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First collateral fisical effects using XD...

Contributor ,
Jul 28, 2020 Jul 28, 2020

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For half a year now, I've increased my work on complex mock-ups, full of small components and lots of text. A month or so ago, I started to feel hurt in right elbow and wrist... even a sense of tingling and numbness on hand. Bought an ergonomic mouse... but think its late. I've been more than 20 years working with tools like Illustrator, Photoshop or Indesign, and never had before any type of pain. 

Today, trying to select a text buried in a myriad of groups and components, I’ve noticed more hurt as normal. The answer has been clear at my eyes:


  • Margin of tolerance to select objects is 0, even using Ctrl key. It means, that you have to click dozen of times to catch a pixel to select any object.
  • When selected this object, if you want to move it, chances are that you lose again the focus on it trying to grab this 1 pixel width.
  • Even worst with text objects… hundreds of clicks a day to select text boxes, changing cursor constantly from pointer to text tool, clicking compulsively V key time after time. Only to find you are adding new text boxes over the previous one.
  • More than 20 double-clicking in tension and stress, to drill inside a component… to start again because you’ve missed a click.
  • Converting boxes to paths by accident when double-clicking on them (clicking frustrated more than 10 times over a component in seconds, is almost impossible to know what the hell you’re clicking)


Help us to get a better healthy work please…


  • Why not a simple Components Select cursor?... the current cursor only selects layer objects inside them, not the component in itself.
  • A Group Select cursor… same as previous, but for groups.
  • Improve Text Tool behaviour and usability.
Missing feature , Product performance






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Community Expert , Jul 28, 2020 Jul 28, 2020

Please use adobexd.uservoice.com this is the best place to send us feature requests. Your contributions can help us shape the future of Adobe XD.



Community Expert ,
Jul 28, 2020 Jul 28, 2020

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Please use adobexd.uservoice.com this is the best place to send us feature requests. Your contributions can help us shape the future of Adobe XD.





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