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Se pueden inseryar videos MP4 en XD
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Hi All,
Thank you for your patience. We now support video playback in XD. We would request you to please update XD to the latest version ( XD 45).
For more details on the latest features please visit our What's new page.
Happy Max 🙂
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They began working on it but never ended up actually doing it?
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I want import littile git to show preloader. In any case... Add animation like in protopie and request will clear.
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Hi there,
Many thanks for your post.
The web/apps etc are packed full of animations and video elements these days - how can an app designed to be a prototype tool not allow for any animated elements... seems an odd one to have missed out.
Is this going to be added anytime soon? I really hope so- I think UX is one of the most exciting of all your new apps... but this really lets it down. I've read at least 50 posts about this subject today - so it should be bumped up your list
Huge love for the work you've done.
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Completely agree with this. A project that I'm working on has now come to a standstill because one of the screens requires an animated element. It's very unprofessional to have to present the prototype to my client and have to point them elsewhere to see the animated element.
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Hi there! Any updates on this? I also want to use an animated GIF for my project. I have a series of screens in my XD prototype and only one of them has animated content, such as highlighting a part of UI and make that highlighting element disappear within 2 seconds. The entire XD demo is helping us understand overall user flow but that only one screen I am not able to create in XD itself since there is no support for GIFs. I wish we could use different image formats in XD.
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Please give us an update when we are able to add videos/gifs to XD? Is this going to happen in next few months or another year?
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Clearly Adobe is not listening to the needs of users. Still no animated GIFS in Adobe XD
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They recently released an update for Adobe XD with the ability to use overlays in the Prototype view—you can fake a drop down menu or popup window/graphic/screen—to appear on top of an artboard.
While you still can't use the imported GIF and have its animation play automatically, for now, I found a pretty crude workaround. For simple GIFs like loading spinners or bars, you can treat them as overlays. For example, a loading spinner like this:
What I did was create 4 artboards for the spinner animation where I copied and pasted the GIF on each artboard. I set the first one to an overlay that would be triggered by a button on the site. Then I rotated the image 90 degrees on each successive artboard, and set each up as an overlay that would be triggered by clicking on the spinner, basically creating a loop. So when you click the spinner image, it advances to the next rotated image in sequence, and keeps them all as an overlay on top of the initial homepage artboard.
Here's a basic video showing how it works in preview mode. I click the button, the spinner artboard pops up as an overlay, and then I can click the spinner graphic to rotate through my spinner artboards to simulate the spinner animation.
Maybe they will fix this in the next update release and have support for GIFs to play automatically, but hopefully this works as a crude workaround for somebody.
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Well, crap. I've just spent 30+ hours preparing animated gifs for a prototype for a client...just to learn it's impossible to add one. Silly of me to think that such a basic feature would be implemented in a paid app...
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Hi, is there any updates yet? I just got an email from Adobe with Val Head valhead explaining the importance of animations with your designs... however it looks like it's all for nothing as we still can't add simple, basic animations to XD. I really don't get it? Why have her write an article about this as a moot point because we can't use it?
Please explain.
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lol same here! totally expected Val Head's video to detail how XD added a timeline instead of showing me all the things I can't do.
Adobe raised their revenue forecast to $1.45B but maybe you can use Adobe Spark on iOS instead.
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We're now at 2 years since the original request. Still no animated GIFs... Disappointing.
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I think I'm moving to the Famous app.
It's a damn shame too.
Adobe XD had so much potential,
only for it to lose its spark because it does support GIFs or imported videos?
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I'm an animator and an illustrator and just saying ...if Adobe is reading this... hello: WANT WANT WANT NEED!!! Hello ...PLEASE!!!!
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WHAAT, how is that not a feature on a paid software like that?? That doesn't make any sense, unfortunately Adobe is really awful at planning priority of the tasks that need to be done, it's a shame this isn't implemented even today
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Two years for this to even begin feature development for something like this which I'd consider to be a fundamental aspect of any UX design software is not okay to be honest. I'm merely a software developer who also does designs for the systems I work on and even I know how crucial this is. I'm really looking forward to seeing it come to fruition and XD has A LOT of potential, but over the past year of gradually switching to using XD to create designs for our systems at my work, I've realised that Adobe XD feels like a product that was released about 4 years too early and is only just catching up to the other systems already out there.
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I totally agree with this. If they did only this, it would contribute an incredible ability and help them exceed anyone in the market. They do own After Effects that's already an invaluable product. All they had to do is to shift a few resources from there.
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Hello everyone,
I would like to discuss with you what I believe may be the next step for Adobe XD.
Currently, when we want to create an animation in XD, we have to address the elements and their variations (X, Y, size, etc.) on each screen.
What if we had a separate file with the animation and imported it (as a component) into our prototype. That way we could have the animations in separate files and using that component, the animation would be imported together.
This would reduce the number of screens per prototype by more than 50% (especially in complex animations)
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Still no animated GIF import function in XD in 2020?!?
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At the current time it is not possible to import animated gifs or video into Adobe XD.
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Adobe should be able to allow users to import GIFs during the design and GIF should play only when previewing designs
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It looks like they have started working on it.
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Does anyone know if it is possible to include videos within the XD prototypes? If so, which operating systems does it work in and how do you add the videos?
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Hi, kimberleyb25080045-
Unfortunately, that functionality isn't yet supported in Adobe XD. Please do upvote the idea in UserVoice: Import Videos & Animated GIFs – Adobe XD Feedback : Feature Requests & Bugs