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Source scaling and Ingest presets

New Here ,
Oct 18, 2017 Oct 18, 2017

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Three questions:

1) I have created some ingest presets where I'm appending custom names and setting custom locations to my files. What I have noticed is that the transcoding preset is not "live" as the popup would imply. Basically when the picked preset has it's settings modified (outside of the ingest preset window), the ingest preset itself does not get the new settings as it should. I have to go to the transcode preset list, pick another preset, then re pick the old one in order for the new settings to be available in the ingest preset.

The correct behaviour should allow me to change any transcode preset that ingest presets reference after which all of them source the updated setting. Instead what seems to happen is that one must go into every ingest preset and re pick the updated transcode preset which is a huge waste of time in any workflow that is outside of the hobbyist realm.

2) Where is the source scaling popup/setting inside of a preset when no clip is loaded for display preview ? I want to be able to edit a preset and set the source scaling to "Scale to fill" without having to load a clip, for example when setting up a watch folder or doing a bunch of new settings in anticipation of clips coming in later in the day.

3) Is there a "update current preset" option when modifying a saved preset ? When changing settings in a saved preset media encoder changes it's status to "custom" but when saving it again under the same name reverts back to the original settings while creating an identical copy of the preset in the list. Media encoder should either warn that a preset with that name already exists or save the new settings under the same name, overwriting the old file. What seems to happen is that a number is appended to the preset file on disk while media encoder allows for an exact copy of the human readable name. This makes it difficult to see which preset is actually the newer one without looking at the actual setting.






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Adobe Employee ,
Oct 20, 2017 Oct 20, 2017

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Here's some answers to your questions:

1) When you enable Transcode and select an Encoding preset, those settings are saved within the Ingest preset itself, not as a reference to the original Encoding preset.  Therefore if you edit settings in the Encoding preset those changes are not automatically updated in Ingest presets that reference it.  It's an issue we're aware of and are looking into. 

2) Settings like Crop, Source Scaling, and Source Range are only available in Export Settings when a source is present.  It's a design limitation of the Preset Settings dialog, unfortunately.  You may want to log a feature request on this: Feature Request/Bug Report Form

3) The best way to modify a user preset is to edit it from the Preset Browser.  Select the preset and choose Preset > Settings... or click the Edit Preset button.  Changes made in the Preset Settings dialog are automatically saved to the preset and will ripple through to any job assigned to that preset in the Queue.  The behavior you're describing happens in the Export Settings dialog and is definitely a bug.





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