Media Encoder doesn't start rendering or stuck at "Reading XMP" - Direct export also fails.
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Win 10 Pro
PPRO 14.0.1 build 71
AE 17.0.2 build 26
AME 14.0.1 build 70
When I export from PPRO via AME, AME starts. When I click the green play button to start rendering nothing happens. Sometimes it keeps saying Reading XMP and displaying the blue but it doesn't start rendering.
Reinstall of AME did not work. Checking/unchecking import PPRO sequences natively in AME did not work. Direct export from PPRO doesn't work also. I used self created (in AE) .mogrt file. Is that the problem?
HELP please, have some clients waiting!
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I'm having the same problem. Queued from Premiere Pro CC 14.0 to Media Encoder 14.01... Just realized they aren't on the same version, so updating Premiere Pro to see if that makes a difference.
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I had the same issue. I used Premiere 14.01 and Media Encoder 14.01.
After downgrading Media Encoder back to 14.00 the rendering started without issues.
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After downgrading PPro, AE and AME rendering works again.
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I had the same issue and doing what this article says fixed it for me:
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Hello, hello Adobe, hello hello Adobe Premiere Team,
where can i sent my bill? I have ha bill for you, where can i sent it in?
So Problem i update 14.0 to 14.0.1, my coworker put in 4 hour for trying to render, i loos on my self 2 hours.
The renderer in Premiere and Encoder dosn't work on Mac either Windows.
Reimport ... doesn't help... read all, try everything - no solution, no anouncment from adobe! Very sad.
I think this politic get you closer and closer to the point where you loose more and more customer.
Now we have a open bill for you, around 600€.
Should we play the same game - give you money without a value???
Maybe you can give us a free year?
Thanks for reading.
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Have you tried the workaround/fix in the link given by AustinC-FFC?
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This seemed to fix this (current) problem for me too. Geez Adobe is hard work...
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Just makes this Video,
maybe some hints for
I don't wanna chance the program, but the pressure rises to be honest.
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Same issue for me on 14.0.1. Adobe's fix with markers didn't work as project had no markers to clear but down grading to 14.0.4 did work. Think I'll stay on this version for a while...
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Looks Like ME 2020 build 14.3 is up to the same nonsense. I had no markers in my project, had AE comps in the sequence as usual and it hung on reading XMP. I had to uninstall 14.3 and reinstall ver 14.2 build 45 -Seriously we go round and round with the same rubbish with Adobe on every release, This was meant to have been solved 3 versions ago. Wasted an hour trying to get my prohject to render... and we pay a fortune for this license!
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After reading this thread and wasting my morning with the same problem. I am now looking to canceling my adobe subscription. U guys r doing a terrible job in so many ways. The more money you get the worse you do. This problem has existed way too long! Goodbye Adobe!
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Still having this issue and even deleting all the frkn markers didn't solve it!
The only way I could render, is by rendering it inside of premiere.
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Over one Year later, same problem? Adobe Software is develope so stupid in many things. I cant understand.
The community helps you, but nobody listens, nobody fixes known problems.
I had to work with the latest 2020 version through my employer. The latest build of ME. I have no markers in the project. I just want to create a TIF sequence and send it from AE to ME and wait... and wait... the XMP is read. For 30 minutes !!! Only then it starts to render. WTF! I have completely disabled metadata in the ME setting. It is useless, it still does not ignore them. So why does he read the metadata of the whole composition? He does that even if i "only" want to get into the export setting. i wait 30 Minutes to come into the settings. ridiculous!
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I've tried everything including reseting the app and deleting the folder from %appdata%.
What works for me in the end is:
1) Close your AE and ME
2) Task Manager > End EVERY adobe process, if you see AE's process, end it!
This also include Creative Cloud Helper & anything to do with adobe.
3) Restart again your AE and it should works again.
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I think the most of this Problem is solved with the news Version.
Also very clever to decline Update as a Beta - so everybody knows if you gona run into problems.
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Tried this, and it did help on the "Reading XMP"/"Connecting to dynamic link server" but now the projects just freeze a few seconds into rendering -_-
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Finally got a solutions to this, and thought I should share it.
I got in hold of Adobe Support and a legend called Prashant went into After Effects > Preferences > Memory & Performance > Disabled "Multi-Frame Rendering".
Then opened Activity Monitor and closed "aerendercore" and restarted the MacBook.
After that, everything was back to normal and worked perfectly.
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This worked for me!
Thank you so much for taking the time to share this valuable information.
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Thank you! This saved me
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I had this issue. I found a fix. First open media encoder preferences and check the box that says import premiere sequences natively.
Then close media encoder. Then send your clips to media encoder from premiere and media encoder will open automatically and it will work. If media encoder is already open when you send it over from Premiere it wouldn't work for me. Media encoder had to be closed first. Weird bug. Tried it in the latest version too of Media Encoder and it still had this issue.
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Sounds weird, indeed. On which system do you run AME?
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Whatever the newest was at the time I posted that.