The audio quality produced in v2 is worse.
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I feel that the change from v1 to v2 has resulted in a decrease in the audio quality I produce. Is there a way to downgrade the version from
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Hi Everyone! A quick update: for folks on the Free plan you now have the ability to select between using v1 and v2 (see the screenshot below).
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I agree. V1 is better
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I feel that the change from v1 to v2 has resulted in a decrease in the audio quality I produce. Is there a way to downgrade the version from
By Lpi_Ral8804
Yes, I think the same way. The audio produced seems to have too much bass and is not very pleasant to listen to. There should be an option to choose between v1 and v2, rather than forcing everyone to use v2, which may not be liked by everyone.
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I am a historian and work with historical sound recordings; in addition to the improvements I make with various programs, V1 from Enhance Speech often had a positive effect; in some cases the voices became a little easier to understand. This is no longer noticeable with V2; even at the lowest setting, even with only 1 percent, the voices sound unnatural and become somewhat distorted with a simultaneous decrease in intelligibility. In this respect, V2 is a major disappointment for me. Just as feedback.
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Hi @Jens36228325fgx7, thank you for sharing your feedback. I'm sorry to hear you're disappointed with v2. Would you be willing to share one of your original files so our team can look into this? If you cannot share here, please reach out to me at I look forward to hearing back from you!
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I want to switch back to v1 version. Is there a way to do this?
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First of all, because many people here write that they want V1 back: At least for me, there is a menu where I can select whether I want to edit a sound recording with V1 or V2. Since I find V2 weak, I have uploaded all recordings as V1. Is this menu not displayed for you?
Hello @harmony. Thank you for your reply. As these are historical sources that I work with, I can't share them here. However, I can share short excerpts (1 min) of the longer recordings via email. I will write to you.
However, since a number of people here in the forum have given feedback that V2 is not a positive development, it seems that this problem also exists for other users. I hope the feedback will help to update V2.
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@Harmony J I've never posted here before, but V2 is unusable to the point that I might have to cut my Adobe subscription and move to Descript for this feature. Anytime a guest laughts or says "um", it cuts out. It's a huge downgrade from V1. I also would like access to the original version.
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V2 is really bad. The V1 was just fine and adequate. But v2 is not. That's why I want access to v1. Please allow me to use v1. He was very helpful in my work. However, I can't do my work right now. I want access to V1. Can you help please.
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V2 is really bad. The V1 was just fine and adequate. But v2 is not. That's why I want access to v1. Please allow me to use v1. He was very helpful in my work. However, I can't do my work right now. I want access to V1. Can you help please.
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V1 is better how do I switch to it on mobile
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return v1 PLEASE
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many here want v1 over v2, please add v1 and v2 options, so we can choose or compare which one is better
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i make youtube videos and i used v1 and was so good but the v2 is so bad the voice and the compression i hope the bring back the v1 as an option
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V1 was the best AI audio enhancer I have used, delivering exceptional results. Unfortunately, V2 does not meet the same standard even when provided with high-quality audio, it produces noticeably poor, low-quality output. please restore the v1
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V2 is a downgrade. In addition to what others have said, V2 tends to clip low-level voice, and it consistently mutes laughter and chuckling, which is part of the natural audio. I will say that it's great at taking out noise.
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I've noticed V2 has major issues for audio with multiple people. If there's any moments of laughter or slight talking over each other, audio is destroyed. V1 for the win
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Yes, I find v2 to be a disappointment as well. Side by side comparisons of the same audio file shows this. V2 sounds a bit muffled and my voice distant and even voice volume is lower. I see now that I can switch between v2 and v1 and thanks for this option. I look forward to a v3 that improves on v1 but unfortunately v2 remains sub-par. Just some constructive criticism.
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Hello guys.
The audio produced by V2 is horrible compared to V1. Is that possible to use V1 instead?
If not, please, consider this request: add an option so users can select v1 or v2 to use on voice enhance.
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Hi, if you check the upper right corner you will find a dropdown menu where you can change between V2 and V1
Hope that helps.
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im using it with a free account to test it and there is no option to select v1 instead v2.
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I have sent an feedback with one recorded audio and the same audio enhanced by v2.
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Sorry, but version 2 is just terrible compared to 1. Flaws are immediately apparent, the first one was certainly not perfect - but subjectively, in my opinion, it is better. The fact that you removed the ability to use it for those who did not buy a subscription is bad, I had to buy a subscription for version 1 because version 2 did not fit the audio at all. I've been using version 1 for about a year and a half now, and people who listen to me are used to a certain thing, but here there are drastic changes and not for the better, alas, it's not profitable to change the audience will not understand, so yes... Tip - return version 1 to free access as an option, everyone can have their own preferences.
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The most important thing I want to convey is that nowadays many people run blogs, YouTube channels, and so on - and their audience is used to a certain sound, and then version 2 breaks in and the sound changes dramatically (at least in my case, and subjectively I did not appreciate these changes for the better) so it's very good that you are working on improvements - but give people access to versions 1 and 2 of the user's choice (as in premium) This is a very important thing.
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Can we have an option to choose back to V1. V2 is worst.

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