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Black Screen from AE export to AME

Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2013

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I have just started using AE CC and I was trying to output some videos but there was some bugs with the time using render queue but I had found the problem and fix it. But while solving this issue I found an odd problem with the Adobe Media Encoder CC. Everytime I click on export to Media Encoder it renders the video with no content just a black blank screen. The temp AE files it generates is fine no issues just the video file is blank. I tried a different animation that I had also created same problem. I got someone who knows AE and he tried using different codecs but its blank too. There is no problems with AE or the working file because I can render videos with no problems using the internal render queue, Its only media encoder having this odd issue.

I had tried updating Media Encoder to 7.01 even though its already 7.01 but still the same problem. How do I uninstall and reinstall? I have media encoder cs6 installed on my mac too. Will that cause any conflicts?

Currently I have these Adobe software installed - Adobe CS6 Design Premium (Illustrator, Photoshop, Acrobat Pro, Fireworks, Flash, Indesign, Dreamweaver - Full Liscene Version) and (Audition CS6, Edge Animate, Encore CS6, Premiere Pro CS6, Photoshop Light Room 5, After Effects CC - All Trial Versions).

I am using a Macbook Pro with Mountain Lion 10.8.5. All software up to date.




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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Oct 02, 2013 Oct 02, 2013

Thanks for the screen shots. In the third screen shot, of the AME Export Settings dialog, I do see content in the window, two sets of dark gray checkerboards; this seems to match the screenshot of your comp except for the light gray background. So to my eyes you're not getting all black, you're getting something that is very dark.

Although I can't verify this from the screenshots, I think what may be throwing you off is that the comp background color is not used by AME. It's fair to call this a b



Adobe Employee ,
Sep 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2013

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If you open the Export Settings dialog for the output item in the Queue, can you see your frames there? Scrub through the whole clip to verify you're getting the right thing.

What formats are you rendering to? H.264, QuickTime, etc.? If QuickTime, AVI, or MXF OP1a, which codecs are you using?

If you encode a different type of video file (ie., not an AE comp) with AME, does it come out correct or is it also all-black? Import a video file into AME and try encoding that with the same settings you're using with your AE comp.

Similarly, while AME is rendering do you see your video in the Preview panel or is it just black?

I don't think reinstalling AME is necessarily going to be helpful, but to do so you would need to uninstall and reinstall After Effects CC. If you have any other Adobe CC video applications installed, you will need to also uninstall them before reinstalling. (AME is a "child" application of Premiere Pro, After Effects, Prelude, and Flash Pro. In the future we plan to make it easier to reinstall AME separately.)




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Explorer ,
Sep 30, 2013 Sep 30, 2013

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I just tried on my friend notebook with AE CC and Media Encoder. She also just started using so no setting changed in Media Encoder and it work fine. I just tried importing a video using Media Encoder it is redering fine only files from AE is broken. No errors too.

The format I had tried are H.264. In the AME preview its black too. How do you do a reinstall of After Effects CC? Will that affect my trial?

Another question is since I have CS6 and CC programs can I remove CS6 AME and streamline everything into AME CC? Since its a duplication of programs taking up disk space.




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 01, 2013 Oct 01, 2013

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The format I had tried are H.264. In the AME preview its black too. How do you do a reinstall of After Effects CC? Will that affect my trial?

Go to the Applications/Adobe After Effects CC folder and double-click on the Uninstall Adobe After Effects CC shortcut. Reinstalling should not have an affect on your trial period, as long as you remain signed in to Creative Cloud on that computer.

Before doing that, though, please post a screenshot of 1) your AE comp, 2) the AME queue with that comp loaded, and 3) the Export Settings dialog for that comp.

You should also try resetting the preferences for both AE and AME. The top of this page has instructions for AE; I recommend deleting the files manually instead of using the keyboard shortcuts. AME's preferences files are in a similar location. Mind that the user Library folder is hidden on recent versions of Mac OS.  (After Effects CC is version 12.0, and AME CC is version 7.0.)

Another question is since I have CS6 and CC programs can I remove CS6 AME and streamline everything into AME CC? Since its a duplication of programs taking up disk space.

In order to properly remove AME CS6 you would need to remove all CS6 applications that reference it (in your case, Flash Pro CS6 and Premiere Pro CS6). Please note that you should always use the uninstaller applications; don't try to throw the applications in the trash, which will cause problems if you later need to reinstall.




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Explorer ,
Oct 02, 2013 Oct 02, 2013

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Screenshot 1.jpgScreenshot 2.jpgScreenshot 3.jpg




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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 02, 2013 Oct 02, 2013

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Thanks for the screen shots. In the third screen shot, of the AME Export Settings dialog, I do see content in the window, two sets of dark gray checkerboards; this seems to match the screenshot of your comp except for the light gray background. So to my eyes you're not getting all black, you're getting something that is very dark.

Although I can't verify this from the screenshots, I think what may be throwing you off is that the comp background color is not used by AME. It's fair to call this a bug, though there's an intent here: showing the background color would obliterate the alpha channel for when AE comps are used in Premiere. We need to improve this so the user has an option whether or not to display the comp background color. But for now, don't consider the background color as part of your comp.

So if you put a new solid at the bottom of your layer stack with the same color as your comp background, does that solve the problem? Or am I barking up the wrong tree?




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Explorer ,
Oct 04, 2013 Oct 04, 2013

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Yes that work. By putting a solid at the bottom works. I had actually reinstall. On my screen I could not see anything, I guess different screens displays the black differently so you could see something but I could not. But what is the composition background setting for if it does not work in AME and only AE's render queue? I would consider this a bug in the sense the user is not prompted when exporting to AME that the composition background colour will be discarded. Thanks for your help by the way!!




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Explorer ,
Jul 27, 2016 Jul 27, 2016

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And, here it is 2016. Just battered my brains out trying to figure out why I was getting black on my AME render. I was using a white BG (which I thought was a solid in a very complex project), and when I finally discovered this post, I added in a white SOLID at the bottom of the main comp, and voila!

Feeling kind of stupid right now, but just wanted to thank ya'all for the answer.




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New Here ,
Mar 24, 2021 Mar 24, 2021

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I am having this same issue, except with my comp I actually want to have the empty space. Adding a solid layer with a color will not solve my issue. I need to keep the empty space around my composition, but AME is adding a black background. This is added with H.264, Gif, etc. 




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Community Beginner ,
Jan 24, 2023 Jan 24, 2023

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I just updated to the AE version 23.1 because a previous post suggested that version will export better - NOPE. So, I updated Media Encoder and sent the file from AE to ME to no avail. ME exported a black screen with no audio or video. Of course that's what I wanted Adobe. I'm just amazed that a company like Adobe has apps that simply don't work. 




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