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I am desperately trying to convert a 10 page Form 1099-B PDF to an excel sheet. When I go to convert it, excel doesn’t translate it correctly. Even if I were to copy and paste a number item from the PDF, it still does not translate properly.
For example, if I try to covert or copy and paste the number 395.49, it converts to F,1o5,
I don’t understand and I really do not want to have to manually type out each individual cell.
Please Help!!
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Portable Document Format files are not like word processing or spreadsheet files, meaning they don’t contain formatting, rows, and columns. In order for the regular PDF to Excel conversion to give accurate results, the PDF file (and any table inside it) needs to be tagged.
Since dealing with a tagged PDF is such a rare case that you’ll encounter, the most common practice is to simply accept the fact that the quality of your conversion results will be poor and to manually clean up the content using the spreadsheet application of your choice afterward.
Fortunately, there’s a better way to go about PDF to Excel conversion formatting problems. Follow along as we explain how to get accurate results and extract tables that will be useful from the get-go by using Able2Extract Professional – PDF to Excel converter software recommended by professionals from various industries dealing with a massive amount of spreadsheet data locked inside PDFs.
With Custom PDF to Excel advanced options in Able2Extract Professional, you can change up the table selection, set up table structure, manually edit rows and columns, and preview the end result prior to the conversion.
These features help you create a tailored conversion layout so you can get the tables and data you need perfectly formatted and set up for your spreadsheet before you even convert the PDF content.
In the following example, we’ll demonstrate how to use the Custom Excel feature in order to change the layout created automatically by the program.
Notice that the PDF page in this example has two tables surrounded by text.
PDF page with tables surrounded by text
Performing a regular PDF to Excel conversion will result in a spreadsheet that needs a lot of follow-up work in order to be useful. Just take a look at the results seen in this image below:
Automatic PDF to Excel conversion resulting spreadsheet
To analyze the data, you’d need to delete a large part of the text in order for your functions and formulas to work properly. Moreover, you may need a specific portion of that extra text alongside the tables.
A solution is to use the feature that differentiates Able2Extract from all other PDF converter tools – Custom PDF to Excel.
Rachel Gomez
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Hi there,
Thank you for this response, however, it still isn't working and converting the incorrect way as well.
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Hi Basia,
Thank you for reaching out.
Would you mind sharing the PDFs that you are trying to convert?
Also, share the converted Excel sheet.
As there is an issue in translation, please confirm if the PDF was created by you in the Acrobat application or received from an external source.
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Hi there,
Thank you for getting back to me, I am unable to share the PDF I am speaking of, as it is someone's tax document.
The PDF was not created by me. It was sent to me as a PDF
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"For example, if I try to covert or copy and paste the number 395.49, it converts to F,1o5,"
Copy and paste doesn't convert it. You will get what is stored in the PDF file. It is a issue of the font encoding.
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Hmm, so there is no way that I can convert it and maintain the showing font, is there? It will continue to convert whatever embeded font exists?
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This is not possible with the Acrobat Online Services.
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Damn, ok. Thank you!
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Hey Basia25796561q1m3,
Just following up for confirmation.
Are you using the Acrobat Oline account or the Acrobat Pro DC desktop application to convert the PDf to Excel?
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Desktop version
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Thank you for confirming.
Please share the Acrobat and OS versions.
Share the PDF and the Excel file you have created.
We will try to replicate the behavior at our end.