix the problem.  "Read Out Loud" is a very useful feature, I'd like to continue using it with Reader.  I know there's other text to voice software available, but there are some ffeatures of Reader that I like and I'd want to continue using it if a fix is available.

Any help on this would be appreciated.  Thanks.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Deleted User
Aug 22, 2014 Aug 22, 2014


I just solved this problem on my computer.

Windows 7 comes with only one "Voice" installed. "Microsoft Anna - English (United States)" I'm not sure what you get if your in another country.

You can test your "Voice/Voices" by running Microsoft Narrator. Click [Start] button and type "Narrator" in the [search programs and files] box. Press [Enter]. Your computer should begin talking. Click [Voice Settings] button to see a list of installed voices. Take note of the voices listed. "Mine has just



Aug 22, 2014 Aug 22, 2014

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I just solved this problem on my computer.

Windows 7 comes with only one "Voice" installed. "Microsoft Anna - English (United States)" I'm not sure what you get if your in another country.

You can test your "Voice/Voices" by running Microsoft Narrator. Click [Start] button and type "Narrator" in the [search programs and files] box. Press [Enter]. Your computer should begin talking. Click [Voice Settings] button to see a list of installed voices. Take note of the voices listed. "Mine has just the one."

Adobe Reader must have a voice selected that you have installed. To verify your settings Run Adobe Reader. From the top menu click [Edit] then click [Preferences] at the bottom of the list. In the Preferences window click [Reading] from the left hand list. Find "Read Out Loud Options" Un-check [Use default voice] Choose a voice from the drop down menu that you have verified is installed on your computer. Click [OK]

My Adobe Reader had 4 voices listed to choose from. I found this curious because I only have one voice.

Hope that helps.




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New Here ,
Sep 23, 2016 Sep 23, 2016

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re. post by Raywl. August 22, 2014

2 years later and you just solved my problem with your post.

Thank you.

May God richly bless you, in Jesus name. (no offense intended).

I struggled with this problem since my system updated to windows 10 recently. I tried a number of things, inc. repair function for adobe. No avail. I just read your post and hey presto, I selected a different voice (which apparently I had not tried before - and this function just resumed). So helpful.

Thanks again,





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New Here ,
Dec 17, 2016 Dec 17, 2016

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Hola. Tengo el mismo problema. Venía usando Leer en voz alta, sin problemas con Windows 10. No se porque la herramienta dejó de funcionar con la voz de Helena, en español. Si funciona Zira en inglés. Aparece un recuadro, como si estuviera leyendo pero no se escucha nada. Me fijé en el Narrador de Windows, funciona perfectamente. Aparecen  2 voces más en español, las de Anna y Pablo, ambas funcionan. Sin embargo en Adobe solo me aparecen Helena y Zira. Ya probé inhabilitar protección y sigue todo igual. Por favor, encuentren alguna solución, usaba mucho esa herramienta.

Adjunto versión de Windows y de Adobe.

Muchas gracias2016-12-16 (1).png2016-12-16.png




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New Here ,
Feb 02, 2018 Feb 02, 2018

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Hola tengo el mismo problema que tú, la única voz que funciona es la de inglés, pero necesito que me funcione en alemán y en español. Los que no lo saben pueden usar una opción gratuita y es abriendo el archivo deseado con el Microsoft Edge, luego a la derecha en una esquina de tres puntos le dais clic y tendrán que salir la opción de voz alta. Se puede configurar en diferentes idiomas.

Bueno con respecto al equipo Adobe me esperaba que tuviera esta opción sin la necesidad de comprar el paquete (muy caro), el equipo de Adobe hay que denotar su esfuerzo pero aquí va mi crítica. Si otro proveedor ofrece este servicio de "voz alta" totalmente gratis y muy simplificado a comparación con todas las instrucciones que nos ofrece Adobe y sin embargo no funciona esta opción, es un poco vergonzoso y una gran pena que por excelencia ofrezca el servicio de esta en inglés y no en otros idiomas, porque hay que pagar extra (?). Con todo mi más sincero respeto al equipo, pero sería una buena idea que en las próximas actualizaciones arreglarlo.




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New Here ,
Jul 30, 2018 Jul 30, 2018

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En efecto, con Edge se puede leer con las voces de Microsoft Windows y es gratuito!!!





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Community Beginner ,
Mar 21, 2017 Mar 21, 2017

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It's not working.




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New Here ,
Mar 23, 2017 Mar 23, 2017

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I'm having the same problem. I've made sure the native voice in windows is matched with the choice for voice in reader, and it still won't work. This is incredibly infuriating, especially when it's not cheap to buy decent software to read out loud.




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New Here ,
Mar 30, 2022 Mar 30, 2022

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Unbelievably, nine years later and this is still a problem, but these top two recommendations solved the problem. THANKS!




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