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Not sure why I am receiving this message every time I try to send a doc from my template library.
My account is renewing on 10 March and the credit card details on file are valid.
Any ideas please - urgently - as I have docs to send today.
Thanks Vicky
1 Correct answer
The issue was identified and a fix was deployed earlier this morning. Please let us know in case you are still facing this issue.
Sameer Puri
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The issue was identified and a fix was deployed earlier this morning. Please let us know in case you are still facing this issue.
Sameer Puri
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I am trying to cancel a contract I have sent and keep getting "access token provided is invalid or has expired.
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This is ridiculous ... you have been dealing with this issue for a very long time. I am a new subscriber and cannot access Lightroom CC because my "access token is expired" ... not only that but I'm having a hard time finding the right link to actually talk to someone about this and gain access for the programs I subscribed to days ago. This has been one problem after another and as I do research, I'm finding that these problems have been around a long time. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post but after searching for a day during whatever free time I have had and going through numerous links which send me around the mulberry bush I don't know what else to do except quit having been unsuccessful ... again ... and go make dinner for my kids. Maybe I'll research other programs after we have eaten.
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It's back: just started for me this month (October 2018)
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It's back. I've been using Creative Cloud and Lightroom CC just fine for a few months. Now the "token expired" for Lightroom CC (and cannot log into Acrobat DC--and trying logs me out of Creative Cloud. Bridge and Photoshop CC work fine (except that Photoshop CC cannot access the Lightroom CC libraries). Now I'm in an infinite do loop of signing in, launches Lightroom CC, says my token has expired, sign out (of everything), sign in "Creative Cloud will be licensed for (my Adobe ID email). Click continue to enjoy the software" and continue brings me back to "Account notification An error occurred while attempting to sign in to Lightroom CC: 'Your access token is expired'. Please sign out and sign in again"
All this hassle is why I dropped the plan last year. Now I have a new laptop and figured I'd give it another go. Disappointing.
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It is back and it is happening again for EVERY single document. Every item we have out for signature is now completely unusable. Cannot set reminders or track anything. Also - with the new roll out, we do not have the option to change signers anymore without the Manage Documents page. All in all, a pretty terrible roll out of new features since last month. Not sure why all the changes as it was working fine until September.
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I am a new user and this error message is appearing for me too.
Unable to send any documents for signature. Please resolve asap.
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I am trying to send documents for signatures and my recipients are receiving this same error messagE.