If we are rendering new version of the sequence Media Encoder automatically ads "_1" to the filename. But it should be "_2" becouse it's the second version.
EckiAME • Adobe Employee, Dec 14, 2023Dec 14, 2023
Sorry for not being clear. The option with the suffix does still exist. My response was only about changing the numbering of the files if the previous already exists to _2 instead of _1.
Maybe it could be an option (check mark in Premiere and Media Encoder properties) - not only for numbering of new render versions, but for all exports?
"Automatically add sufix to exporter filenames"
and then a field for customizes options - for example: YYMMDD HH.MM (date and time)?
Sorry for not being clear. The option with the suffix does still exist. My response was only about changing the numbering of the files if the previous already exists to _2 instead of _1.
It's just adding "_1", "_2" and so on... I meant adding rendering date and time in preffered format - for example like this: "YYMMDD - HH.DD". And I think it should be a Premiere Pro and After Eccects function i "Export" panels.