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No 3D objects are displayed in my viewport when the ray tracing is off

Community Beginner ,
Nov 15, 2024 Nov 15, 2024

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I have no rendering of the 3D object when ray tracing is deactivated, I can't see anything. I have to activate ray tracing to see my 3D objects. The problem is the same if I generate my 3D object by AI. Are you familiar with this problem? I work on windows 10.
Thank you for your help.

Bug Needs More Info
Crash , System and hardware




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correct answers 1 Pinned Reply

Adobe Employee , Dec 16, 2024 Dec 16, 2024

Waiting to see if new Substance 3D viewer build will help fix this issue, if not waiting on users log file.

Status Needs More Info


Community Expert ,
Nov 15, 2024 Nov 15, 2024

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I cant reproduce it. it works for me. 




Adobe Employee ,
Nov 20, 2024 Nov 20, 2024

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Hi @Magic Dream !  This si the first report we've heard like this.  Can you please share your hardware details (device, drivers) and also if possible share your application log?


  • Start Substance 3D Viewer app
  • Load a 3D object
  • Turn on raytracing
  • Turn off raytracing
  • Go to the menu Help > Open log folder
  • Get the latest log from the datestamp located in that folder
  • Share that log with the team




Senior Product Manager, 3D & Immersive




Community Beginner ,
Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2024

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Hi @JMathews ,
Could you tell me where I should share the data? On this forum or by contacting specific support?
Thank you.




Community Expert ,
Nov 22, 2024 Nov 22, 2024

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You can find it in Help menu, Open folder and attach file from opened folder.

Screenshot 2024-11-22 213429.png




Adobe Employee ,
Dec 16, 2024 Dec 16, 2024

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Hi @Magic Dream, you can just upload the log file here. There was just a new version that came out. Could you download that to see if that fixes your issue. If not, then I would go ahead and follow the steps that JMatthews suggested and attach the log file here.




Adobe Employee ,
Dec 16, 2024 Dec 16, 2024

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Waiting to see if new Substance 3D viewer build will help fix this issue, if not waiting on users log file.

Status Needs More Info




Community Beginner ,
Dec 23, 2024 Dec 23, 2024

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Hi @Cramseur ,
Thank you for your reply.
I have just updated the software to version 0.20.0. (Build : 0.20.0-20241206.r.8-02d85db)
I still have the same problem, I imported a .step file for test (same problem with obj or usdz file), the 3d object is only displayed in ray tracing mode.
Here's the log file, I hope it helps.

[I - :project_seashell_core:commandline.cpp:356] Command line arguments:
[I - :project_seashell_core:commandline.cpp:384]     --qml qrc:///project_seashell/qml/Main.qml
[D - :laya::sal::components:sal_components.cpp:114] Loading SAL components...
[I - :laya::sal::components:sal_components.cpp:147] SAL shader cache deserialized from C:\Users\XAVIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AdobeLayaPlatform\shader_cache.bin.
[I - :laya::sal::components:sal_components.cpp:163] SREPipelineCacheConfig name is laya-platform, location C:\Users\XAVIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AdobeLayaPlatform
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:228] 1 SREAdapter(s) found:
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:242] 	0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:243] 		Vendor: NVIDIA
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:244] 		Device type: DiscreteGPU
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:245] 		Graphics queue count: 16
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:246] 		Compute queue count: 8
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:247] 		Copy queue count: 1
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:250] 		Driver type: Vulkan (NVIDIA_PROPRIETARY)
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:251] 		Driver name: NVIDIA
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:252] 		Driver info: 560.94
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:256] 		ray pipeline: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:257] 		ray queries: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:259] 		conservative rasterization: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:260] 		geometry shader: yes
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:261] 		tessellation shader: yes
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:262] 		mesh shader: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:263] 		task shader: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:264] 		sparse texture 2D: yes
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:265] 		sparse texture 3D: yes
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:266] 		transformFeedback: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:267] 		texture usage transient: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:270] 		raytracing max recursion depth: 0
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:273] 		Eclair raytracing: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:274] 		Eclair rasterizer: yes
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:280] 		Eclair ray traced shadows: no
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:282] 		Eclair denoising: yes
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:283] 		Eclair displacement: yes
[I - :laya::sal::device_helper:sal_device_helper.cpp:337] Selected device: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti.
[I - :Vulkan:sal_components.cpp:59] Vulkan device created on adapter 0
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:975] Disabling Vsync for Qt on Nvidia
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1034] NGL: Initializing
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1057] NGL: Initializing NGL in UNSPECIFIED environment
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1071] NGL: Environment stayed in PROD
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1169] SEASHELL BUILD VERSION 0.20.0-20241206.r.8-02d85db
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1199] Initializing Dunamis in prod environment
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1157] Dunamis returned the piip status as unknown
[I - :::] Dunamis initalized without an IMS access token set, only anonymous events can be sent until an access token is set
[I - :::] Analytics init complete
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1220] Sentry will be initialized in production environment
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:96] Created Qt Vk Instance 219e1853310 API version 1.2.0
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:99] Qt Instance Extensions:
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:101]   - VK_KHR_external_fence_capabilities
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:101]   - VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:101]   - VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:101]   - VK_KHR_surface
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:101]   - VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:101]   - VK_EXT_debug_utils
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:101]   - VK_KHR_win32_surface
[I - :project_seashell_core:setupVulkan.cpp:256] Picked Vulkan Physical Device NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti driver version 2350350336
[D - :laya_usd_thumbnails:ThumbnailJobManager.cpp:185] Thumbnail renderer set to 'HdEclairRendererPlugin'
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1385] Application launching from "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)"
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1397] Using resource path "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\\resources/"
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:727] Loading fonts from C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\resources/
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer_info.cpp:95] Default Hydra renderer is: Eclair
[I - :laya_usd_utils:ApplicationInfo.cpp:278] projectName: Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)
[I - :laya_usd_utils:ApplicationInfo.cpp:279] softwareVersion: 0.20.0
[I - :laya_usd_utils:ApplicationInfo.cpp:281] buildNumber: 20241206.r.8
[I - :laya_usd_utils:ApplicationInfo.cpp:282] sourcesVersion: 02d85db34569d2f24c99b5fae8ce9cc956e95472
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:35] OS Information:
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:36]     Product Type: windows
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:37]     Product Version: 10
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:38]     Product Name: Windows 10 Version 22H2
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:39]     Kernel Type: winnt
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:40]     Kernel Version: 10.0.19045
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:41]     Cpu Architecture: x86_64
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:44] Memory Information:
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:46]     Total Physical: 32 GB
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:48]     Available Physical: 20 GB
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:50]     Total Process: 128 TB
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:53] Screen Information:
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:56]     Screen 1:
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:57]         Name: CS2420
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:58]         Width: 1920
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:59]         Height: 1200
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:60]         Refresh Rate: 59.95
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:61]         Physical Dots Per Inch: 94.01969599657461
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:62]         Device Pixel Ratio: 1
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:56]     Screen 2:
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:57]         Name: PA248QV
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:58]         Width: 1920
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:59]         Height: 1200
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:60]         Refresh Rate: 59.95
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:61]         Physical Dots Per Inch: 94.11039611039611
[I - :laya_qt_utils:sysinfo_logging.cpp:62]         Device Pixel Ratio: 1
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:211] GPU adapters: 
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:215]    GPU 0: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:216]       VendorId: 4318
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:217]       DeviceId: 7298
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:219]       SubsystemId: 860951650
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:220]       RevisionId: 161
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:222]       DedicatedVideoMemory: 4198498304
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:224]       DedicatedSystemMemory: 0
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:226]       SharedSystemMemory: 17132351488
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:215]    GPU 1: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:216]       VendorId: 5140
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:217]       DeviceId: 140
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:219]       SubsystemId: 0
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:220]       RevisionId: 0
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:222]       DedicatedVideoMemory: 0
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:224]       DedicatedSystemMemory: 0
[I - :algqt_sysinfo:gpu.cpp:226]       SharedSystemMemory: 17132351488
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1501] Loading QML entry points
[D - :laya_usd_thumbnails:ThumbnailCache.cpp:84] Created thumbnail cache at C:\Users\XAVIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\thumbnails
[D - :laya_usd_thumbnails:ThumbnailCache.cpp:93] Prewarming cache from C:\Users\XAVIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\thumbnails
[D - :laya_usd_thumbnails:ThumbnailCache.cpp:102] Prewarmed cache with 0 thumbnails
[D - :laya_usd_thumbnails:ThumbnailJobManager.cpp:146] ThumbnailJobManager created @219e8f26210
[D - :project_seashell_core:QSeashellApp.cpp:314] Found supported USD file extensions: *.3dm, *.3ds, *.3dxml, *.3mf, *.abc, *.arc, *.asd, *.asm, *.catdrawing, *.catpart, *.catproduct, *.catshape, *.cgr, *.dae, *.dlv, *.dwf, *.dwfx, *.exp, *.fbx, *.glb, *.gltf, *.ifc, *.ifczip, *.iges, *.igs, *.ipt, *.jt, *.mf1, *.model, *.mtlx, *.neu, *.obj, *.par, *.pkg, *.ply, *.prc, *.prt, *.psm, *.pwd, *.rfa, *.sab, *.sat, *.sbsar, *.sdf, *.session, *.sldasm, *.sldprt, *.step, *.stl, *.stp, *.stpx, *.stpxz, *.stpz, *.u3d, *.unv, *.usd, *.usda, *.usdc, *.usdz, *.vda, *.vrml, *.wrl, *.x_b, *.x_t, *.xas, *.xmt, *.xmt_txt, *.xpr
[D - qt:Qt:FileFormatSettings.qml:121] Generated import settings table: {"cad_import_upAxis":"Y","cad_import_tessellation":"low","cad_import_onGround":"true","cad_import_atWorldOrigin":"true","cad_import_defaultMaterial":"false","usd_import_onGround":"true","usd_import_atWorldOrigin":"true","usd_import_defaultMaterial":"false","obj_import_upAxis":"Y","obj_import_units":"centimeters","obj_import_onGround":"true","obj_import_atWorldOrigin":"true","obj_import_defaultMaterial":"false","gltf_import_onGround":"true","gltf_import_atWorldOrigin":"true","gltf_import_defaultMaterial":"false","fbx_import_onGround":"true","fbx_import_atWorldOrigin":"true","fbx_import_defaultMaterial":"false","ply_import_onGround":"true","ply_import_atWorldOrigin":"true","ply_import_defaultMaterial":"false","stl_import_upAxis":"Z","stl_import_onGround":"true","stl_import_atWorldOrigin":"true","stl_import_defaultMaterial":"false"}
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[I - :project_seashell_core:QLocaleUtils.cpp:38] System locale: fr
[I - :project_seashell_core:QLocaleUtils.cpp:65] Installed translator, current locale fr_FR file :/i18n/project_seashell_fr.qm
[I - :project_seashell_core:QLocaleUtils.cpp:71] Installed translator, current locale fr_FR file :/i18n/SpectrumControls_fr.qm
[I - :project_seashell_core:QLocaleUtils.cpp:38] System locale: fr
[W - :laya_qt_usd_model:QAssetImageProvider.cpp:62] Empty asset path in requestImage undefined
[W - :laya_qt_usd_model:QAssetImageProvider.cpp:62] Empty asset path in requestImage undefined
[D - qt:Qt:CanvasView.qml:198] loaded background image image://asset/undefined status: 1
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :laya_qt_usd_model:QAssetImageProvider.cpp:62] Empty asset path in requestImage undefined
[W - :laya_qt_usd_model:QAssetImageProvider.cpp:62] Empty asset path in requestImage 
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:133] Initial render delegate settings:    convergedSamplesPerPixel = 64
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:133] Initial render delegate settings:    device_type = 2
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1274] Entering mainloop for renderer
[D - :laya_base:perf.cpp:115] Renderer.create: 7e-06 s
[D - qt:Qt:FeatureController.qml:36] Features {
  "SbDeveloperOptions": false,
  "SbExperimentalPathtracer": false,
  "SbInProgressTranslations": false
[D - qt:Qt:FeatureController.qml:37] Feature Info [
    "source": "Settings",
    "type": "section"
    "description": "Enable the developer menu that contains additional actions and logging",
    "displayName": "Developer Options",
    "enabled": false,
    "id": "SbDeveloperOptions",
    "source": "Settings",
    "type": "feature"
    "description": "Enable GPU pathtracer for AMD and Intel GPUs (app restart required)",
    "displayName": "Experimental GPU Pathtracer",
    "enabled": false,
    "id": "SbExperimentalPathtracer",
    "source": "Settings",
    "type": "feature"
    "description": "Enable in progress translations (Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean)",
    "displayName": "In Progress Translations",
    "enabled": false,
    "id": "SbInProgressTranslations",
    "source": "Settings",
    "type": "feature"
[D - qt:Qt:FeatureController.qml:43] Feature lookup SbDeveloperOptions false
[D - qt:Qt:PhotoshopInteropController.qml:141] [Communication] Component.onCompleted
[I - :::] [Connector] SubstanceConnector initialized with gCurrentCommunicationApiVersion=5, gMinSupportedCommunicationApiVersion=5
[I - :::] [Connector] SubstanceConnector broadcast TCP result: true
[D - qt:Qt:PhotoshopInteropController.qml:130] [Communication] Initialize success: true
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:171] Creating renderer plugin: HdEclairRendererPlugin
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:198] Supported AOVs:
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > color
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > primId
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > instanceId
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > depth
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > normal
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > shader:userSubObjectId
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1731] Created renderer presentation mode = false
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV color
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV primId
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV instanceId
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV depth
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV normal
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV shader:userSubObjectId
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1748] Creating new texture for AOV colorPostProcessed
[D - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:562] getRprimInfos (#rprims: 0, version: 1)
[D - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:PostProcessing.cpp:664] Recomputing prim index table for 0 rprims
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:45:38Z | Info    | [Global] Enabled CPU features on x86_64: NEON=OFF, NEON_2X=OFF, AVX2=ON, AVX=ON, SSE42=ON, SSE2=ON
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:45:38Z | Info    | [MaterialX] Registered MaterialX library folder: c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\usd_plugins\usdMtlx\resources\libraries
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:45:38Z | Info    | [MaterialX] Registered MaterialX search path: c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\usd_plugins\usdMtlx\resources\libraries
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1088] NGL: Received user profile changed event
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1089] NGL: DeviceId: de1645693ae2df824d8461ff7f794bd72d9da52a51a4017b6f21136559e8d2ac
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1090] NGL: UserGuid: 797536825AC893EB0A495CA6@AdobeID
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1091] NGL: ServiceCode: 
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1092] NGL: ServiceLevel: 0:NONE
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1093] NGL: CountryCode: FR
[D - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1080] NGL: Degraded mode requested
[W - :laya_qt_usd_model:QUsdMaterial.cpp:614] No root found in cache
[W - :laya_qt_usd_model:QUsdMaterial.cpp:614] No root found in cache
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[D - :laya_qt_hydra_viewport:qhydraviewport.cpp:625] handleRendererInitialized
[D - qt:Qt:WindowFrame.qml:531] Pathtracer supported:  CPU
[D - qt:::] QNetworkReplyImpl::_q_startOperation was called more than once QUrl("resources:icons/S_ColorPalette_18_N@2x.svg")
[D - qt:::] QNetworkReplyImpl::_q_startOperation was called more than once QUrl("resources:icons/S_Lightbulb_18_N.svg")
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1157] Dunamis returned the piip status as unknown
[I - :::] Dunamis initalized without an IMS access token set, only anonymous events can be sent until an access token is set
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1157] Dunamis returned the piip status as unknown
[I - :::] Dunamis initalized without an IMS access token set, only anonymous events can be sent until an access token is set
[I - :laya_usd_ml:utils.cpp:66] DenoiserModel using device: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
[I - :laya_usd_ml:utils.cpp:66] DenoiserModel device type: GPU
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1320] Failed to upgrade device context to:
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1322] 	- CPU RayTracing: ON
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1324] 	- GPU RayTracing: ON
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1326] 	- GPU Rasterization: ON
[I - :laya_usd_ml:utils.cpp:66] DenoiserModel using device: GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
[I - :laya_usd_ml:utils.cpp:66] DenoiserModel device type: GPU
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: OfflineGPURaster started
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: OfflineGPURaster finished
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:45:39Z | Info    | [Rasterizer] Initialized rasterizer scene: 0 materials, 0 meshes with 0 instances, 0 point clouds with 0 instances, 0 lights.
[I - :project_seashell:main.cpp:1150] Dunamis returned the piip status as opt-in, analytics system can proceed with authenticated events
[I - :project_seashell_core:QSeashellApp.cpp:1239] Flushing 2 number of pending events that were queued before authentication
[I - :::] [Analytics] Event submitted to dunamis {"event.workflow": "APP", "event.subcategory": "Graphics", "event.type": "select", "event.subtype": "gpu", "3di.measures": "{\"gpu_memory_size_mb\": 4218, \"gpu_max_texture_size\": 0}", "3di.dimensions": "{\"gpu_name\": \"NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti\", \"gpu_multi_threaded_rendering\": \"null\", \"gpu_vendor_name\": \"NVIDIA\", \"gpu_version\": 560.94, \"gpu_npot_support\": \"null\", \"gpu_id\": 7298, \"gpu_vendor_id\": 4318, \"gpu_api_type\": \"Vulkan\", \"gpu_graphics_shader_level\": \"null\", \"gpu_supports_dci\": \"null\", \"gpu_supports_ray_tracing\": \"false\", \"gpu_supports_compute_shaders\": \"false\", \"gpu_supports_geometry_shaders\": \"true\"}"}
[I - :::] [Analytics] Event submitted to dunamis {"event.workflow": "APP", "event.type": "execute", "event.subcategory": "Startup", "ui.path_to_access": "app-launch", "event.subtype": "app-init", "3di.measures": "{\"event_duration_ms\": 3169}"}
[I - :::] Dunamis returned opt-in status, authenticated events can be sent
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:209] MEM Resized image buffer total 128 MB
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d963a10 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d963a10 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95f5a0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95f5a0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95f110 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95f110 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95d120 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95d120 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95fa30 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95fa30 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95ded0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d95ded0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d9627d0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 2192d9627d0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:PostProcessing.cpp:114] Creating post processing pipeline
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1417] SAL VMA statistics: totalCommitted: 654 MB totalAllocation: 583 MB
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] AppBlocked {
  "blocked": false
[D - :project_seashell_core:QSeashellApp.cpp:707] GPU Stats: allocCount: 243, blockCount: 7 unusedMB: 64, usedMB: 37
[I - :laya_qt_hydra_viewport:qhydraviewport.cpp:560] First frame after render delegate creation took 1.3090239763259888 seconds and converged status is false
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:524] HydraRenderer PAUSED
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] AppBlocked {
  "blocked": true
[D - qt:Qt:DocumentController.qml:871] Opening document with options: {
  "defaultAttributeValues": {
    "/__Adobe/Lights/DomeLight.inputs:intensity": 1,
    "/__Adobe/Lights/DomeLight.xformOp:rotateY": -90,
    "/__Adobe/Lights/DomeLight.inputs:texture:file": "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\\resources//assets/environments/Studio.exr",
    "/Render/PrimarySettings.adobe:envLightCameraVisibility": false,
    "/Render/PrimarySettings.adobe:backgroundColor": {
      "x": 0.019379999488592148,
      "y": 0.019379999488592148,
      "z": 0.019379999488592148,
      "w": 0
    "/Render/PrimarySettings.adobe:backfaceCullingEnabled": false,
    "/Render/PrimarySettings.adobe:groundplane:enabled": true,
    "/Render/PrimarySettings.adobe:groundplane:shadowsEnabled": true
  "layerIdentifier": "rootLayer",
  "fileFormatSettings": {
    "atWorldOrigin": "true",
    "onGround": "true",
    "tessellation": "low",
    "upAxis": "Y"
[I - :project_seashell_core:QSeashellApp.cpp:798] Open asset on new project stage: feutres.step:SDF_FORMAT_ARGS:prcTessLevel=low
[I - :laya_framework_usd_document:usd_document.cpp:589] USD document reset
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DocumentDidOpen {
  "analytics_ui_trigger": 1,
  "future": {
    "objectName": ""
  "mode": "open",
  "uri": "feutres.step"
[I - :::] [Analytics] Event submitted to dunamis {"event.workflow": "DOCUMENTS", "event.context_guid": "0a48a441-e94f-4b45-a9c3-32ead8d16b5c", "event.subcategory": "Open", "event.type": "start", "event.subtype": "open-file", "ui.path_to_access": "drag-and-drop", "content.id": "51b176a6-c953-4b59-9e7a-c40b2d5ed427", "content.extension": ".step"}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DocumentOpen {
  "analytics_ui_trigger": 1,
  "uri": "feutres.step"
[I - :laya_usd_utils:project_utils.cpp:762] Change project stage metersPerUnit from 0.01 to 0.001 to match asset feutres.step:SDF_FORMAT_ARGS:prcTessLevel=low
[D - :laya_usd_utils:project_utils.cpp:577] Compute combined animation metadata for 1 model(s)
[D - :laya_usd_utils:project_utils.cpp:649]   No animation found
[D - :laya_usd_utils:visualization_utils.cpp:135] Stage is not a material only document
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[W - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:183] Failed to get resolution attribute for comp stack at path /Comp/Stack. Returning default value.
[D - :project_seashell_core:setupDocumentDefaults.cpp:516] Set upAxis to Y
[D - :project_seashell_core:setupDocumentDefaults.cpp:546] Moved to origin
[D - :project_seashell_core:setupDocumentDefaults.cpp:553] Moved to ground
[D - :project_seashell_core:QCompStack.cpp:125] extractCameraData for prim /Comp/Stack
[D - qt:Qt:CanvasView.qml:198] loaded background image  status: 0
[D - :laya_usd_utils:visualization_utils.cpp:47] Stage has geometry
[I - :::] [Analytics] Event submitted to dunamis {"event.workflow": "DOCUMENTS", "event.context_guid": "0a48a441-e94f-4b45-a9c3-32ead8d16b5c", "event.subcategory": "Open", "event.type": "success", "event.subtype": "open-file", "content.id": "51b176a6-c953-4b59-9e7a-c40b2d5ed427", "content.extension": ".step", "3di.measures": "{\"event_duration_ms\": 2267}"}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DialogRunLoadOperations {
  "openDialog": false
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:526] HydraRenderer UNPAUSED
[D - :laya_base:perf.cpp:115] Renderer.create: 1e-06 s
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:171] Creating renderer plugin: HdEclairRendererPlugin
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:233] Multiple Hydra delegates are currently unsupported and may cause crashes.
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:198] Supported AOVs:
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > color
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > primId
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > instanceId
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > depth
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > normal
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:200] > shader:userSubObjectId
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:delegate.cpp:280] Selected hydra renderer doesn't support prim type 'RenderProduct'
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] WorkspaceReset {}
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:HydraRendererLayaEngine.cpp:109] Hydra has been shut down
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:PostProcessing.cpp:405] Destroying post processing pipeline and resources
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1731] Created renderer presentation mode = false
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV color
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV primId
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV instanceId
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV depth
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV normal
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1742] Creating new texture for AOV shader:userSubObjectId
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1748] Creating new texture for AOV colorPostProcessed
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:02Z | Info    | [Global] Enabled CPU features on x86_64: NEON=OFF, NEON_2X=OFF, AVX2=ON, AVX=ON, SSE42=ON, SSE2=ON
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DocumentSetupFinished {
  "analytics_ui_trigger": 1,
  "mode": "open",
  "uri": "feutres.step"
[D - :laya_qt_hydra_viewport:qhydraviewport.cpp:625] handleRendererInitialized
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:02Z | Info    | [MaterialX] Registered MaterialX library folder: c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\usd_plugins\usdMtlx\resources\libraries
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:02Z | Info    | [MaterialX] Registered MaterialX search path: c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\usd_plugins\usdMtlx\resources\libraries
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: InteractiveCPURaytrace started
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: InteractiveCPURaytrace finished
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: OfflineCPURaytrace started
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: OfflineCPURaytrace finished
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:02Z | Info    | [API] [HdTextureAssetResolver] Loaded c:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Substance 3D Viewer (Beta)\resources\assets\environments\Studio.exr.
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1320] Failed to upgrade device context to:
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1322] 	- CPU RayTracing: ON
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1324] 	- GPU RayTracing: ON
[W - usd:USD/Hydra:render_param.cpp:1326] 	- GPU Rasterization: ON
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: InteractiveGPURaster started
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: InteractiveGPURaster finished
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: OfflineGPURaster started
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1175] Eclair compilation event: OfflineGPURaster finished
[W - :SREEffectCache:sal_components.cpp:59] DeclareResourceListLayout has been called to re-declare an existing resource list layout exactly in the same way.
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:02Z | Info    | [Rasterizer] Initialized rasterizer scene: 10 materials, 10 meshes with 10 instances, 0 point clouds with 0 instances, 1 lights.
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:02Z | Info    | [Global] Generating probability and alias tables for 1 environment lights.
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:02Z | Info    | [Rasterizer] Generating preconvolved cubemaps for 1 environment lights.
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a71430 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a71430 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6efb0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6efb0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a718c0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a718c0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a71d50 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a71d50 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6e690 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6e690 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6eb20 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6eb20 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6f8d0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 219f1a6f8d0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:PostProcessing.cpp:114] Creating post processing pipeline
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1417] SAL VMA statistics: totalCommitted: 775 MB totalAllocation: 718 MB
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] AppBlocked {
  "blocked": false
[D - :project_seashell_core:QSeashellApp.cpp:707] GPU Stats: allocCount: 363, blockCount: 7 unusedMB: 64, usedMB: 34
[I - :laya_qt_hydra_viewport:qhydraviewport.cpp:560] First frame after render delegate creation took 2.054607391357422 seconds and converged status is false
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a8b00 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a8b00 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a9420 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a9420 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a98b0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a98b0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a78c0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a78c0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a8f90 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a8f90 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a9d40 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409a9d40 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409aa1d0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:766] Exported HgiVulkanSharedTexture vkImage 21a409aa1d0 handle 19b0 devicememory 2191ee789e0
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:HydraRendererLayaEngine.cpp:723] Pick path: /Scene/feutres/Ref/root/posca/Mesh
  instanceId: -1
  subsetId: -1
[I - :project_seashell_core:SelectTool.cpp:87] SelectTool:
  Path: /Scene/feutres/Ref/root/posca/Mesh
  HitPos (158.13,94.09,316.31)
  Normal (-1.00,-1.00,-1.00)
[D - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:LayaHydraEngine.cpp:562] getRprimInfos (#rprims: 10, version: 21)
[D - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:PostProcessing.cpp:664] Recomputing prim index table for 10 rprims
[I - :::] [Analytics] Event submitted to dunamis {"event.workflow": "VIEWPORT", "event.subcategory": "Camera", "event.type": "adjust", "event.subtype": "camera-matrix"}
[I - :::] [Analytics] Event submitted to dunamis {"event.workflow": "VIEWPORT", "event.subcategory": "Camera", "event.type": "adjust", "event.subtype": "camera-matrix"}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DocumentSetAttribute {
  "path": "/Render/PrimarySettings.adobe:renderingTechnique",
  "value": "cpuPathTracing"
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DocumentSetAttribute {
  "path": "/Render/PrimarySettings.adobe:groundplane:reflectionsEnabled",
  "value": false
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] ViewportChangeSetting {
  "identifier": "device_type",
  "value": 0
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [Global] Generating importance-sampling tables for 1 environment lights on CPU.
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [Global] Building 1024x512 importance map from 2048x1024 environment map...
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [Global] Environment spherical average luminance: 1.1123497
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [RayCaster] Creating CPU ray-tracing bottom-level and top-level acceleration structures...
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [RayCaster] The scene contains:
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [RayCaster] |    Object     |  Geometries   |   Instances   |
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [RayCaster] |     Mesh      |      10       |      10       |
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [RayCaster] |  PointCloud   |       0       |       0       |
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [RayCaster] |     Fiber     |       0       |       0       |
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:renderer_plugin.cpp:78] 2024-12-23T09:46:14Z | Info    | [RayCaster] |   Displaced   |       0       |       0       |
[I - usd:USD/Hydra:hgi_vulkan_shared_texture.cpp:249] Resized staging buffer total 128 MB
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] UIAboutToShowMenu {}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] AppOpenLog {}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] UIAboutToShowMenu {}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DialogOpenAbout {}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] AppQuit {}
[D - qt:Qt:DebugController.qml:32] DialogHandleUnsavedEdits {
  "mode": "quit"
[D - qt:Qt:PhotoshopInteropController.qml:137] [Communication] Shutdown success: true
[D - :laya_qt_hydra_viewport:qhydraviewportthread.cpp:81] QHydraViewportThread done
[D - :laya_usd_thumbnails:ThumbnailJobManager.cpp:151] ThumbnailJobManager destroyed @219e8f26210
[D - :laya_qt_hydra_viewport:qhydraviewport.cpp:140] Deleting viewport 1
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:HydraRendererLayaEngine.cpp:109] Hydra has been shut down
[I - :laya_usd_hydra_renderer:PostProcessing.cpp:405] Destroying post processing pipeline and resources
[D - :laya_framework_hydra_renderer:hydra_renderer.cpp:1449] Exiting mainloop for renderer
[D - :laya::sal::components:sal_components.cpp:176] Unloading SAL components...
[I - :laya::sal::components:sal_components.cpp:197] SAL shader cache serialized to C:\Users\XAVIER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\AdobeLayaPlatform\shader_cache.bin.
[I - :::] [Analytics] Event submitted to dunamis {"event.workflow": "APP", "event.subcategory": "Shutdown", "event.type": "execute", "event.subtype": "app-exit"}
[D - :laya_framework_usd_document:usd_document.cpp:373] Document destroyed with id Document0




New Here ,
Dec 27, 2024 Dec 27, 2024

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same here. GTX Titan X on latest driver. Nothing appears if not enabling ray-tracing 




New Here ,
Jan 05, 2025 Jan 05, 2025

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I have exactly the same problem.




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 06, 2025 Jan 06, 2025

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@Pasi_Vainionp��5803 do you know what type of GPU you're running on your computer. If not can you send me a copy of your log file. You can find it by opening Substance 3D Viewer and then go to help>open log folder> and it should be a .txt that was just created today with the word log at the end of the file name. Take that file and attach it to this forum post.




New Here ,
Jan 14, 2025 Jan 14, 2025

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Same problem here too.




Adobe Employee ,
Jan 14, 2025 Jan 14, 2025

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Hi @jake35525213 , sorry this happened to you. We are currently investigating this problem. Could you submit your log files for this?  You can do this by doing by going into Substance 3D Viewer and when the incident happens again:

  • Go to the menu Help > Open log folder
  • Get the latest log from the datestamp located in that folder
  • Share it to this thread as an attachment. 




New Here ,
Jan 15, 2025 Jan 15, 2025

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New Here ,
Jan 20, 2025 Jan 20, 2025

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Thanks God.. this happen not only to me. I just googling the reason why the object become hidden when I bring in the object in my adobe Stager latest ver 3.1. And found this community guideline and what is more shocking me is this also happen to other people in this Jan 2025.

Could you pelase fix it asap? I attached the screenshot.

I'm using RTX 3070Ti and it was fine











New Here ,
Jan 20, 2025 Jan 20, 2025

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I also tested anything I can and found that if I change the preset to High then the onject will come up. It won't show up if the preset is Medium.






New Here ,
Jan 20, 2025 Jan 20, 2025

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Tested again. If I put material on the object, it will shown up even with medium preset.






