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I have a Mac that is in great condition, but the software will not update past Mac 10.12.6. I am unable to download XD because the minimum operating system is 10.13. Is there an older version of XD for me to download? I need to have it on my laptop. Thanks!
While Ares' answer is technically correct, I don't think it actually addresses your issue. Unfortunately, Creative Cloud as a whole (not just XD) supports 10.13 and above right now, and XD only offers the current dot releases and the previous monthly version as options for download right now. You're not going to be able to find a version of XD to use that will work on 10.12.
Elaine Chao
Sr. Product Manager, Adobe XD
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Open CC App Manager choose 3 dots . open menu and choose other version to see Older version that are available to install.
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I sadly can not see that on my end. I had to factory reset my laptop while I'm traveling for work. My main computer probably has that back at the office but since I factory reset my laptop I am unable to see that. I'm going to guess there is no way for me to download the older version of XD or any other programs.
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While Ares' answer is technically correct, I don't think it actually addresses your issue. Unfortunately, Creative Cloud as a whole (not just XD) supports 10.13 and above right now, and XD only offers the current dot releases and the previous monthly version as options for download right now. You're not going to be able to find a version of XD to use that will work on 10.12.
Elaine Chao
Sr. Product Manager, Adobe XD
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Unfortunately, installing earlier compatible versions is not an option if you haven't installed XD previously. You just get a "Learn More" Option. Very frustrating when I'm trying to utilize software that I'm subscribed to, but I can't unless I invest north of $2k for a new Mac.
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Yeah, this is a problem. I had previously installed XD on my computer but then uninstalled. Now I can't install it anymore because my Mac OS is too
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I have same problem e I want to download a compatible version.
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Right, it's stupid!!!!
I'm running an Intel Core i7, with a 1tb ssd Mac system. But, because it's housed in a 2011 shell I can't get a freakin' update on the OS or the ability to install an older version of XD.
See this is why my main system is PC, NOT MAC!
And Adobe, smh... You should be accomidating to your subscription paying clients. Throwing up your hands going, oh well is not the response. Afterall, supply and demand can eventually lead to the demand of replacing you as an industry standard. Remember, before Premiere was even considered to be, it was Avid. Now... Davinci is rising to the occasion with NO SUBSCRIPTION.
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Same Same here.. Can't install unless I buy a new mac š
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This is a problem. If I can't use the programs, why would I continue to pay for the subscription. Plenty of other (cheaper) options availible nowadays to work around, been looking for a reason to make the jump anyway. Haha, this will definitly be the push I need...
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Thanks Adobe
My mac is 10.13.6 and I can't export to pdf any document in the Adobe XD.
Can help me? I dont want to buy new PC for use only one software.
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This is a huge problem for us in Education. I have students that have paid for Creative Cloud licenses, and they can't even download the software needed for my UI/UX course. They have 2016 MacBooks running Sierra, and shouldn't have to buy a new Mac just to open Adobe XD. They have no problem using all the other CC software they need (Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign). But no Adobe XD. They are paying for a service that they are not getting, and it's extremely frustrating.
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you want have any problem afterwards seeing my answer.
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Please, what answer is that? If you are referring to your link further down here - is does not work anymore.
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Right now xd is telling me that it needs to be mac os 10.14. I haven't installed XD on this particular system before. So how do I gain access to something that is within' the subscription I paid for????
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This is beyond frustranting, its ridiculous.
Adobe is telling me that I have to get rid of my mac thats working fine and buy a new one if I want to use their software. So much for "protect the plannet", "reduce the carbon footprint" and so on. And that kind of policy probably comes from a fancy executive that brags about social responsibility and drives a Tesla.
They have older versions there for sure just, for some reason, dont wanna make the "huge" effort of making it available for download somewhere. Better alienate users or force them to buy new hardware they dont really need. Or let them download from shaddy sites, full of viruses, if theyre desperate.
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I have the same problem... old computer (macbook pro late 2011 with High Sierra), formatted and I can't install ANYTHING.... I opened a support ticket and they gave me the link to download the apps individually..... bizarre!!!
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Adobe Help represative gave me. you can try asking them in contact us icon at the bottom
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I agree with everyone that this is extremely frustrating and ethically questionable. I had no issues using Adobe programmes before, and pay for Creative Cloud services but can now only use some of them. I do not understand why Adobe is punishing people who do not have the resources go buy a new Mac and I'm surprised and disappointed that noone from Adobe has stopped to explain exactly why this is. It seems to be discrimination pure and simple. And Creative Cloud is not cheap. But someone almost always has a workaround. In my case, I need to used Adobe XD.
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Same problem but with PC so I moved to Figma.
Hope more users will punish back Adobe.
Good Luck š
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Yes I ll need go to Figma too
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Adobe bought Figma.
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They tried to by Figma, but was blocked.