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Is there any way to use my own Synology NAS for a Storage Account in Adobe Reader DC?
So when I click on "Add an Account", then I can use my Synology NAS network credentials and access PDF books & documents stored on my Synology NAS -- instead of Dropbox or Google Drive etc.
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If I understand correctly, your own NAS isn't a cloud account, it's just local files and you store to it like any local network drive, by its share name.
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Synology Network Attached Storage (NAS) is similar to QNAP or Western Digital My Cloud systems.
Essentially a bunch of hard drives, setup in a RAID configuration, connected to the internet through your home internet connection.
This allows the home (or business) user store large numbers of documents, files, books, movies, etc -- all accessible at home or office or anywhere you have the internet.
Actually it is very similar to Dropbox. But instead of a public hard drive at Dropbox's data center, you have your own "data center" at your home.
My own Synology NAS units (6 of them, for my business) have tens of thousands of documents, books, etc.
I would love to have these accessible directly through the Adobe DC "Add an Account" feature.
So yes, Synology NAS isn't a public cloud, it is a private cloud account.
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Hello, Yes I want to my Synlogy Drive Folder