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Slider not working in Shapes

Community Beginner ,
Dec 04, 2019 Dec 04, 2019

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When I was using Adobe Capture on my iPhone today trying to capture a shape, the slider was no longer working or not even visible. This is a recent issue as I had used it not so long ago, and I could use the slider to adjust what I was going to capture from an image.


When I had first opened the app, the slider was not even there, and I thought it was removed for some reason in an update. I then discovered one way to bring it back was to tap the adjustment icon on the top right. Here I can adjust Exposure, highlight, shadow, etc.


If I close that again, the slider is there, but moving it does nothing.


So, I don't know if the general slider that helped adjust what details I captured was replaced by all these adjustment levels or if there is something wrong with the slider. Anyone else have this experience? If there has been a change, is there an explanation anywhere?



How to , Shapes






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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Dec 04, 2019 Dec 04, 2019



I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. We have shipped a new feature - capturing ‘Colorful’ shapes. When you opened the app, you landed directly into this mode. This mode don’t need a slider. Hence, this looks different from earlier versions.


When you tapped the adjustment icon on the top right, it enabled filters and the appeared slider only changes values for these filter effects. On closing it, slider remained there due to a bug. We are working on a fix for this.


To get back the general




New Here ,
Dec 04, 2019 Dec 04, 2019

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Hello, I think the default mode may have been reset. When you open up shapes in Capture, make sure the setting in the upper right hand corner is NOT on the palette icon, but intead on the two tone circle. This solved my issue with it. 


Hope this helps. I love this app!





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Adobe Employee ,
Dec 04, 2019 Dec 04, 2019

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I am sorry for the inconvenience caused. We have shipped a new feature - capturing ‘Colorful’ shapes. When you opened the app, you landed directly into this mode. This mode don’t need a slider. Hence, this looks different from earlier versions.


When you tapped the adjustment icon on the top right, it enabled filters and the appeared slider only changes values for these filter effects. On closing it, slider remained there due to a bug. We are working on a fix for this.


To get back the general slider (that helps adjust details), please follow below mentioned steps. Hope this helps.

Thank you for posting feedback. It is very valuable for us.




Step 1Step 1Step 2Step 2Step 3Step 3



















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Community Beginner ,
Dec 04, 2019 Dec 04, 2019

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Thank you, Abhishek,


Yes, that was the issue. When I followed your steps and switched back to black and white shapes, I was able to adjust the shape slider as before.


I thought perhaps that the new mode was through the various adjustments since there is a "Line" option under the adjustments. I think this will be a useful addition, but I also appreciate the quick capture feature under tbe black and white mode.


Thank you again.





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