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Hola, tengo Adobe CC 2018
Desde After Effects envío un video para renderizar al Media Encoder y queda buscando el dynamic link y de alli no sale.
Alguien me puede ayudar con esto ??
Gracias !!
Hi, I have Adobe CC 2018
From After Effects I send a video to render in Media Encoder and its searching for the dynamic link and it doesnt advance, therefore it doesnt render.
Can someone help me with this ??
Thank you !!
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Hi JulC,
Sorry for the issue. Dynamic Link require both AfterEffects & Media Encoder updated to the exact same version. Please check the version numbers. If the issue persists even with same versions, uninstall Media Encoder & install again.
Let us know the status.
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Tengo exactamente el mismo problema y no encuentro la forma de solucionarlo he instalado el programa 3 veces sin mejora, LA CONEXION al Dynamic Link no sucede.
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Hi there,
We're sorry for the issue. We'll look into this.
Which version of Adobe applications are you using? Would you mind taking a look at this article related to the same issue?
Let us know if it helps.
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Hola, tengoe el mismo problema el día de hoy 29 de octrube de 2021 no ha querido funcionar La conexion al Dynamic Link no sucede, ya desinstalé las dos aplicaciones y las volvi a instalar pero siguen la falla.
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Ya hice los pasos de la guía, pero sigue sin funcionar 😞
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Aquí se queda todo el tiempo
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Tengo exactamente el mismo problema,.
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Lo solucioné ese mismo día, perdón no escribir antes, pero desistale toda la suite de adobe incluyendo creative cloud, borré toda la caché del computador o sea todo lo temporal y las carpetas, reinicié e instale nuevamente todo y funcionó perfectamente.
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que fastidio tener que hacer eso, como si la suite fuera barata, todavía está llena de bugs, por 75 dls al mes
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I found out yesterday, that some of Apple's OS security features breaks the links between AE, AME and Premiere, particularly for Dynamic Links and tasks like queuing projects for rendering in AME.
Here's something for you to try, this has worked for me and others....
Go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy tab
Scroll down to a folder called "Full Disk Access" > Click the padlock and enter your user password
Now use the "+" button to add AE / AME / Premiere Pro to this list.
Do the same to the folder called "Files and Folders"
After this restart your Mac and **it should** be working fine, connections will work etc
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Hi @WeAreFizz : I got as far as "Now use the "+" button to add AE / AME / Premiere Pro to this list." But I don't know what folder you mean with "Files and Folders". I don't have one called like this on my computer. Can you help?
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No tengo problema si el Software es original. conecta a los 20 seg en tre proyectos. si no pasa de ahi es por la Crack.
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yo tengo el mismo problema y llevo pagandolo mucho tiempo, es increible que no funcione correctamente
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This is not actionable. Please use these instructions to help us help you:
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What do you mean with "because of the Crack"?! I really hope that I misunderstand.