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Not able to find font names

Community Beginner ,
Sep 07, 2022 Sep 07, 2022

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Hey team! I had been using Adobe Fonts and they seemed to work fine, but I am not sure if something has changed recently. I am looking to use fonts from the same font family in an app called Shogun, which is a page builder for Shopify and other ecommerce platforms.

I have a project where I have added some fonts, for example, Adobe Caslon. The font has different types, 
Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold, Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold Italic, and Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic. Previously, I was able to select a specific font type under the same family, add it to my project and then copy the font family name which was different for each font, and I referenced this in Shopify or in Shogun. It worked. This meant I would have the font name as - ddobe-caslon-pro-semibold-italic. 

However, now when I add the font to my project, the font family only displays adobe-caslon-pro. The semibold and italic are not an option. I can't add them to Shopify or Shogun separately. 

The same happens for other fonts such as Postino Std, it has Postino Std Regular and Postino Std Italic as options, but the font family only refers to postino-std. 

I had Myriad Pro Bold Condensed added to my project ID earlier and the font name I see is myriad-pro-condensed which works fine. But I don't see the font names similar to this example anymore.

I am not sure if I explained this correctly, but any help would be appreciated. 






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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 07, 2022 Sep 07, 2022

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Hi There,


Thank you for reaching out to us. We are sorry for your difficulties as you are unable to activate the font family in your application. The reason you are facing this issue is that you are not signed in with a CC subscription that includes the full font library, or you are using a free account. You are only seeing the fonts that come with the free library. Could you please check your account and log in with the correct account details which have a Creative Cloud Subscription?

Please let us know if this information helps.








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Community Beginner ,
Sep 08, 2022 Sep 08, 2022

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Hi there, Neelan! Thanks for the reply. 

I think that's not correct. I am using the Free version, but I have used that since the start and never had any issues. 
I think I may not have explainbed this correctly.  

Even with the free version, I have fonts I can use without an issue, right, or is it necessary to have a CC subscription?

For example, Nueva is a free font family (Adobe Originals). 
There are 4 types - Nueva Std Italic, Nueva Std Bold, Nueva Std Condensed, and Nueva Std Bold Condensed.

If I only want to use Nueva Std Italic, I'd activate this font, add it to my project, and then I'd look for the font's CSS name (family) which should be unique, something similar to nueva-std-italic. However, I only nueva-std for all the fonts under this family, there is no unique name that I can reference/add when I try to add the font to the Shopify theme or the app I am using. 

A couple of months ago, I was able to activate specific fonts (on the free plan), and get unique font names and they worked. 

I hope this explains a bit more. 





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Community Beginner ,
Sep 07, 2022 Sep 07, 2022

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Hey team! I had been using Adobe Fonts and they seemed to work fine, but I am not sure if something has changed recently. I am looking to use fonts from the same font family in an app called Shogun, which is a page builder for Shopify and other ecommerce platforms - https://getshogun.com/

I have a project where I have added some fonts, for example, Adobe Caslon. The font has different types, 
Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold, Adobe Caslon Pro Semibold Italic, and Adobe Caslon Pro Bold Italic. Previously, I was able to select a specific font type under the same family, add it to my project and then copy the font family name which was different for each font, and I referenced this in Shopify or in Shogun. It worked. This meant I would have the font name as - ddobe-caslon-pro-semibold-italic. 

However, now when I add the font to my project, the font family only displays adobe-caslon-pro. The semibold and italic are not an option. I can add them to Shopify separatly. 

The same happens for other fonts such as Postino Std, it has Postino Std Regular and Postino Std Italic as options, but the font family only refers to postino-std. 

I had Myriad Pro Bold Condensed added to my project ID earlier and the font name I see is myriad-pro-condensed which works fine. But I don't see the font names similar to this example anymore.

I am not sure if I explained this correctly, but any help would be appreciated. 

{Mod Note: Merged with the existing thread}





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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 12, 2022 Sep 12, 2022

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Hi @sweetan12 


I watched your video and think I might be able to help provide some answers to your questions.


Depending on how a font family was authored or setup through the source foundry some are setup as separate fonts and will have a unique names in other cases they used the font style to differentiate the fonts within the family. So it is not possible to rely soley on the name. Nothing changed, how they're setup just varies from font family to font familyScreen-Shot-2022-09-12-at-12.28.38-PM.png






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