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New Here ,
Aug 07, 2022 Aug 07, 2022

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The speaker in my iPhone failed last week and Apple decided to replace my phone with a replacement iPhone. I always back up my iPhone weekly to my MacBook. Prior to getting my iPhone replaced, I did a backup to my MacBook and went to the Apple Store to get a replacement iPhone. After returning home, I restored the backup from my MacBook to the replacement iPhone. I have a lot of iOS applications and all data for those applications were properly and correctly restored. No problems with any of those applications. 

I then went to scan a document with Adobe Scan and I noticed that I only had ONLY two scanned files!! For the past year, there were over 40 scans on my iPhone! Whenever I would use Adobe Scan I would always see those 40 scanned files. Where did all of those scanned files go? My scanned files appear to be lost. 

I am logged into the Adobe Cloud and I don't see the missing scans. Where did they do? They have been there for the past year!


Why weren't they backed up when I backed up my iPhone to my MacBook? If the files were not stored in the Adobe Cloud, then how was I able to access them on my iPhone for the past year?


Where did all of my scans go? I had some very important documents and believed that I could rely on Adobe to safely store them because of Adobe's reputation. Obviously something happened and Adobe lost my data. How do I get the data back???


Please help ASAP as I need those scanned files. 








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New Here ,
Aug 09, 2022 Aug 09, 2022

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I found my files. I found the problem and it is my fault! The issue is that adobe gives you too many different ways to login to their cloud!!


Several years ago when I started using adobe, I used my AppleId to login to the Adobe Cloud. I forgot that I had used my AppleId to login. I then contineud to use the Adobe Scan app to scan documents. I also forgot that I had once logged into Adobe with my Google Account. After exchanging my broken iPhone last week for a new iPhone, the Adobe Scan app asked my to login. This time I forgot that I had been using my AppleId for the last several years to login and I logged into my Adobe Account directly and it appeared that my files in the Adobe Cloud were gone!


My files were not really gone, they are in the Adobe Cloud stored under my AppleId login. When I was trying to find my files I was able to link my Google Adobe login to my Adobe login so that they see the same files. 



How can I connect my AppleId Adobe Cloud login so that it sees the same files in the Adobe Cloud that are currently seen when logging into my Google Account or my Adobe Account?


As an ultimate goal, I would really like to keep only one ID. I want to keep my Adobe login and not use the AppleId Login and not use the Gooogle Login, but first I want to consolidate all of the files under the Adobe login. How can I do this?


My Google Login and my Adobe Login are already linked and see the same files. Can you please tell me how to link my Adobe login?


After linking my Adobe Login, how can I then delete my Adobe Google Login and my Adobe AppleId Login?











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Adobe Employee ,
Aug 22, 2022 Aug 22, 2022

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@jimw11185553 Hi,


Sorry for the delayed response. 


First of all, thank you for letting me know that you have found the files that disappeared. 


Replying to the question, I suggest you share all the files among the accounts you want to switch. Once done, you may delete the account you need to and keep just one account to go forward with your daily work.

To help you further with the account deletion, please refer to the below link:

Delete your Adobe account and permanently remove your personal information







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