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Every time I try to increase the size of and SVG all the spacing between elemants gets distorded.
This is really messing up and slowing down my work flow.
Has anyone found a solutions for ths or experienced the same or similar problem?
<The Title was renamed by moderator>
Upon importing or pasting any SVG related objects (an Illustrator file, or a copied bunch of vectors from anywhere), Adobe XD regards them as separate objects. And resizing it will indeed tear all elements intentionally apart ! Grouping all elements beforehand or even in XD won't help.
But there's this option on the right: "Responsive Resize", which is ON by default.
Switch it OFF, and you'll be a happy camper 🙂
Correct ! Adobe XD regards anything vector-based not as a whole, but as something to import as editable. After all, being able to create and edit Illustrator-like materials in an easier way, that's what instigated Sketch, and that's what Adobe is mimicking. So everything (positions, fills, line widths, etc.) becomes a setting.
Having an option to keep line widths scaling along, is a long-standing user request:
...Another solution I found - select all the parts of the icon and press "add" on them (the botton next to repeat grid) - though it has a disadventage in a colorful icon because it unites all the different parts of the icon into one. But hey, it helps in a simple icon..
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Upon importing or pasting any SVG related objects (an Illustrator file, or a copied bunch of vectors from anywhere), Adobe XD regards them as separate objects. And resizing it will indeed tear all elements intentionally apart ! Grouping all elements beforehand or even in XD won't help.
But there's this option on the right: "Responsive Resize", which is ON by default.
Switch it OFF, and you'll be a happy camper 🙂
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I think I fugured it out.
It's apparent to me now, that boarders which have been applied to vector lines do not resize an any program.
Can you please verify for me if this is a true statemnt or not Peter?
This seems to the be probmen I have been experiencing.
Even if responsive resize in XD is selected or not the boarders on vector lines to not respond in size accordingly, weather I'm edditing the SVG in Illustrator or in XD.
The only solution i found for this has been to manualy decrease the boarder size after shrining down the SVG.
I wish there was a better solution for this problem, as I run the risk of accidenntally distorting 3rd party design elements that are not mine to alter.
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Correct ! Adobe XD regards anything vector-based not as a whole, but as something to import as editable. After all, being able to create and edit Illustrator-like materials in an easier way, that's what instigated Sketch, and that's what Adobe is mimicking. So everything (positions, fills, line widths, etc.) becomes a setting.
Having an option to keep line widths scaling along, is a long-standing user request:
Another work-around is to expand or convert your line widths to paths in Illustrator, so e.g. a red line width becomes a shape with a red fill and no line. Which has also been a good practice for any drawing, to prevent lines not scaling when others are opening and editing the file in Illustrator.
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You saved my life! Thank you so much!
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This doesn't always work. For example I have copied and pasted a button from AI. Even with responsive resize turned off, the text does not scale witht the button.
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The same thing is happening to me. I created a logo in Illustrator and saved as an SVG. When I import to XD, create a component, and then resize the logo, all the separate letters in the logo distort and behave separately instead of as a unit. Help!
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This doesn't always work.
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Thank you!!!
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Saved my entire life, you're an angel!
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It's very useful!!!
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I'm just a UX Researcher and the furthest thing from a designer, but occasionally have to do utilize XD and recently I experienced this problem. A resolution for me was turning off "Response Resize" (as Peter suggested) and then locking the ratio under the "Transform" label in the side properties panel on the right. I then went ahead added the SVG wordmark (which I originally created with AI) as a component (which I still don't quite undersand the benefit of making it a "component," but I did it anyway), and now I can sucessefully resize the SVG component without distortion -- as long as the "Response Resize" is turned off AND the ratio is locked.
The default setting of the component is for Responsive Resize to be turned on, and for the aspect ratio to be unlocked. So each time that I go back to that component and drag and drop it for use elsewhere in the project, you will have to turn the Responsive Resize button back off, and once again lock the aspect ratio for the new one you just dragged and dropped, and then it's good to go!
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This can also have to do with your SVG image not being set to Outline Stroke. This can be set up when making your object (I made in Illustrator, you can go to, Object > Path > Outline Stroke) or within XD same way. This is so your line weight scales up and down as well with the object.
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This is what solved it, thank you!
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it's really useful. thank you!
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this isnt working, I dont have responsive layout turned on. so how can we work with this?
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Have you tried locking the aspect ratio? What is the exact problem you're facing? Did you try all the above mentioned?
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Another option is to hold down the Shift key while resizing to temporarily disable Responsive Resize feature.
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Unfortunately none of these suggestions worked for me. I don't know about others, but I had no luck. Thanks for your suggestion, though 🙂
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The advice on this thread only works sometimes and it's dependent on so many things that figuring out how to fix it often takes forever.
I just spent 40mins finding a solution for what shouldn't be a problem. Why is it so hard to do a simple undistorted resize of some vectors? Every single other vector-based application on the planet has no issues with this!
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outline the strokes and try resizing
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Another solution I found - select all the parts of the icon and press "add" on them (the botton next to repeat grid) - though it has a disadventage in a colorful icon because it unites all the different parts of the icon into one. But hey, it helps in a simple icon..