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I have a bug in Adobe XD + George font (Envato Elements), fonts weights seem to not apply correctly. Some font weights in this font work fine. But Light, light italic, regular, semi-bold, semi-bold italic are all the same. Normal italic, bold & bold italic works fine..
I've added a video to reproduce this, if someone at Adobe who tries to troubleshoot this needs the font please DM me.
I'm on Windows 10 1903 & Adobe XD 26.0.22. I tested this on a friends Windows PC and it is the same, haven't tested on a mac yet (don't have a mac laying around :P).
It seems like there are many more bugs on the Windows version, maybe there has to go more budget to bugfixing on Windows? When the file is large for example input fields are getting buggy, the program freezes & since the latest update export doesn't always work... Please go and test your software on Windows because I don't pay so much to have such a bad experience on Windows...
Thanks in advance,
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I have converted the font (Exo) from ttf file to > otf. It seemed to help some after deleting the whole font and reinstalling it as otf file format.
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Hi, I just fixed this issue by reading this thread
he just converted all the static fonts format from ttf to otf...
and it worked for me I used this website to convert
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Yes, using otf fonts solved problem.
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I am suffering with the same issue with 232mksd RoundBold and RoundMedium. They appear the same in my Adobe Premiere Pro 2021. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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Having the same issue. Kind of.
Signa OT Book is dispayed as Signa OT Book Italic. Other weights in the family also mess up, not all. Only in XD. Seems like there's a lot of versions of both the problem and work arounds that work in some cases and not in others.
In my case the fonts were already in OTF-format. I tried converting the Book weight to TrueType-format and installed that one. When editing the text it now stills looks wrong, but after the edit is done, it display correctly. So odd.
Realy hoping for a proper fix, Adobe.
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Having the same issue with Roboto Slab. This issue has been around for more than 3 years now. When are you guys going to fix this?
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Hi @thatGabor,
We understand your frustration. I assume you're experiencing the similar issue mentioned here: We've highlighted the reason behind this issue in the correct answer to this post. Please check, and we will make sure to share your feedback with the team.
We are sorry for the inconvenience.