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Hi Adobe,
Attaching the video file for reference will be a lot easier to understand but I'm trying to explain the whole scenario.
While working on a project I usually create a design system and the XD file is used as a library by other members of my team. Since the Co-Editing feature is still in beta and not reliable (might be because of network issues) my team divides parts of a project.
Recently, we've been using components and nested components extensively. When we want to combine the project let's say 5 screens from member A 5 from member B, the copying doesn't work properly.
Any edits made to the components lets say the change in a text is reverted to master state when the file is artboard is pasted in the original file.
please find the next points to clearly follow my process.
- Create a New File A
- Create a master Component X (rectangle+text+icon) in File A
- Create a New File B
- Use File A as a library for File B.
- Use Component X in the File B and change the text.
- Copy the Component X from File B to File A.
You'll notice any changes you've done to the Component X in file B will be lost in File A.
I'm attaching the video, for the sake of forum I've reduced the quality because the video was long so that it just gets understood but if you cannot see because of the quality please reply I'll post the higher quality version.
Adobe XD version -
Creative Cloud Sync -
2 Correct answers
Hi there,
We're so sorry to hear about the trouble. We have logged a bug and the Team is working on it. We'll update the discussion as soon as we have an update, meanwhile, we'll really appreciate your patience with us.
I just tried this in v44.1 and it seems to work as expected. Note that there is a new step in recipe:
2b. Publish Library
With that said, what's the goal of copying a linked component in a consuming document and pasting it back in the source ("master") document: Update original component? Add a new component? Create an overridden instance? Something else?
Hope this helps,
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Hi there,
Thanks for reaching out. This can be reproduced on our end as well. I tried one more thing, if I copy the component from file B to a new file, then it's not happening. I am checking this with a team and will get in touch with you if we need any further details.
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I think I have the same issue. I'm trying to copy#paste an artboard from one XD document to another and all components reset :
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Having the same issue. Was there a resolution for this one?
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I'm seeing the same thing here too
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Hi Rishabh
Any update on this? This has been happening for quite a while now and is impossible to work like this.
Do you have any update?
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Hey Rishabh,
When are we solving this?
Its been 2 months now.... Have XD found a solution.
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Hello everyone, I'm working with version and this is still an issue.
My workaround is the following:
Duplicate the artboard on File B, and then ungroup all components on that copy. So, you'll have "Artboard 1" and "Artboard 1-2" with the ungrouped components. Copy that one to File A.
You'll still have the components on "Artboard 1" in File B, untouched, to copy to File A once this is solved. 😕
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But these won't be linked to master components. You will have to make new components from the unlinked components. This isn't the solution.
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I have several elements simply disappear when I paste between documents. I assume this is related to the master components (maybe the master version had less info so it's just pasting blank).
I think I found a way around it in the past, but nothing seems to be working now. Extremely frustrating! I pulled artboards out to work on separately without damaging the original file. Now they are useless because I can't paste them into the prototype!
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I might have found the problem and solution.
Currently I am working on a Dashboard Design. I have a left menu that contains a component called Dashbord Tab that applies to all menu items. When I tried to copy the left menu from one file to another, I had the same issue — all menu items reset to the master state of Dashbord Tab. Then I realised that each file I tried to copy the left menu to, had a local component called Dashbord Tab (I probably unlinked it at some point).
The solution for me was to remove the duplicate local component from the target file before copy/paste from the source file. Here is an example of copy/paste before and after removing the local (duplicate) component:
I hope it helps.
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We don't wanna loose the master component, don't we?
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Well explained. This is a super annoying bug. I am to update all the things manually for this bug which kills a looooooooooooot of time. Looking for fix asap.
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Hi All.
We apologize for the delay in response. We have a current version of XD available 31. Would you mind updating and let us know if you are experiencing the issue?
We will try our best to help.
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Hi Harshika
This didn't fix the bug.. It's very difficult to work with this because you literally have to redo your work every time you need to change things from one document to another.
Are you looking into this bug? When can we expect news on it?
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I'm having this same problem as well
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Hello Harshika, I have updated but the issue is still present.
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Thanks, Jimena for updating XD. We have already escalated the issue to the team and they are working on it. We will share the updates with you all as soon as we hear back from the team.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.
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2 YEARS LATER! and it still is not fixed, what kind of a joke is this? this destroys producivity and destroys work flows, it makes your product useless in a collabrative work enviornment. When will it be fixed?
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Have the same problem, impossible to work
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if you are not owner of the UI lirabry and It wont reflect changes. Owner have to publish the library
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I am the owner and the library is published.
It is somehow related to the document assets (Adobe created those automatically when I copied elemetns previously). If I delete all the existing document assets before copying the boards, everything seems to work normal. But I still did not understand what is the problem with existing document assets and cleaning document assets all the time is also not the best solution
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i updated XD but not solve the problem. it's very annoying.
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Hi there,
We're so sorry to hear about the trouble. We have logged a bug and the Team is working on it. We'll update the discussion as soon as we have an update, meanwhile, we'll really appreciate your patience with us.
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Hi Rishabh,
The Component issue is really creating a problem in website development.
We as a team are working on multiple pages of a website with all the master Components set in a main file.
Since the main file is heavy we are working on local computers and when we Paste the files in the main file the Components are getting reset. Its really hampering the progress of our Website UI design.
Please help.