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I have a corporate license to Adobe software. I am using Premiere Pro CC 2015 and After Effects CC 2015. Today, I was having an issue using an MP2 file with Premiere Pro. So I saw something and ran "Updates" hoping it would solve the issue. I don't know what it did but it broke After Effects. When trying to export a lower thirds project, I got the following error: “AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer: Adobe Media Encoder is not installed. Please download and install it to use this feature. Go to" which is then followed by AEGP Plugin AEDynamicLinkServer: Failed to connect to Adobe Media Encoder.” I uninstalled After Effects and Premiere Pro and re-installed them both. I still get the same error. I assumed Adobe Media Encoder was installed but when I go look in the same folder where the other Adobe software is (Programs), it's not there.
How does Adobe Media Encoder get installed (part of PP or AE)? I also found a URL where I could download an AE "update" - ran that and I get an error saying the "patch is not applicable to you". I think somehow through this process Adobe Media Encoder was uninstalled and not re-installed with either PP or AE.
1 Correct answer
Rendering inside Premiere Pro. Now that you ask, I think I've tried to use the queue option and I get an error.
Likely, your IT department did not install the proper version of Creative Cloud to your computer. There are two different kinds of installations: one that carries that royalty bearing codecs (which you need), and one that doesn't, which gives you errors when exporting. Please tell your IT department to install the correct version of Creative Cloud.
If this is not the case
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You can install Media Encoder by itself via Creative Cloud app > Apps tab.
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I don't have the Creative Cloud app - my company has a license to use most Adobe software but not CC app.
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Media Encoder has its own installer. So, it has to be installed separately from PPro and AE.
Does your company have a custom installer package? If this installer package contains Media Encoder, it should be able to install it. Would you contact your admin or someone in charge to find out?
Since you are a corporate-license user, you may need support specific to your license type.
You may want to try the chat support at Contact Customer Care (Click "Still need help? Contact us" at the bottom )
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Thanks - have reached out to our internal person who owns our contract with Adobe. It is certainly a custom installer because the PC has to be connected to our corporate network to install the software.
What doesn't make sense is that I can render Premiere Pro video but I get the error with AE. This seems to suggest AME is installed but I don't see it in any of my program folders and certainly not in the "Adobe" folder where I see PP and AE.
I may try asking customer care - not sure they'll help me since I don't have a license (or if there is one, I don't know where to find it).
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When you are rendering Premiere Pro video, are you rendering within PPro? Or do you see AME launching and you can render through AME?
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Rendering inside Premiere Pro. Now that you ask, I think I've tried to use the queue option and I get an error.
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This means that AME is not installed on your machine. You may want to ask the person in charge in your company why your company's custom installer doesn't install AME.
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Rendering inside Premiere Pro. Now that you ask, I think I've tried to use the queue option and I get an error.
Likely, your IT department did not install the proper version of Creative Cloud to your computer. There are two different kinds of installations: one that carries that royalty bearing codecs (which you need), and one that doesn't, which gives you errors when exporting. Please tell your IT department to install the correct version of Creative Cloud.
If this is not the case, please unmark this answer as correct and let us know what did fix your issue or if you still need help.
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Hi Kevin,
I have the same problem. I do have an adobe cc licence, but I don't have an IT-department...that is me also.
You say there are two versions of creative cloud, where can I find the one with codecs and plug-ins? and why is there a difference in creative clouds?
By the way the plugin (AE GP plugin AEdynamiclinkserver) is impossible (for me) to find on
Best regards,
Bob van Bruggen
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I have the same problem.
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I found Uninstalling any previous version of After effects from your computer , allowed me to export directly to Adobe Media Encoder.
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Thank you. This solved my same problem.
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I also have the same problem. I have been using the Media Encoder with out a problem until this last update. Now I get the error message and it direct me to Https:\\, but there is nothing there to help. Please respond to this string!!!! My work is severely hobbled without this tool.
BTW, I am using an older version of AE - 2014
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BTW, Media Encoder 2014 is no longer available in the Creative Cloud downloads. - I need it
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Same here. Updated media encoder and suddenly fails. Poor show Adobe!
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Correct answer? Have your IT download the "other" version of creative cloud? Is this a joke? Many don't have an IT department guys, PLEASE STOP releasing software that breaks. We are losing clients and money due to your incompetence. Was experiencing bugs on an export, since I can't export h.264 from AE (which doesn't make any sense to begin with) I updated to the new encoder, now NO AME's work on my machine. This is borderline criminal, someone needs to suit you guys so you stop killing people with terrible choices. I'm a 3D guy, started with AE about 5 years ago, man did it work great, every year it gets worse and worse. Almost seems intentional at this point. Get it together. Please.
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Agreed. It increasingly feels like the burdon of QA testing is now on the end users.
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I dont have an IT team, so i dont have a team to go to. I just downloaded from the cloud as always. I used to have the 2022 version of both media encoder and AE and with that version this never happened. after i updated them both, this issue appeared and i havent been able to find a youtube video that helps. Thanks you in advance to anyone/everyone that may help!!!
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me ocurrio lo mismo. tambien licencia coorporativa. lo solucione tirando el proyecto completo de After a Encoder, arrastrando y soltando el archivo.