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We are encountering a glitch in our media output after our recent Premiere Pro CC 2015 Update (installed 12/16/15). The exported media will fill empty audio portions with a repetition of the last 1.5 seconds of audio until a new audio clip in the timeline plays. I am also experiencing the output media with an arbitrary amount of blank footage added at the end. I've checked the timeline to make sure there was not any "straggler" clips hiding at the end. One 10 minute video exported as an hour and a half. We are exporting both through Media Encoder and Premiere.
I had exported a 20 minute movie before installing the update on my system into several formats without issue (H.264 MP4, MPEG2 Blu-ray). My co-worker had already installed the update and was encountering these issues exporting the same file. We didn't realize that the update could be the cause. So I installed the update afterward and am now noticing the same issues when I export files. We are both using new 2015 Macs, Yosemite and El Capitan.
Assuming this is a result of the Update, I'm wondering if anyone else is encountering this issue. Otherwise, I suppose this is more of a report than a question, unless you have a solution for me. Our temp solution is to fill the "dead" audio space in the timeline with low audio slugs.
Hi Chris,
Sorry for your continuing troubles. The workarounds do sound quite painful. I brought up this topic with the engineering team and there's nothing we can do prior to the upcoming version on that issue. Very sorry about that.
All you can do is file bugs as you have and I hope things will go smoother for you in upcoming projects. I hope to provide more info on how to avoid some of these issues and how to streamline processes.
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Also not had this issue until recent update that I know if. What a PITA.
Added a layer past the end of a 45 second spot. No fix.
Added an duplicated audio layer set at -192dB, fixed.
Thanks to everyone for the advices - saved me a ton of time.
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I think you've nailed it. Just tried to render a different video and unfortunately the adding 2-3 extra seconds work-around didn't work for me this time, so I duplicated the audio to the fill the audio gap at the end and set it to -192dB. Rendered. Worked.
PS. Adobe - this still sucks!
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Estou com o mesmo problema!
Por favor nos enviem um solução o quanto antes, pagamos caro pelo produto para entregar trabalhos com qualidade e não com gambiarras por culpa do programa!
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Just want to add my voice to this. I noticed the issue on AE comps that I'm direct linking in PP. The repeat issue is actually "overwriting" existing audio within the last 2 seconds of the comp. Adding the 2 second "buffer" at the end fixes it, but that is a sloppy workaround, not a solution. PLEASE get this fixed ASAP!!!
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I just built a new windows 10 computer, installed all the latest Adobe products and am encountering the same issue with the repeated audio glitch at the end of the spot. I shoot and edit spots that need to be sent to the TV stations. This is a HUGE bug that is ruining my life (and my client's).
Like many of you, I'm adding a few seconds of extra audio at the beginning and end, and taking it over to my old computer to see if I can spit these out properly. What a pain!
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The same thing is happening with my projects going from AE cc 2015.3 to Media Encoder cc 2015.3
Please can you fix this Adobe its a major pain in the backside.
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Just wasted hours trying to render a finished Skillshare class because of this issue. Adobe, this is unacceptable! Luckily johnt19662173's workaround solved the problem: add 3 seconds to the comp in AE and then set the in/out points to the desired length in Media Encoder and hit render. But it's really tiresome to do this...
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Add me to the list of frustrated users. It seems to happen when rendering from Media Encoder, at least that's my experience. Rendering directly from AE doesn't cause this problem, but I don't have the encode types that I need within AE's render queue. This bug appeared as soon as I updated to 2015.3. Never had it before. I'll try some of the workarounds mentioned in this thread, but come on Adobe. This is something you guys need to fix immediately. This has already endangered a delivery date.
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I've had the exact same experience. Didn't happen until most recent upgrade. Doesn't show up in direct AE render. Tried reinstalling encoder but that didn't help.
If nothing else how can I output a .mp4 directly in AE. This used to be an option but no longer is.
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I didn’t have this bug until I updated to Premiere Pro and AE 2015.3 this week. Like Spacecat66, happening with dynamically linked AE comps.
Adding the extra 2 seconds in the AE comp, then cutting that off in the Premiere edit works. But what a stupid way to work.
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It’s known and admitted by Adobe that AE has an audio bug with AME, introduced in CC 2015.3. They’re under the impression it happens only if you have animated an audio property such as Levels or an audio effects, and were under the impression that it’s intermittent and tended to happen with very short comps - if anyone has concrete experience to the contrary, I’m sure they’d appreciate more data points. Adobe says a fix is in the works. (This happens to be a HUGE problem for me, as I have to update and re-render a few hundred AE comps over the next 1-2 months; having to pause work while AE renders them rather than handing them off to AME to render in the background is going to lose me a lot of time.)
BTW, this bug will probably happen if you dynamically link an AE comp into Premiere, as AME uses a similar mechanism underneath the hood.
SEPARATE from that: Are others still experiencing the Premiere-specific bug with AME where, if you don’t have an audio track running the length of your Premiere sequence, that AME will randomly grab audio from elsewhere in the sequence (usually close by) and paste it into the gaps when it renders? It seems that running a track of silent audio or room tone for the entire length of the sequence is the workaround there.
- Chris
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Yep, I've still got that Premiere-specific bug with AME. For me, it seems to fill in all of the audio gaps with the closest previous audio clip. I'll often have audio gaps between scenes, as my gaps are filled with dynamically linked AE comps without audio tracks (animated transitions)
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Thanks Chris,
My AE comp (2015.3) has NO animated audio properties and is 20 seconds long (not very short in my book). Also it is not intermittent. Apart from that, it looks like Adobe are really on top of this 🙂
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Hi people. This tread here is signed as SOLVED. Nobody from Adobe visit this tread since marth 2016. That is why I opened a new tread here: Audio Repeat Glitch by rendering per AME 2015.3 Welcome to the new tread.
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Same issue here. Last 2 seconds of audio repeat form an AME render. Doesn't seem to matter if the source material is from AE or Premier. My workaround was ugly... iMovie ugly. Please fix, Adobe.
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Same issue, even using 2015.3.
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Even though audio volume is all the way down in AE, it is still audible in final output file.
Something else to fix Adobe?
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Phlux, I don't know if this is the same problem, but if you SCRUB the audio level down, it only goes to -48. You have to enter the value of -192 dB to make it disappear.
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This is a different kind of AE-Problems. The best thing you open a new tread for this problem.
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Same issue here, (only had this issue with had audio add to the end of render last week and now this morning had it add 2 secs to the start, urgent job for client but it takes 2 hours to render out again, this needs to be sorted ASAP.
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Did not experience this bug until updating this week. Same problem, repeated audio at the end of files coming out of AME. Unacceptable. In all fairness, how do you try to fix a bug and somehow expand the problem? Sounds like someone needs to be fired.
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Would like to contribute to the thread, only for the purpose of affirming what others are saying. Guess we're stuck with this issue until a new update of Media Encoder? Asking throngs of paying customers to put up with bugs rather than just releasing a bugfix version ASAP is disrespectful.
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1) There were already several updates since starting this tread at 21.12.2015. 2) This tread signed as "the problem is solved". LOL ))))
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I'm also experiencing the same issue. I thought too, that there were some straggler audio clips at the end. I tried shortening the fade, cutting the last bit of audio out and it still repeats the last 1.5 seconds when rendered. And it doesn't show up in the timeline prior to rendering.
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Another workaround you can try for simple AE sequences is to export your project to a Premiere Pro project. You can then drag all the sequences (converted from AE compositions) into Media Encoder without any hassle.
This worked for my case, since I didn't have the patience to add and then subtract 2 seconds of audio (as suggested in the other popular workaround, which also works) from hundreds of AE comps. My compositions had no effects outside of positioning/scaling, so exporting the project to Premiere worked great--it generated a sequence for each composition, and then rendering the video and audio worked just fine.