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Hi!! Adobe fonts are taking too long time to be installed! I guess this is an old issue, I used to have this same problem when this service was called as "Type Kit". I can see the problem continues, unfortunelly. My internet connection is Ok.
Hi everyone – The Fonts team hears your frustration. While my reassurances aren't as valuable as offering a solution, please know we are actively working on determining the cause and treating this issue with top priority.
At this time, the best way to help the Adobe Fonts team fix activation issues is by posting your recent CoreSync logs from around the time you experience the delay, and let us know whether you are activating fonts in Creative Cloud Desktop or directly from the Adobe F
A solution that I found that works for me was to turn off/on Adobe Fonts and restart InDesign. Found here:
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2022... still a problem
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2025 here! Still dealing with this issue trying to download a singular font file. Adobe wya??
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Welcome to the community! We're sorry to hear about this. Could you please elaborate more about the issue you're seeing?
We're here to help; we just need some info.
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Same problem here. One solution Adobe offered was to deactivate all/reactivate. Well, that takes just about as long. Unacceptable. I activated 3 fonts about 10 minutes ago. Still not showing up in any apps.
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It is now 2021 and this issue still seems to be a problem, Adobe are you going to look into this rather than sending us links to pages that do not actually help the issue whatsoever? That would be fantastic.
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WOOOOOW It's 2021 February and we are still waiting ages for a font to show up. Did you not know that we design on time? This is liek the lamest excsue to pass by a client come on man!
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May 2021! Still taking hours to load 8 fonts!
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June 2022
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Same problem here. Taking forever. The whole process of activating a font (and trying to find it afterwards in the application) is pretty complicated anyway. So much time wasted already!
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I think Adobe is flat out ignoring this issue now.
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Adobe, please take some time out of your day to look into this issue. This issue has been an issue for going on 2 years now and it's very frustrating and very inconvenient. We undestand this issue does not interfere with your workflow, but it does mine and many other who especially work in a more fast paced environment. PLEASE take the time and help us out here.
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same here! on a deadline and my fonts WILL not activate!
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Adobe why are you ignoring this issue? Being in prepress production I have always had font issues, but this delay in activating fonts is the worst, we don't have time to sit in and wait for fonts to work. What a joke.
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same problem. click activate, not hing happens until several minutes later. fix this
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Why can't Adobe just leave the fonts I have installed alone and stop uninstalling them?
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I'm here for this comment! I've been using the same font for a big project with lots and lots of printed pieces, and every time I turn on Adobe, my font is turned off and I have to spend 30min to 1 hour trying to fix. I just need to be able to open Adobe, make a quick change, and move on with my day. Instead I'm spending a ridiculous amount of time on a stinkin' FONT.
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We've had the same issue for years too.. so does all of my employees. This is obviously an issue for all adobe users, not sure why adobe ignores the issue. We're forced to find alternative fonts because adobe fonts just take too long for us.
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I contacted Adobe support about this issue a few days ago, they acted like it was the first they heard of it, wanted to know if I was using then wanted me to deactivate all my fonts and reactivate them again, not happening Adobe, I just left the conversation.
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I have the same complaint. Adobe charges a ridiculous price for their products, and I expect at the very least that the products should work. Please fix this ASAP.
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Confirmed! Downloading / syncing fonts is super slow! @adobe please fix this. Thank you!
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When one company dominates an industry, they can afford to drag their feet on things like this. Seriously considering Affinity (for more reasons than just this). Fix, or at least acknowledge this problem please Adobe.
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Hi everyone – The Fonts team hears your frustration. While my reassurances aren't as valuable as offering a solution, please know we are actively working on determining the cause and treating this issue with top priority.
At this time, the best way to help the Adobe Fonts team fix activation issues is by posting your recent CoreSync logs from around the time you experience the delay, and let us know whether you are activating fonts in Creative Cloud Desktop or directly from the Adobe Fonts website. Here are instructions for collecting your computer's CoreSync logs:
> Tell us whether you are attempting to activate fonts within Creative Cloud Desktop when the issue occurs, or if you are activating from the Adobe Fonts website.
> Attach the recent CoreSync logs from your computer so we can take a closer look–
On OS X:
1. Open the Finder
2. under the Go menu, select "Go To Folder"
3. in the window that opens, type: ~/Library/Logs/CreativeCloud/CoreSync/
On Windows:
1. Open Windows Explorer
2. The log folder is hidden by default, so make sure that hidden folders and files are visible. Under the Organize menu, select Preferences and then the View tab. Choose the "Show hidden files, folders, & drives." option, then click Apply to confirm the changes.
3. Go to C:\Users\(username)\AppData\Local\Temp\CreativeCloud\CoreSync\
where "(username)" is the name of your user folder on your computer.
Attach the 3 or 4 most recent CoreSync-yyyy-MM-dd.log files and please specify whether you are activating fonts in Creative Cloud Desktop or on the Adobe Fonts site.
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Whilst I understand why you need the information to try to fix this, who honestly has the time to keep doing tech support on their own machines for every issue. It's not just this, there are so many bugs across the whole suite that kill workflow to the point it reflects on my work because I am working far too slowly, and it is costing money because it's eating into my own time - clients aren't interested in paying for time spent troubleshooting the software we designers already pay through the nose for, nor should they be.
The onus isn't on us to constantly do workarounds to make the software work, it should be on you Adobe to get it right before releasing constantly broken features onto us and then scrambling to patch them up when enough people are fed up.
Adobe, you are EXHAUSTING!
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