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Trying to cancel my plan after free trial

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May 14, 2024 May 14, 2024

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Quando foi renovado o período de experiência da minha conta pacote Adobe Acrobat Pro, disseram no site que me enviariam uma mensagem para lembrar que o período estava chegando ao fim. Nunca recebi nenhum aviso. Portanto, encerrou-se o teste gratuito e agora estão me cobrando 95,00/mês, sendo que eu não quero fazer a assinatura do programa e nem tenho interesse em continuar usando. Independentemente dessa renovação, a lei do consumidor permite o cancelamento de serviços ou devolução de produtos feita de forma ONLINE, isto é, fora do estabelecimento comercial. Dessa forma, entro em contato para solicitar o cancelamento GRATUITO e que vocês parecem de tentar fazer essa cobrança de 95,00 no meu cartão cadastrado.

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Community Expert ,
May 16, 2024 May 16, 2024

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I don't know about your points about the law. What I know is the following:

The free trial is 7 days from the day you start the free trial. After the paid subscription starts, you have 14 days to cancel free of charge, and you get refunded. Thereafter, you have an annual subscription, and when you cancel early, you need to pay half of the remaining dues as an early termination fee. Details may be different for your region to be in-line with local laws.


To cancel, you go to https://account.adobe.com/plans and hit the manage plan button and cancel. If that doesn't work, get in touch with the client support team.


Adobe customer care can be contacted by beginning a secure chat session at https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?rghtup=autoOpen. Pop-up blockers need to be disabled, you need to accept cookies! If the chat window fails to open, or is non-responsive, use a different device and/or browser to start the interaction.

For support via Twitter:

(see also here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/creative-cloud-services/how-to-contact-adobe-support/td-p/11875703 or here

Important: Adobe does NOT contact you unsolicited by e-mail or direct message. If you get contacted by direct message from a person, claiming to be an Adobe employee, look at that profile and check if they bear the “Adobe Employee” marking under their name. Adobe support does not use Skype to give you support.
If in doubt, ask the forum.



ABAMBO | Hard- and Software Engineer | Photographer





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