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Hi, I keep getting this when I try to create new encode presets. I ran disk utility and all seemed ok.
Any ideas???
Many Thanks!
I ran into the same problem and found a way around it.. try opening the file in quictime, then go to file>export, select the size you want, and make sure "Greater Compatibility (H.264) is checked. Huge pain, but it worked for me.. hope this helps.
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Hi drewd9949700,
Are you an admin with full permissions on your computer? Are you working off an external hard drive or NAS system?
What kind of source file are you trying to bring into Media Encoder? Is it some kind of video file (details would be helpful)? Is this a Premiere Pro project? Is this an After Effects project? Is this a Premiere Pro project with After Effects dynamically linked that you are trying to render in Media Encoder?
Any additional details would be helpful.
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I've been running into this problem as well with Adobe Media Encoder. I've been trying to create proxy presets for Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2020. I've only been successful with H.264 but anything involving Quicktime as been a no go. I've tried Cineform and ProRes 422 Proxy with no success. This error pops up instead. I've personally thought it has to do with the fact that I'm editing using a PC instead of a Mac but correct me if I'm wrong.
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Im actually experiencing the same problem and I'm seeing multiple other people struggle with it as well. I contacted them and they told me it was unstable frame. I thought this worked as it did with the test we tried. However, after trying to do it with my main project, I was back at square one.
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I'm trying to upload a small WMV file into Media Encoder just to convert it to MP4 so it will load into ArcGIS Story Maps and I get this error. I don't have full admin credentials on my computer, which is on a network. The video was sent via Google and I downloaded it to my desktop. It does not have any restrictions on it that I can see.
What kind of permissions does a person need to do what is seemingly a simple task?
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Where are the amazing engineers when we need them? I am paying for this *&%ˆ$ I need the job done.
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This is user to user forum where we users help each other. The Adobe engeneers do not always read everything here. If you feel strongly about a (new)feature or (bug) fix please post it here, as it will be read by the engeneers:
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I am still suffering from this. Have to change permissions for each asset used. Never had that before. Think it's due to MacOS and Ae/AME not communication correctly.
I gave both Apps full disk acces in Preferences/Security/Privacy, but that does not solve the permission hazzle.
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I ran into the same problem and found a way around it.. try opening the file in quictime, then go to file>export, select the size you want, and make sure "Greater Compatibility (H.264) is checked. Huge pain, but it worked for me.. hope this helps.
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I had the same issue, and this also worked for me.
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Quicktime Player (I presum that's the app you mention) can not open After Effects Compositions, nor render those.
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After Effects is not the topic here and neither permissions. Open a new question if you are having trouble with that software.
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Are you sure? The topic is: "Could not open source file. Please check that file exists with correct permissions"
That's the exact error I get when I sec Ae Comps to AME and try to render.
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To clarify: the source file (the unrecognized .mov) needs to be reopened in QuickTime Player, then exported using the guidelines previously stated
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In my case, the sources file is a temporary copy of my After Effects Comp, created by Dynamic Link.
So this problem is occuring in more occasions than you think.
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OMG Thank you so much!
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I found that if you transfer the file to an external hard drive and open it from there, it works.
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I am trying to upload a .avi video to media encoder to convert into .mp4 but I am receiving the same error. Tried importing from desktop, then from external drive and nothing. I cant even export with quicktime because it does not support avi's. Need help. 😞
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As a last resort, you can always play the video and record the screen using Quicktime in conjunction with the software Blackhole 16ch (it used to be SoundFlower a few years ago) to reroute the system audio to a virtual channel. So you can select it on the Quicktime audio recording input. Then you can play the video, record it and edit using any NLE. However, before that I would try using VLC Player to convert the file. It can read pretty much any codec out there and stream the contents to a new file.
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This seemed to be some sort of permissions issue for me. But one that I couldn't resolve locally. I uploaded the video to Vimeo and let it convert it. Then grabbed the highest resolution I could. Original format was a .MOV and while I've had success int he past just changing the file extension, that didn't work here. Working on a PC.