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Echosign email address

Community Beginner ,
Jan 29, 2016 Jan 29, 2016

When I send out a contract to be authorized echosign inserts its own email address. This approach makes it appear that my email address is echosign@echosign.com.

Unsuspecting contacts may then use echosign@echosign.com to communicate further causing confusion and inconvience.

If echosign must use an email address may I suggest do-not-reply@echosign.com

Can you fix this?

Hugh Cairns

Echosign email.png


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correct answers 1 Correct answer

Adobe Employee , Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

Hello Hughs,

By default, all the emails sent from E-Sign are sent from echosign@echosign.com. Now, if the signers tend to reply to this email, it will directly reach the sender of document and not E-Sign. If you have sent a document and signer replies to the email, then you will be receiving the email directly.



Adobe Employee ,
Feb 04, 2016 Feb 04, 2016

Hello Hughs,

By default, all the emails sent from E-Sign are sent from echosign@echosign.com. Now, if the signers tend to reply to this email, it will directly reach the sender of document and not E-Sign. If you have sent a document and signer replies to the email, then you will be receiving the email directly.



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New Here ,
Sep 19, 2017 Sep 19, 2017

Actually - I'm not so sure this is true. I just sent an agreement today and the recipient did reply all and I (the sender) did NOT receive the email. The ones that were CC'd on the agreement did receive it and forwarded to me, where it said he sent it to "My Name <echosign@echosign.com>" but it did not come to my email at all. Can someone please validate this workflow? And is there a reason it cannot show from the actual senders email for reply purposes? (PS this has happened a few times now)

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Adobe Employee ,
Sep 27, 2017 Sep 27, 2017

the previous statement is correct. All adobe sign generated emails are from 'echosign@echosign.com'

However emails have 2 properties in this regard, they have a 'From:' property which is as said echosign@echosign.com

but also a 'Reply-to:' property, which by default is the email address of the user who created the agreement.

it may get confusing as the email lient may take on the same name for example

My real name <echosign@echosign.com> for the from and

my real name <myreal@email.address.com> and this latter may be in the contact list and thus only show as a name.

if you want to doublecheck, please contact support who can examine specific agreements if required,

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New Here ,
Nov 22, 2017 Nov 22, 2017

Hello Mr Rijul,

I am wrongly send email to 'echosign@echosign.com' with all my creadit card details. Please advice what i should do?? this 'echosign@echosign.com' email address will goes to who??

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New Here ,
May 08, 2020 May 08, 2020


So, what is echosign email address?

I do NOT want this - I need to have whatever I am doing and sending come from MY work email.

How do I correct this so that 'echosign' does not show up?

It's not fun missing emails due to this and on top of that, having someone put the email into junk because the email address is not known. 

thank you - Kathy 

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New Here ,
Aug 19, 2020 Aug 19, 2020

I agree, this is not at all helpful. All very well if people are replying direclty in regard to an AdobeSign document, but what the system does (by making it look as if the document is coming from me but not using my email address) is the recipient then has this ecosign email address in their contacts as MY email address which is clearly not the case...

This is EXTREMELY annoying, and actually a security risk if people believe they are contacting me with personal information.

Also, if they email ecosign then I do not get the email...

Is there a workaround so that this doesn't happen. I agree that a donotreply email address would at least be a good start.

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